Chapter 6

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(Dark Fortress^^)

(Dark Fortress^^)

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Abyss's POV:

I walk around the near empty halls smoking a cigarette as I watch it's embers glow to life with the death of my lungs. If my lungs could really die.

The smoke mixes with my own trailing behind me like a confused shadow. It looks like I'm on fire at all times, but there is no light, only darkness in the smokey mist that rolls of me.


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This school is old. Old enough for me to have been through it 2 or 3 times in previous lives. It's almost a requirement for those mythical creatures that can afford to attend. It's quality education, but being through it before, it's dull to say the least.

I am known here. Everyone calls my Abyss because of the empty darkness I create. But that is not my name, no one ever remembers me, but I don't care to be remembered anymore. The attention Doesn't matter to me anymore.

I am Erebus, the first creation of Chaos. Many stories say Gaia was the first. But it's because everyone thinks of darkness as nothing.

Many see darkness as the absence of light. But they do not know. It is me that crawls through the skies blanketing it all in darkness, it is me who allowed the sun to shine again.

I bathe people in cooling shadows, and silence. But they do not think of it.

I have long stopped caring about being praised as a god, let alone the first. I found I like the silence that I can only find within myself.

It get's lonely. But I have forever to find companionship. I wasn't always alone. Nyx the goddess of night, she was my first love. We dated millenia's but it has been ended since she toyed with my brother.

Nyx begged Gaia to make her a warrior, a protector. Gaia did just that. She created my brother Kalona. My brother fell deeply in love with Nyx despite my relationship with her. After centuries i guess he snapped. He was then banished from this land of Chaos.

I will not forgive Nyx for using my brothers love for her as leverage to get what she wanted. I am not upset at my brother for his feelings for Nyx anymore. She enchanted anyman, mortal or otherwise.

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