Chapter 33

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Third POV:

It had been a few weeks since winter break. The wound over Gianna's eye has closed. luckily whatever sliced her missed her eye.

However the scar is still pink and risen, everytime Erebus see's it he can't help but feel guilty.

If only he wasn't so naive to leave her with that bitch.

Gianna has no memory of the incident. Erebus is grateful she doesn't remember but also concerned.

Did Gia block out the memories because of stress? Trauma? Does she have brain damage? Was a spell cast to make her forget?

He wasn't sure but he was worried even though Gianna was currently skipping around his dorm seemingly unbothered. She was also happy she missed a few weeks of school because of the incident.

Gianna will be returning to school the following day. She was both excited and sad. She couldn't wait for new classes and being out and about. But she was sad she didn't get to be with Abyss 24/7.

Over the past few weeks Gianna's crush on Abyss grew. Now everytime she looked at him her cheeks would blush and the elephants would stomp in her belly. She got to spend all of her time in his fancy big dorm! Gianna decided to be selfish and enjoy the luxury of being with Abyss in his room instead of alone in her smaller dorm.

But alas the day was ending and Gianna knew what she would have to do. Pack up and go back to her dorm, and attend classes the following day.


Just after dinner, Gianna went off to Abysses room to gather her things .

After Erebus was done washing the dishes he decided to see where Gianna was running off to. She had been a little trouble maker, her and that little rascal of a pet Gully. Who hasn't left her side since she returned.

Not seeing Gia in any of the Common areas Erebus headed to his room stopping in his tracks when he came across his little Angel moving about the room, picking her things up and packing them into her bag.

"Gia, what are you doing?" He asked, confused and slightly hurt.

"Oh. I uhm, I-I'm packing my t-things..." she trailed off.

"Why?" He was now upset. Fuck no was he letting her leave. He was never letting her out of his sight again.

"I h-have to go back-k to sc-school tomorrow." She responded, fiddling with her fingers.



"You heard me. I'm not letting you leave. You are to stay with me, so I can keep my eyes on you."

"That's n-not fair! I've s-stayed l-long enough. I don't-t need you t-to watch me. I'm an-n adult!

"I don't care if it's not fair to you Gianna! Last time I left you alone, trusted you, you got hurt!" Erebus waved his hand towards her eye. Getting closer to her with every word.

Erebus now towered over Gianna. His face scrunched in anger, glaring down at the small girl who withered under his stare.

Gianna felt a slash to her heart.

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