"Actually it's Aleksander. Nice to meet you." He spoke up quickly, doing his very best to offer a smile. America took his hand and shook it, but cocked his head to one side still. "Alexander?"

"No, like- Aleksándr." He tried again, enunciating it clearer. He shook his head after a while once he got the idea that they'd be here forever if he kept trying to correct him. "You can call me Russia."

"Ah, embraced the new name quickly, huh." America said, flashing him a tiny, closed-lip smile as well. He nodded politely. "Well, you can hang your jacket and hat over at the coat racks, feel free to mingle around and get to know some new people. Oh, and Russia-"

His hand pressed against his shoulder, squeezing in perhaps an act of comfort. "Sorry for your loss. You've been very strong to deal with it." Russia paused in motion for a couple of seconds before nodding again, keeping his mouth shut.

America nodded back at him and gave him the glass of brown liquor before walking away to talk to more people. He hadn't planned on drinking tonight, although seeing the displays of various bottles of vodka in the bar was tempting his curiosity. He wasn't going to touch the drink America gave him though. He was well trained enough to suspect poison in every drink handed to him.

Talk to a few people first at least. Then you'll have an alibi that you were actually here.

Russia huffed to himself and walked towards the crowd, holding the glass in hand to keep up appearances. There were a few people he knew, China, Cuba, and the Japanese twins, one who looked much older now compared to the last time he saw them. Hayato waved at him while his youthful countryhuman sister stood up to bow in greeting, flashing him a bright grin.

He didn't see any of his siblings. Luckily. He wasn't sure how he himself would reacted. The funeral was awkward enough, and when they were made to stand close to each other when the empty coffin was lowered into the hole in the ground, he'd wanted nothing more than just disappear.

Or at least, get a bottle of vodka and chug it. Russia huffed again, unzipped his jacket and tugging the fur trimming away from his neck, starting to feel a bit warm now. He didn't want to take it or his ushanka off though, without him realizing they'd become a sort of comfort for himself over the years. A reassurance.

The room was big enough for him to go unnoticed for a while. When he decided he had done enough socializing for the night, he'd slunk away into the shadows, spying from a corner, another skill that he learnt and now served him well. Ice blue eyes flickered across the room, observing silently without being seen himself.

And that's when he finally noticed him. The last time he saw him was 1990. When he reunified.

Germany sat alone at one of the couches around a table, staring off in a sort of daze. He hadn't changed much, he still looked awfully a lot like East. Although, technically West was identical to him too other than the flag, so- it was kind of expected?

A mop of black hair was combed neatly over his head. A pair of rectangle glasses sat on top of his nose. East didn't have glasses. He was dressed in a slightly ruffled black sweater and jeans. He suddenly pulled those glasses off his nose and pressed his face into his hands, he was crying.

Russia wasn't quite sure why his immediate reaction was to stand up and walk over to him, suddenly realizing his impulsiveness until he was already right in front of him.

"Don't cry-" He blurted out, tightening his grip on the dumb glass of liquor still in his hand. Germany yanked his face away from his hands quickly with a hardly disguised sniffle, frantically rubbing at his cheeks with the corner of his long sleeve.

"I'm not. I'm not, I promise." He said, swallowing thickly. He sounded nothing like East, he spoke English with a sure fluency, without a trace of an accent. 

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