46. Pure Serendipity

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"You're not going to regret this bambina; I'm going to show you how much you mean to me" is what Enzo said to me 3 days ago and he did good on his words

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"You're not going to regret this bambina; I'm going to show you how much you mean to me" is what Enzo said to me 3 days ago and he did good on his words.

Much to the delight of my father and Konsy we've pretty much been joined at the hip. Starting at 6 am we work out together, which is followed by separate showering and Enzo making me breakfast.

Let me tell you that man can cook, Martha Stewart watch out.

Then he surprised me for lunch and dinner dates, we've been to an art exhibit, museums, mini golfing, the aquarium, and a beach day which ended with fireworks at night. Enzo has treated me like the true princess that I am, and I couldn't be happier that I decided to give him a second chance.

"I'm taking him to that new Tango club Konsy opened, which also happens to be attached to the hotel daddy owns." I tell Alina while trying to pick out lingerie.

Met with silence instead of Alina's opinion I wandered out of my closet to see her staring at the door while sitting on my bed.

"What?" "You don't have anything to say?"

"I just don't get it" she said while moving her eyes from the door towards me with a pain struck look on her face.

Walking over to her, I cock my eyebrows in confusion. "You wanted to kill him a few days ago Katerina, and what? You just decided to give him a free pass because he didn't get enough hugs as a child?"

"I mean it's a little more complicated than that." I mutter before sitting next to her on the bed.

And it is, I mean don't get me wrong I see where she's coming from, I pretty much did a complete 180 on my feelings for Enzo in just a few days.

Turning her body to face me she folds her arms over her chest and just stares at me like I have 5 heads. "It's really not. Look I understand that your brother said you have to play nice, and yes, I agreed with him. But you're immersing yourself back into this relationship like nothing happened, like he didn't break you, and leave you heartbroken."

I won't lie, the past few days I have been completely lost in the Enzo sauce, but I can't help it. Maybe I'm being native, but I honestly believe he wants to be a better leader and person, and I truly think I can help him become that.

"Alina, I did some soul searching and given the circumstances that I was given yes I decided to forgive-"

"You're going to forgive him for killing all those innocent people and almost killing your family? Look I was dealt a shit hand in life too, and I love being as powerful as the next person, but I wouldn't do what he did."

It sounds terrible to say, but the fact of the matter is the killings is something that I just want to move past it. We've talked and talked about it at this point, it's like beating a dead horse. As much as I would like to think I can talk myself out of loving Enzo I can't and the only way I cannot love him is to just not be around him

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