34. Hope You Know What You're Doing

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"Ok team leaders, just make sure you go over the plans with your team once more

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"Ok team leaders, just make sure you go over the plans with your team once more. We'll be leaving to raid the DeLuca main warehouse and hospital in 2 hours." I noted while standing up from my spot at the head of the conference room table.

Looking in the eye of each of my team leaders, they match my threatening face with looks of determination. My men and women know the bombing was a start of war and this raid if done correctly would end the war.

Moving my head to my last team leader- Nikita, stood up, "don't worry Katerina. The mafia hasn't been more in sync for a mission EVER."

Nodding their heads in agreement, the 13 other team leaders around the table started to pack up their belongings and head out the door.

After the last team leader left the room, I was left with Konsy, Eros, and Alina.

Sensing my apprehension, Alina with conviction in her voice said, "this is a great plan baby love. We've been over it literally a hundred times with our mafia."

Picking up Eros continued, " we've all studied the warehouse plans we go in and leave no prisoners. The fact that 39% of their mafia is either dead or hurt from the bombing gives us the advantage going in."

"Getting the chip will be easy peasy lemon squeezy." He finished with a smirk while putting his hands behind his head and leaning back in his swivel chair.

Since hundreds of people from the 1% of the wealthiest people in the world would have attended the ball at the DeLuca manor, the bombing has been a major headline.

Which has been great for us, their mafia already has to deal with their loss of the men. But since the bombing was at the ballroom located in the Deluca manor they've been hounded by local and national authorities.

Even if Enzo had told them we know that it was Italians who bombed The Katya Center. With the nonstop press they haven't had enough time to come up with a retaliation plan.

"Can you two leave please, I just want to have a word with my sister."

Getting up from their table, Eros gave us a small smile, before extending his arm out for Alina to grab.

Pushing his arm out of her way Alina muttered, "he's so lucky we have a mission, or I would shoot him right there."

Once the door shut, I remarked, "you know your girlfriend is very hostile."

"You should see her in bed, god last night she let me fuck her with my gun-."

"Ok please stop," I stammered.

"Right, anyways so we're doing all this to get a chip? "He chuckled.

Alina, Konsy, and Eros were the first people I told the plan to. After talking through a few kinks, we perfected our plan, which is why I'm baffled as to why he's asking stupid ass questions.

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