Chaper 42

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Erebus POV:

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Erebus POV:

When Gianna agreed to sleep next to me last night I was relieved. She's been pushing me away the whole time we have been in the primordial realm. Every time she distances herself I feel like my heart is being squeezed. A feeling I forgot existed until Gia.

I got to experience holding her in my arms. Feeling like I can take care of her, and protect her. Even though she doesn't need it.

Gods if her new body didn't feel good in my hands. I couldn't help the small squeezes I gave to her thick thighs or soft waist. Gianna has always been breathtaking, however, I much prefer her looking well-fed than starved.

She ran out on me this morning, and I tried not to take it to heart. I tried not following and allowing her space but- I was a sick bastard.

My body aches every time she leaves my embrace. I felt like I was dying the more distance she put between us.

So I followed her, In the shadows. Normally this wouldn't work. All the other primordials can feel when I'm lurking. But Gianna is too new to this. She's overwhelmed and doesn't know how to tune into her surroundings yet.

I took advantage of her naivety. It wouldn't be the first time I've done it. Consequently, I felt like scum of the earth for doing so. Nevertheless, I don't think I'll ever stop.

I followed her through the halls. I was irritated that I couldn't help guide her every time she stopped and took in her surroundings.

After a minute longer her pace changed. It seemed as though she knew exactly where to go. It confused me but I followed anyway. On the way, I realized we were headed towards Nyx's room. Worrying for her safety and curious about this adventure of hers I followed closer.

We stopped right in front of Nyx's "Room". I thought Gianna might leave, but she went right in. I came out of the shadows and stood there in shock.

This wasn't like her at all. I can't help but want to go in there. What does she need to talk to Nyx about? Why didn't she tell me about this? Why didn't she allow me to come?

I wasn't about to go in there. Nyx would know whether I was in the shadows or not. I would just have to wait until Gia comes out.


Gianna was in Nyx's room for a while, so long in fact, that I retired to our room to wait.

I paced our room at the foot of our shared bed. It still smelt like her in here and it drove me mad. The combination of worry and her alluring smell was driving me through the roof.

What the fuck was taking her so long! If she doesn't return soon, I'm going into Nyx's space. I don't care how much it pisses her off. I need my Gia back.

I don't share. I should get all of Gianna's time and attention.

I paused my pacing as I heard soft footsteps approaching the room. I held my breath and waited.

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