20. Bambina Farella

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"Katerina n-"

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"Katerina n-"

This crazy girl really hung up on me.


Bambina Farella👩‍❤️‍👨 (baby butterfly)
Be there in 30 minutes

I know I should be mad, but I can never be mad when she calls me a butterfly.

Fuck, I'm in too deep.

Walking out of my office, I walked into Lucca's bedroom where he and Matteo were facetiming with my father.

"I believe in you boys," my father said and then ended the call.

"If I knew that all we had to do was take down the Russian's and then your father wouldn't be such a stick in the mud we would have tried it years ago," Lucca said.

"The other day your father smiled at me- I thought he was having a stroke. I ran to Lucca telling him to call the guards in Italy to get your father to a hospital. And then this fucker laughed LAUGHED like I was a comedian and said he was ok said he was simply happy."

Pausing for a few seconds Matteo added, "I want to bomb a fourth building, he might smile with teeth."

They weren't wrong though my dad was thrilled just from the idea of me taking down the Russians. But after doing my research I presented the plan to my father, and you would think this man was shitting rainbows based on how happy he was.

My father has always had this weird obsession with the Russians, and it doesn't help that the Russians are close to overtaking us and becoming the best mafia in the world.

But they'll never be close to being the best once I take them down.

The Italian mafia will go back to how it was the first few months that my dad was in office- number one and near impossible for anyone to beat.

"Oh, also it's confirmed that Tommaso was in fact captured by the Russians," Lucca said with a pissed off look.

"He was?" I say while rubbing my temples.

"Yah stupid prick was showing off like the dumbass he was and got captured... you want the good news with that first or the bad ones," Matteo said while glancing over at me.

"News is news, it doesn't matter to me."

And it doesn't matter to me I mean any "bad news" I get I'm typically able to find the good in it, like when we find a traitor theirs great news in that because I'll get to torture him.

And people call me the devils' son, I don't think Satan is able to see the good in every situation.

"He got a girl pregnant."

"Well shit."

The biggest secret about the Italian mafia is that 99% of our field guys and assassins don't have any family.

The reason being that if they get caught, they'll die without giving away any information.

Mafia men know that once they're captured that they WILL die by their captor's hands, but the more you cooperate the less painful your death is.

Most can take the physical pain, but they can't take the pain they would feel if their family was going to suffer because they couldn't cooperate.

Our men rarely get captured but if they do they die, painfully yes but with honor because they didn't betray the omerta. But men who get captured with a family they typically will break omerta to protect their family.

"If the Russians knew about his child, Tommaso would have ratted us out in a heartbeat, he wouldn't want his child having a mafia after him. Ugh stupid bitch why did he have to get captured. Ok tell me what the chances are they know about his baby?"

Sharing a look between each other Lucca said, "honestly, it's 50/50."

"I don't have time for this, you guys need to go." I said standing up.

"You're kicking us out of our apartment," they said at the same time.

I hate when they do that twin shit.

"No, I'm telling you to leave my penthouse suite that I own. That I just graciously let you stay at from time to time."

"You say stay like we're guests at a hotel, we live here," Lucca deadpanned.

"I wish you were guests here then you would pay," I mutter under my breath.

"Look Katerina-"

"OHHH why didn't you just say that" Matteo said with a dumbass smirk on his face.

"You look constipated when you make that face."


"Listen you wasted enough of my time - leave."


Taking the gun out of my holster, Lucca shuts up and quickly walks out muttering "now that motherfucker isn't going to shoot me again."

"You definitely triggered him; you know he still has to put cream on his shoulder from the last time you shot him."

Waving my gun around, Matteo puts his hands up before saying, "we're going geez, just remember, use protection we don't need any more DeLuca's running around.

Stupid twins.

This chapter was kind of a filler chapter, but it confirms that the Italians specifically Enzo did bomb the Russian warehouse.

You think Enzo will be able to take down the Russian's or something maybe someone changes his plan

Anyways next chapter Kat will be at Enzo's, they may do adult activities they might not. I'm not sure 🤔

Until next time,
xoxo, sam

Until next time,xoxo, sam

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