55. Choices

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7 letters, 1 medium sized word has such a huge impact on life.

The thing about choices is their typically neither just good nor just bad. Oftentimes their's good in the bad, and bad in the good.

Enzo DeLuca was given a dilemma and he had to choose- he had to make a choice.

On paper the choice seems easy.

If you were forced to pick between two people - one who only takes from you, and brings out the worst in you for their gain. Or the person who accepts you despite all that you have taken and brings out the best in you- who would you choose?

The easy choice isn't so easy, when the person who you're supposed to 'leave' behind is the one constant person in your life. The person who stood by your side for everything.

Time after time Enzo Deluca's father dragged him out of burning fires, killed the bad guys that Enzo couldn't see. He was there for him when the one person he loved the most- his nanny Lindsay- in the world abandoned him.

But what Enzo didn't know was that his father - Vinzeco DeLuca was the masked man to push him in the fires, he brought those bad guys in to ambush him.

And the worst one of all, making a once bright eyes bubbly woman going insane. How did he do that?
Well I'll tell you

Despite being a product of rape, Enzo's mother didn't sircum to Vinzeco 's threats of killing her baby.

Her baby was the only thing that kept her moving in the house of horrors' that was the base of the Italian mafia.

With plans of fleeting, she worked until she couldn't work anymore pocketing as much as she could so before the birth she could run away with her child and have a fresh start.

Unbeknownst to her Vinzeco has eyes and ears everywhere. He already knew about her plans, and once she was eight months, he had kidnapped the women.

Chaining her to a bedpost in a guest room, she was treated as well as she could be as a prisoner- until she was ready to give birth.

Seconds after Enzo Deluca was born, he was ripped out of the hands of his mother. Tthe screams heard from both mom and son were heard all throughout the residence.

And as Enzo was taken to the maid's suite, and his mother to the basement the screams only got louder and longer as time went on.

Having enough of his son's screams, 6 months after Enzo was born his father went downstairs to meet the beat and battered women who had birthed his child. "Get her cleaned bring her to my office, and you bring the kid." he shouted

One hour later a screaming Enzo was brought into his father's office, causing all the workers to roll their eyes.

A now clean looking woman walked in with his handcuffs, "you try anything i'll kill him then I kill you," Vinzeco said to Enzo's mom.

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