Chapter 31

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Erebus's POV:

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Erebus's POV:

I could feel my breathing pick up. I was just so goddamn angry. How dare this fucking Dybbuk latch on to my Gianna.

After all she's been through.

Shit- it all makes sense now.

She was so skinny and timid when I first saw her.

This monster didn't take care of her.

I wanna rip its head off for hurting her.


I look down and I can see Gianna is nervous. She knows I'm upset. I can see her fidgeting on that bitchs lap.

If I kill, or even hurt her "mother" right now, she'll hate me.

I can't. I can't have her hate me. I need her.

I just need to make sure I don't leave these two alone. I can protect Gianna if I'm with her. And then- maybe when we get back to school, I'll pay her "mother" a visit.

She'll have a little accident. Gianna will mourn of course. She'll be devastated. But I'll be there. And it's for the best.

However, god the thought of tears running down her little face jerks at my heart, just thinking about it. Urg.

I'm stuck. I don't know what to do.

I'm fucking Erebus, the first god, creature, the first anything and here I am, unable to do anything to fix this situation.

I aggressively stuck my hand out towards the green eyed Dybbuk

"It's nice to meet you. Your name is?" I tried to keep my hatred out of my tone. My hand hung in the air as the mother stared at me blinking.

"U-uhm. My name's Dybbie. Gianna, I didn't think you'd go off to school just to come home with some boyfriend" Her gaze sharply cut to Gianna. My hand fell seeing as she wasn't going to shake it, smart. 

Gia shrunk back at the sneer her mother gave her. I bawled my fists to draw my rage at something else.

"I-I-I. H-he's n-not my b-boyfriend! He's m-my friend-d." Gianna tried to explain.

No, I am her boyfriend. I just haven't told her yet.

"Do you expect me to believe that? He traveled all this way just because he's your friend? Are you staying with him? Did he buy you that silly little outfit?"

"Alright..." I didn't stop my instinct to grab Gianna out of the dybbuks hold. I cradled her in my arms where she belonged.

"You don't have to be a bitch." I said harshly, glaring down at the woman.

"A-Abel. That's n-not nice-e." Gianna whispered to me. But the way she was playing with the hair on the back of my neck told me she, too, was uncomfortable with what her mom said.

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