Chapter 43

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Unedited. How many times can I apologize for going ghost until it means nothing?😅🤍

 How many times can I apologize for going ghost until it means nothing?😅🤍

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Gianna's POV:

The air was cold and thick with age. It smelled like this place hadn't had a fresh breeze in centuries.

I uncurled myself from Erebus so I could peek around at our surroundings. The dark, rocky ground was damp with mist, the trees lacked leaves and there wasn't a breeze to be felt.

Despite that, I still shivered. Even with the mist covering us, it felt as though we were being watched from every direction.

I turned to Erebus to tell him but he flashed me a look telling me he felt the same thing. I got the sense that he didn't want me to speak so I kept my mouth shut.

We followed Nyx through the rocky terrain. Every once in a while through the mist, I'd catch sight of a dark eerie castle, one which I wasn't looking forward to entering.

As we neared, the feeling of being watched grew stronger to the point that goosebumps rose on my skin.

"Welcome, Nyx, Erebus, and-" I spun around to see a beautiful dark-haired woman, she was smiling at me, the glint in her eye made me step closer to Abyss, an action in which she seemed to find pleasure.

"- Gianna. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Her bright white teeth showed as she looked us over. Something told me she already knew why we were here.

"Let us in Lakia, we have no patients for games." Nyx bit out.

Lakia's face fell into a grimly, hollow look before she turned and walked in the direction of the castle.

Confused, I followed Nyx and Erebus' lead and started after her.


Somehow the castle was creepier than outside. It smelt like mildew and the walls bled water like a natural creek.

I stuck close to Erebus holding his hand tightly. I tried not to show my fear and discomfort, although I'm sure Lakia could tell anyway.

She sashayed in front of us not appearing affected by the cold temperature or the odd steps we had to make to avoid the cracks in the stone.

We passed rooms with massive statues, so large I couldn't see the top of their heads. However, it felt like their eyes followed us as we moved. Adding to the feelings of being watched.

Lakia slowed her pace as we entered what appeared to be a dining room of sorts. Before I could take in its details my attention was drawn to the bright red hair sitting at the table.

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