22. I'm All In

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All the time I've spent in Enzo's penthouse I've never been in his bathroom oddly enough, but I'm impressed

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All the time I've spent in Enzo's penthouse I've never been in his bathroom oddly enough, but I'm impressed.

He has 2 high end cleansers- an oil based, and a water based one, some toner, a body conditioner, and various body wash, plus he had a nice collection of hair products and serums.

Honestly, the fact that he has shampoo and coniditoner and doesn't have a 4 in 1 shampoo, conditioner, face wash, body wash, is a win all on its own, everything after that is just a bonus.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrap myself in a towel and borrow some of Enzo's products for my skin care, this man has a 20-step face regimen.

Damn I got to step it up.

Making my way to Enzo's closet I put on one of his hoodies and I'm instantly hit with his familiar scent that puts a smile on my face. Walking over to the dresser in his closet I grab one of his boxers and a pair of socks and start making my way to the door.

Heading down the steps, I'm hit with the tantalizing smell of bacon mixed with the sweet smell of french toast. Coming into the kitchen I can't help but admire the view- humming alone to one of Beethoven's classics a shirtless Enzo is chopping away making all the muscles in his back more prominent.

After a few minutes of me basically eye fucking him, Enzo said, "You done staring."

Blushing like a fool, I walked over to Enzo, wrapping my arms around him and burying my head in his back, asking him, "how did you know I was here?"

"Just have good ears I guess, now go back upstairs we're eating in my room." He said while slowly turning around so we were face to face... well face to shoulders.

Looking up at his gorgeous face, I whine out "why, can't we eat now in here."

Bopping my nose, Enzo gives me a look before saying," stop being a brat, and go upstairs for me bambina... please"

"I'm sorry what was that? You trailed off. I didn't hear the end of that."

"Get upstairs little girl," he deadpanned

"Ok ok ok, I'm going don't get your panties in a bunch," I said with a laugh.

Making my way back up to Enzo's room, I head over to the couch in the corner. Plopping down I hear a heavy sign and turn to see Enzo's holding a tray with the smell of the breakfast he made.

"How I'm supposed to treat you to breakfast in bed when you're not in bed."

"Do you eat in bed often? Because I don't like crumbs in the bed."

Raising his eyebrows, Enzo walks over and sets the tray on the side table in front of us.

"You're trying to tell me you never eat in bed?"

"What am I wild animal? Absolutely not"

"Yes, because wild animals fight their way into our homes so they can eat our Lucky Charms in bed."

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