53. Make Even Barney Go Mad

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    In case you forget this pov is of Enzo "father" and I use that term loosely

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In case you forget this pov is of Enzo "father" and I use that term loosely

"I don't care if he bought her a house, don't you worry I'll make sure he fulfills his destiny, and even if he doesn't want to I'm about to go dig out a well hidden secret that's going to back him in a corner."

"Alright then I have faith," the voice said before hanging up the phone.

Walking down the familiar steps of my Spanish warehouse, I take in all the men and women who thought that they could get one over the Italian mafia- fucktards.

The Italian mafia is my baby, and there's no one and nothing I put before it, or will demolish its legacy.

"My king, what are you doing here," one of Coastal's men says.

"I'm seeing prisoner 098." The blood from this man's face completely leaves and he turns as white as a ghost.

"But sir um NO I mean she's – not" clearing his throat and hopefully finding some confidence he continued. "My apologies sir, she's um under strict instructions, no visitors, and 1 meal every 3 days."

"Yes, I know, I made that request now move,"

He side eyes the guard next to him, sending a message for backup but that request was denied as the guard continued to look straight.

"I don't have time for this shit." Taking out my revolver from my waistband I put a bullet right in between his eyes

"Now as I was saying," I sneered while putting my gun in between the eyes of the guard who had just abandoned the now dead guard.

"Yes sir, prisoner 098 let me lead you to her," Waving him off I grunted, "No I'll go alone I know where she is."

Putting in the passcode the doors open, and I'm met with the stench of blood, urine, shit and fear. Every single fucker in here is absolutely scared shitless of me and it makes me feel alive.

The fact that I can cause so much distress just from walking into a room, truly empathizes the power I have.

Reaching the end of the cells I'm met with the sight of her. Meeting her once joyous eyes it's hard to imagine them in that state as they now look cold and dim.

Not much of surprise though being down here for over decade the only visitors being the men who bring you food, and mice would make even Barney go mad.

Eyeing her up and down I can't even believe it but even covered in dirt, underweight from being malnourished, and wearing a tattered-up shirt she's still the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen.

"Wondering what I'm doing here, huh?" I question while taking in her surprised face. "I thought I would drop by and tell you Enzo Deluca is finally going to be the greatest mafia don the world has seen."

Her lifeless eyes took on a sadden look, "what you thought those few years with you would change his fate? Well, you're almost right he thinks he's about to back out, abandon my mafia MY legacy. But he's surely mistaken, I worked way too hard."

"And I swear to Lucifer himself, if he thinks he can back out and ruin all the work I invested in him- I'll kill him myself." I sneered.

"You better hope he doesn't follow his heart, falling in love with that blonde Russian." I spat.

Leaning on the wall of the basement, I smirk, "Let me tell you my plans for the mafia ball." Chuckling as I think about it, "spoiler if he makes the wrong choice, one plan ends with me killing that blond twat in front of him and then himself."

"Or maybe if I kill him, I can bring him down here so you two can bond," I muse.

"Regardless, pray to whoever and whatever God you believe in that Enzo makes the right choice or I'll put a bullet right through our son's head.

😢 I actually hated writing this chapter 😕

Who do we think Enzo's dad was on the phone with?

Who's the her? Who also happens to be Enzo's father?

And it looks like the Deluca son and father duo might just have a good old fashioned dual😭

Again thank you so much for 50k reads this is insane ilysmmmm have a great day/night

I'll see you on Monday! Same spot ❤️

I'll see you on Monday! Same spot ❤️

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