19. I'll Keep Psycho Blonde Barbie Away From You.

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Hey guys *TW* this chapter does talk about rape ☹

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Hey guys *TW* this chapter does talk about rape

"Ok please, please I'll talk just stop" Coastal begged,

"No," I simply said with a smile.

"What do you mean no, I'll tell you whatever you want just kill me afterwards I can't deal with this anymore."

Looking over at Coastal my smile gets bigger examining my hard work. Over 75% of his skin I had peeled off, then once I was satisfied with the with the peeler, I covered his whole body in salt.

Each pinch of salt on his raw peeled skin ignited more screams that was just music to my ears, like Beethoven himself was orchestrating the agony coming out of his body.

I had just finished dowsing his body with oil and I was now about to light him on fire - just for a few seconds before I put him out.

And that's when the punkass started to cry.

Coastal's bitch baby tears were so loud I didn't even hear Jeffry and Jason walk in with a few of their men.

Putting his hands up in mock surrender, Jeffry calmly walked over to me and said, "umm maybe we should let him talk."

"No, I want to see how his skin looks after I burn it for a few seconds."

"Please don't let that psycho blonde Barbie bitch touch me anymore," Coastal whimpered out.

"Stop asking like a bitch barbie take it like a man, you're a sorry excuse for a mafia boss," I said while picking up the kitchen torch peasant one had graceliusy brought me.


Grabbing my elbow Jeffry stopped me and said, "OK, how about this let us question him and if his answers seem suspicious then you can finish whatever it is you were going to do my little fire starter."

"Fine," looking over at Coastal I tell him " I really hope you fuck up; I've always wanted to burn someone's face."

Tuning around I look over at Jason's men who have faces mixed with pain, disgust and pride.

Walking towards them peasant 1 was the first to bow down to me, and the rest of Jeffry's man followed in suit.

We love when men recognize their queen.

With a small smirk, I continue walking and make my way to the back and watch Jeffry and Jason question Coastal.

"She's not going to come near me anymore, right?" Coastal whispered.

"Just answer the questions and I'll keep the psycho blonde Barbie away from you."

Pulling up a chair, Jason sits down and calmly starts asking questions.

"Why did you sell your daughter."

"She birthed me a male heir, so I didn't need her anymore made a pretty penny off her to." Looking at me dead in my face Coastal said, "mafia princess are worth a lot."

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