33. Its A Dangerous Game

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" A concerned looking Alina questioned me

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" A concerned looking Alina questioned me.

Running my fingers over the steering wheel of our rental, I meet her questioning eyes, and reply, "I haven't been surer of anything in my life."

And I wasn't being overdramatic, any doubts that I had about my plan were long gone, especially as the number of deaths, especially from our own mafia, were going up every day.

Which was only fueling my fire to finally take down the Italian mafia.

"See you say that, but I question it because if that was the case you would've already told your brother about Enzo. And you know the fact that we're going after your ex/ current boyfriend who also happens to be running the Italian mafia."

"Oh yeah I guess technically he still is my boyfriend." I say in a questioning tone.

"That's what you focus on from my little spiel."

The past few days I've tried to tell Konsy about Enzo, but I just don't know how to. Every time I start, I just freeze up and the words refuse to come out.

Honestly, I think I'm just embarrassed. My father and brother after seeing how well I was at dealing with the underworld really wanted me to take over the mafia. But I told them I wanna graduate, stick to the legal side of business, and just live a happy normal nonviolent life.

Yet I let myself become vulnerable to a literal demon. I made my home, my safe place, my sanctuary with the very thing I've desperately wanted to avoid.

Telling my brother saying the words to him just puts everything in perspective and I guess I'm just not ready to face the music yet.

"I'll tell him, I promise I just need a little time."

Once we have finally killed Enzo, I'll let Konsy. Hey, I fell in love with the person who put you in coma BUT don't worry I killed him *hugs*.

"Katerina, Von said Lucca and his circle are still at the bar, I know you wanted to wait till they were in the house. But we need to drop the bombs now, if we wait any longer, we risk hurting other mafias." Eros' voice rang in my ear through our comm piece.

Ugh I was really hoping that Luca and Enzo would be there. Since they're not, Alina and I are going to have to go with phase 2 of our plan tonight.

Which honestly will be fun, Alina and I haven't done a duo mission together in months.

Lifting my arm to press the speak button on my earpiece, Alina grabs my hand midair.

"Hey if you wanted to change your mind, no one would judge you."

The Russian mafia was split on my decision to go in guns blazing and bomb the Italians. In a normal situation the idea alone wouldn't have entered our brains.

We would never go through with a plan where too many innocents would be lost.

But this was a different situation and call it vengeance, but our people just didn't want to be the bigger person in this case.

Since our mafia was conflicted Alina is absolutely right if I were to tell everyone to stop, they would understand.

This decision, this choice I made, wasn't easy.
But I can't go back now. We lost too many already.

Pushing her hand away, I press the button, "Team leaders, start your mission. Remember once you've set off your bomb you leave ASAP."

Alina and I were parked a few miles down away from the Deluca mansion. But we still had a first-class seat to see the mansion go up in flames.

And just like that in less than 5 minutes the strongest, biggest, most feared mafia in the world was astronomically setback. Although Enzo, Lucca and potentially Vinzeco weren't in the bombing, there people were.

Does this make me just as bad as him because amongst the rubble I do know for a fact that I did just kill hundreds of 'innocent' people.

But if you work at the hands of a mafia, are you truly innocent?

I don't know.

But what I do know is that it's an eye for an eye, it's a dangerous game.

And in this game I won't stop till I come out on top.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter lovelies :)

Eating pineapple pizza as I'm writing this and I just want to say pineapple is a top tier topping.

Eating pineapple pizza as I'm writing this and I just want to say pineapple is a top tier topping

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