3. To say Bye- Bye

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Present day Russia

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Present day Russia


"Why are you packing sexy lingerie? You just need those cotton granny panties and bras silly" My brother Konstantin yelled from across the room

" Watching me pack my underwear... weird flex but ok" I said while grabbing another handful of my colorful thongs, period panties and gstrings to add to my third suitcase

Oh this is probably weird.. Let me explain my name is Katerina Inavov. I am the only daughter  second and last child of Vald Inavov. My twin brother Konstantin is only 8 mins and he loves to remind me that "those were the best 8 mins of his life". But that is a complete lie. My twin and I are conjoined at the hip. We are each other's best friends, and the fact that I'm about to be on the opposite side of the world for a few months without him has his panties in a bunch.

Rolling his eyes at me Konsy as I love to call him says " Look it's not too late you can just stay here, I'm sure we can hack into NYU records and *BOOM* you'll have your bachelors in business from NYU at the age of 18... an intellect"

"As tempting as that sounds I wanna leave Russia and actually learn about how to run a business" I said while folding some sweaters and cardigans.

" Yes, because you can't learn business first hand here it's not like our father doesn't own 5 mulit billion dollar companies and you could learn from... oh wait he does" Konsy said while getting up off his chair

"Look you and I both know if I were to shadow anyone at dad's company they'll treat me with kid gloves because they'll be scared that if I break a nail I'll complain to daddy and they'll be 6 feet under" pausing to think before saying " And lets be honest dad would kill them for a lot less" I said causing my better half Konsy to starting chuckling.

Oh yah, did I mention that my dad is a mafia boss well he's kinda like THE mafia boss. Vald Inavov is my father and to the outside world he's a big tattooed man who made the right investments at the right time, and like a true rags to riches story he is now the richest man in Russia. To the people of the underworld my dad is known as the second scariest man in the world, and the boss of the Russian mafia.

Unlike most mafia bosses my dad rose to his position by being honest, loyal and straightforward. I know it's a little bit of an oxymoron a ~ honest mafia men, but my dad knows if he gave it up someone else would do it and would probably be corrupt.

But my dad runs the mafia where people know his drugs will always be the best, the guns will be made with no shortcuts, and most importantly no innocents/women/children will be disrespected or killed. People respect my father because he can be trusted, some men operate on pure forms of fear and don't get me wrong my dad CAN be scary. But my dad likes to extend an olive branch of loyalty and good products that most people take and the ones that don't well my dad likes to slaughter their bodies. What can I say, he's still a mafia man.

Coming out of my thoughts I sneak in 5 of my brother's hoodies and I'm ready to hit the road for a fresh start. I'm extremely nervous but my whole life all I've known is rainbows and mafia, and to be honest this lightness is ready for just normal college gal drama and a little sprinkle of non -mafia darkness. Alright its to say bye-bye because New York University I'm coming for you!!!

Woke up this morning to snow... in march it was literally 83 degrees yesterday, the weather changes faster then my underwear I swear.

Anywho the snow inspired a double update, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! I know its a little slow right now but Kat and Enzo will be meeting in 2 chapters and sparks will be flying until then enjoy your day material growls.

xoxo Sam

xoxo Sam

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