Chapter 17

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My boss, who I learned was named Glen, locked up the bar

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My boss, who I learned was named Glen, locked up the bar. The moon was high in the sky by now and the streets were empty.

"Here's your pay. I had to cut some out because of that mess you caused earlier. Be back here again tomorrow night." he said before walking away into the shadows of the city.

Well, I guess I'm hired. It was a long day. I smell like those yucky drinks and men kept touching my shoulders and arms. One even accidentally touched my butt. It made me uncomfortable but they seemed nice always smiling at me and complimenting me. So I didn't want to complain and get fired for nothing.

Looking at the money I smiled. I had enough to buy shoes and maybe some food! But it's too late now. I'll need to shop tomorrow before work.

Now I just need to walk back to school. A long walk back...

Trying not to think about how the woods are pitch black, I keep one foot in front of the other following the grass train until it ends and following the massive tree that holds my school that I can see through the breaks in leaves every once in a while.

I used as many butterflies as possible to light the area around me so I can see, and out of fear of the woods. I try my best not to think of the creature I saw in the woods a while ago.

It wasn't real. I totally imagine it out of exhaustion.

Ignoring every rustle of leaves or snapping of twigs I finally break through the forest and come up on my school.

Walking up the stairs hurts my body. After working for hours, walking a total of 30miles, and falling on my knees earlier, my body screams to me how tired it is.

Just a little further I keep telling my body. I can do it.

Once I reach the top of the steps I start for the teleporter. Nearly there I stop in my tracks when I hear a voice.


Oh. It's Abyss. Should I ignore him? Pretend I didn't hear him? No, that's rude.

So I slowly turn around keeping my gaze cast down on the floor. I see his black dress shoes appear in front of me.

"Where have you been? I was trying to see you today but you were nowhere to be found. I even went to the Light Citadel. They didn't even have you assigned to a room there."

That's weird. I do have a room there. The best room actually. Maybe they don't call it a room, maybe it's called a suite or something.

To answer his question I just point to the forest.

"You were in the woods all day?" he asks in disbelief.

I shake my head and wave my hand over to the forest repeatedly showing I was further than the forest, the city.

"Uh. Deep in the forest? No. Okay, Ummm, The city!" he guesses

I just nod. I have yet to make eye contact with him. The other day he was so mean I'm not sure if he's still mad at me or not.

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