63. Why

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Coming out of whatever drug haze I was under I was met with the sight of my twin brother sitting on a 1-inch pure foam mattress staring at me

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Coming out of whatever drug haze I was under I was met with the sight of my twin brother sitting on a 1-inch pure foam mattress staring at me.

After the shock of seeing him wore off and a hug session. He quickly giving me the last bit of some warm water that was left from a water bottle, he explained to me what happened.

The roller coaster of emotions I went through was enough to make me want to collapse again.

Rage. That I let him trick me, I fell for his charm like an idiot- and he tricked me.

Pride. Eros did everything he could possibly do including sacrificing himself so that Alina and Konsy could make it out of the ball alive.

Sadness. That Eros, someone who I considered to be my big brother is gone. He's dead and gone and I'll never get to hear his crude jokes again.

Animosity. That my men & women went into a war, and they did win. But that was a false sense of security has they saw their life end with just one big boom

Annoyance. That Alina is somewhere getting fatter eating peanut butter cups while my niece or nephew is growing in her

Resentment. Konsy's soulmate is pregnant- or could have possibly already had the baby since I have no idea how long I've been down here, and he doesn't even know.

"So, every day that you woke up you used a rock to write a small slash on the concrete wall?" I inquired about the different things Konsy said he had done to avoid going stir crazy and of course to keep track of time.

"Yes, that's how I knew I've been down here for 4 months, but I don't know how long I was in a coma before they dropped me down here." He said while lightly laying his head on that foam mattress.

Him and I were prisoners, kidnapped prisoners- no questions about that.

But we weren't locked up in a cell that's surrounded by dirt, foul mouthed men, and the lovely smell of blood mixed with sweat, urine and feces.

The 2 of us were trapped in a large chrome cage, the tip of it went all the way to the top of the high ceiling. One side was a concrete wall then there connected to the wall were the chrome bars.

The chrome bars were similar to the ones of a normal cage just on a bigger scale, so we still had the privilege of being able to look around.

In the cage was the little foam mattress, a now empty plastic bottle, some wheat thins, and a bible.

The air itself smelled of fresh chlorine, lemon, and just plain clean & fresh.

Konsy has explained to me that he gets 2 decent meals each day. Also that someone had been in the cage 3 separate times just to cut his hair.

Talk about kidnappers with class.

If I didn't know any better, I would say they plan on keeping us down here forever.

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