41. Pussy in Power

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"You can't force me to go clubbing, and besides I'm still mad at you

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"You can't force me to go clubbing, and besides I'm still mad at you." I sulky said to Jeffry while painting his pinky toe hot pink.

Looking at me dumbstruck Jeffry exclaimed, "the fuck did I do to you?"

"Hello, you and Enzo have been friends for years... you dropped me off at his house and never thought hmmm maybe I should ask her if she knows she's dating the devil?" I asked while pushing his foot away and grabbing the other one to start painting it.

"No, I didn't" he deadpanned.

Shooting him a bewildered look he continued, "look I've never known Enzo to have a girlfriend and I've known him for years. Excuse me for thinking that once he got one he would tell her who he was, especially when his girlfriend is a badass peeling penis's bitch and what now."

"Ok fair enough," pausing to examine my handiwork of the flower I painted on his big toe, I ended with," but I'm still mad at you."

"You sound like my girlfriend now," he muttered.

"Trouble in paradise," I ask with an arched eyebrow.

"Opal is frustrating, demanding, for fucks sakes that women push all of my buttons," he snapped.

But like a flick of switch the pissy look on his face disappeared and was replaced with a look I know all too well. The face you make when you find 'it' -your person, your true love, your home.

"But for whatever reason those things that I hate that I would normally KILL someone for- I don't know why but she just makes me feel alive."

"I don't know how it happened, but one day she dragged me to her happy place- Target and I hate going there. But I loved it and I realized I loved it because I just love spending time with her."

Folding his arms over his chest with a gigantic smile Jeffry chuckled," even if it's listening to her drone on about the difference of a toner versus retinol. I could listen to her talk about anything, I'll do anything with her- I love her."

People often put out the best version of themselves to their partners. And that's all fun and dandy but the second things get rough they showcase their side that was repressed.

And that's when people are forced to see they're not as compatible as I thought they were. Some people just say we grew apart, but I don't believe in that shit.

Some people when they are forced to see the true demons of someone, they just realize they can't handle it and that's ok.

Opal is the sweetest person in the world, but she can be a handful and that's something I've come to love about her. She deserves the world and I'm so thrilled that she found someone that knows who she is, demons and all and still loves her.

"When are you gonna show her your demons?"

"Tell her about the mafia?" He questioned.


" With your blessing I was hoping that the next time I see her I'll be able to tell her. Once I tell her about my little extracurriculars it's not gonna take much for her to realize that you're in the underworld too."

Pushing his now dry painted foot off my lap, I nod my head in agreement. "You have my blessing, I'm actually kind of excited to expand my girl boss underworld squad."

"She's going to be such a hot little mafia wife, she's already queen now she'll have a bunch of peasants on her ass." Jeffry dreamily mattered.

"Did you say wife?"

"I'm not letting that girl go, she's mine," he growled.

I feel like overprotective, and possessiveness is an actual gene that has to be in your body to become a mafia boss.

Konsy is the same way with Alina and that bitch would probably gauge some guy's eye out for even looking at her wrong. He doesn't have to do that whole alpha male I'm going to pee on her and stake my claim.

"The big bad mafia boss ... with pink toes you can't make this shit up," a deep voice spoke from behind.

Turning around I'm met with the sight of Konsy holding hands with Alina.

"Hey, don't knock it to you try, it really makes me feel more put together," Jeffry shrugged.

He really has been spending too much time with Opal.

"You would never ever see me with nail polish on my nails." Konsy grunted while leading Alina to the couch in the corner of my room.

Catching my eyes Alina gave me a little wink. Putting on her best innocent face she asked, "so you wouldn't let me paint your nails."

Watching the color drain from Konsy's face will never get old. No matter how powerful Konsy is, Alina is the one with the real power, he can't say no to her.

Even if he does, she won't put out so he'll cave eventually so might as well just say yes and skip that part.

"Of course, you could paint my nails," he muttered.

And that is how now as we are walking down the steps, I hear Lucca laughing at Enzo for hot pink nail polish on his fingernails.

Pussy in power.

"Look I couldn't say no, you've seen Alina even you can't say no to that face" Enzo said to Hans and Lucca.

Sauntering over to him, Alina whispered something in his ear causing his pale cheeks to turn as red as a candy apple.

Taking my eyes off that scene, I look around the room to find the eyes that I feel burning into my body.

Meeting his eyes, he very slowly gives me an up and down stopping to gape at the high slit on my black midi dress before mouthing "you look beautiful."

And there goes the butterflies.

Fuck this isn't going to end well.

Hey everyone, this was kind of a filler chapter I know BUT I wanted you all to know that Opal is in love and thriving.

Our future American mafia queen love that for her.

OMFG THANK YOU FOR 25K READS lets celebrate with a double update

Thanks for reading.

Xoxo Sam❤️❤️

Xoxo Sam❤️❤️

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