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Hearing her name being called by me her favorite person- after her mom of course- made the adorable 4-year-old run right over to me, once at my feet she wrapped her little arms around my knees. "I'm ready to go now pops."

"I absolutely hate that she calls me that," Vald mumbled while scoping the cutie away from my legs and into his arms. "You are becoming too Americanized! Remember you're a Russian queen!"

"I am the queen of the Russians," she happily giggled while Vald bopped her nose. Reaching her arms out to me, I can't help but stick my tongue out at Vald, being the favorite is not an easy job, but someone has to have it.

Before snatching my little bombo (bumblebee) I stole a look at her face, I still can't get over how she looks just like Katerina. Besides the same shade of hair, and eyes, her face is almost identical to her. It's like looking in a time machine whenever I see her.

"You ready to go bombo."

"Yes, yes let's go." She chipped. Slightly tightening my grip around her I start to make the long trek to the garden minutes away from the new Inavov mansion, once at the destination I give Katya a quick forehead kiss before putting her down.

"Hi aunty Katerina." She smiles while sitting in front of my farfalla's tombstone.

Looking back up at me, she makes grabby hands towards me, coming down slightly she pulls my arm down- damn this little shit is strong as hell. Is anyone surprised that Alina's and Konsy's daughter has that strength of a grown ass man though?

"Aunt Katerina, look I brought Uncle Zozo! He's been saying for as long as I can remember that he'll come visit you! AND HES HERE NOW!"

I couldn't even go to her funeral, I wanted to, but I couldn't even get out of bed... for weeks.

I was so close- we were so close to leaving the mafia lifestyle behind and riding into the sunset with rainbow sprinkles coming out of our asses. Both of us were robbed from a normal childhood, with us learning to fight and being exposed to the evils of this big bad world at such a young age.

We were going to be normal, well at least try to be anyways.

But those thoughts, the promise of something new and peacefulness crumbled right under my fingertips before I could relish in it.

How could I come say goodbye to her and confirm that our story was over. That Katerina and I, despite how hard we tried, just didn't have the Cosmo's on their side- the Russian mafia princess, and the Italian mafia king? Come on just like those cheesy romance books we were destined for disaster from the start.

So, I stayed home in bed, replaying our TikTok's and getting our pictures wet with my tears that wouldn't stop falling. I would have stayed longer if it weren't for Katya.

Alina wasn't missing after all; she was in hiding. While our mafias were crumbling, and no one knew who to trust she knew the best thing was to hide herself and let us think she was missing. If anyone knew she was pregnant with the Russian heir, she would be public enemy number 1.

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