Reactions & Investigations-Ron's First Instinct Is To Fight

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Severus stood up instantly.
"Absolutely not! You must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to let my son participate in the Tournament." Lucius had already lunged over the table and was heading for the Goblet.
"Severus, send a patronus to Cissy that I will need to be bailed out of Azkaban." Lucius put his foot on the Goblet and kicked it over. It hit the ground with a loud bang, making many students jump. He took his wand out and started carving runes on the ancient artifact.
"Lord Malfoy! What are you doing?" Minerva cried out in shock.
"I'm breaking through the enchantments on this crusty cup so my poor boy won't be held accountable by a ridiculous magical contract that he didn't even sign up for!" There was a hush before Karkaroff said "are you sure the boy didn't have an older student put his name in?" Severus took out his wand and aimed it at the despicable man.
"Say that again! I dare you." He flinched back and held his hands up.
"I mean no insult!" Severus sent a patronus to Cissy and Sirius. His partner was going to tear the school down around them.
"For Merlin's sake Lucy, it's red before blue!" Andromeda was trying to help the blonde man break the enchantments but both of them were rubbish at it. He shared a look with Remus and they both got up.
"Gentlemen! I know you're upset but you can't destroy a magical artifact." Dumbledore said, his eyes missing their usual twinkle. Severus didn't buy it for a second. He knew the old man was plotting something.
"Now Harry, if you'll come up here?" All of the children looked around and Severus realized he hadn't seen his son or godson this evening.
"Harry?" The Headmaster tried again.
"Harry isn't here! Maybe if you kept track of all of the students, you would know that. Sir." Miss. Granger was writing on a sheet of paper, her pen scribbling frantically.
"Miss. Granger, I don't know what's gotten into you but you need to respect your elders! A week of detention." Albus said firmly and the girl didn't even respond. She just handed Remus her paper.
"This is the algorithm to break the wards on the cup!"
"Thirty points to Gryffindor, dear! How terrifying you are." Filius called out. Dumbledore swished his wand and a line appeared around the Goblet, forcing everyone to back up.
"We can not change the Goblet's decision! Harry Potter must compete or he will forfeit his magic."
"Oh really? You must be barking mad if you think any of that is going to happen." The two Black cousins weaved through the tables and everyone flinched away from them. Sirius's eyes were dark and feral as he stared at Albus with Narcissa looking just as dangerous. Madness had come to Hogwarts and Dumbledore better run.


Draco was carrying him on his back and Harry felt content. They had a wonderful evening and he couldn't wait to tell Hermione and Neville about it. Ever since they relaxed in the prefect's bathroom, the three of them had started a weekly get together. They would gossip and do something fun. Harry had picked baking for this week's meeting. They were going to make pie and he was itching to try out the recipe he had gotten from Kreature.
"Oh lads, there you are! It's going to hell in a handbasket in the Great Hall!" Bloody Baron said, his chains clinking as he drifted in front of them.
"So?" Draco said.
"They're fighting over your paramour." Draco stiffened before thanking the Baron and striding towards the Great Hall.
"I wonder why they'd be fighting about me?" Maybe the Professors found out they snuck out? He hoped not. Sirius would go ballistic! Draco pushed the doors open and immediately ducked down as spells flew by them. Papa Sirius and Mummy Malfoy were dueling the Headmaster! Sirius was slashing his wand through the air and dodging spells while Mummy was running on top of the tables. The Headmaster was holding his own pretty well as he frowned at the two Blacks.
"Pst Malfoy! You might want to get out of here!" A random Gryffindor student hissed at them. Before they could leave, the Headmaster's eyes fell upon them.
"Ah! Mr. Potter, we've been looking for you." His lack of focus caused Sirius to reach forward and break his nose.
"What's going on?" Draco demanded and gripped his thighs tighter, prepared to make a run for it.
"Perhaps we could all talk this out like adults?" Professor McGonagall asked and the HFC stood up.
"We hope you don't mind if we join you! As part of Draco's minions, we take Harry's safety very seriously!" Neville said firmly with his shoulders pushed back. The Headmaster had finally stopped his nose from bleeding and let Professor Flitwick set it.
"Yes, let's." Father Severus said, his arm wrapped around Papa. Everyone seemed very upset and Harry had no clue what was going on. After a rather lengthy talk, Harry sat back.
"No thank you." Draco had been restrained and silenced. Harry could tell that he was shouting through the spell.
"Mr. Potter, you must compete or you will lose your magic." Harry gave a shrug and said "okay." All of the Professors stared at him.
"Mr. Potter, you won't be able to perform magic." Fleur's Headmistress said slowly, like he was an idiot.
"I know what it means. I didn't know magic was real until I was eleven. I doubt it will be that big of an adjustment."
"You what?" Professor McGonagall looked furious and Harry scooted closer to Draco.
"Mr. Potter, if you lose your magic, you will not be able to bond with the Malfoy Heir. Bonding is a gift from magic as it intertwines two souls. Without magic, nothing will happen." Viktor's Headmaster said and Draco managed to break the spells on him.
"Don't listen to them Harry! Everyone knows Karkoroff is a traitor. We'll find a way to break the contract and allow for you to keep your magic!" He announced to the whole room. Instantly everyone was shouting and it looked like Papa was about to start dueling again. Harry sighed before getting up and using the floo. He stuck his head through.
"Hi Madame Bones!" She stood up from her desk and crouched down.
"Well hello, Harry! What can I help you with?" He sighed again before explaining what happened. Her face looked like it was set in stone before she called in two other aurors. He pulled his head out and let Madame Bones step through the floo with her backup.
"What would you like to do, dear?"
"I'll participate in the Tournament but I want to know who entered my name."


Ron scowled as he heard the students whisper. He couldn't believe it! Harry was in the Tournament! It wasn't fair!
"I bet Potter had an older student enter his name! He's already the Boy-Who-Lived but he wanted more recognition!" Ron stormed towards the older Ravenclaw and slammed the loudmouth against the wall.
"Do you think that's funny? Harry could die and they're making him compete against people three years older than him! Why in Merlin's pants would he enter his own name? I thought Ravenclaw's were supposed to be smart! I guess even the Hat can make mistakes." He felt someone touch his shoulder and whipped his head around.
"Would you like me to get the other one?" Fleur motioned to the other boy's friend who was slowly trying to inch away. He froze when he saw their eyes on him before sprinting down the hall.
"It's fine. You better watch your mouth." He spat angrily at the boy before letting him go. The school had been abuzz with rumors and Ron was sick of it. His friend was being forced to do something against his will and he couldn't help him. Harry needed him and he couldn't do anything! He curled his hands into fists and tried to take some steady breaths.
"It's okay, Ron. We've all agreed to watch out for Harry. We won't let anything happen to him." Fleur said softly as she patted him back.
"Why is it always Harry?" His voice broke and she hugged him tightly.
"How about we go see him? I heard from pater that all of his parents are staying at the castle until the Tournament is over. Apparently Lord Black is helping with the investigation." She kept talking and he felt some of his rage fade away. Fleur could always make him feel better. They wandered down the hall before he knocked on the Hufflepuff entrance. Tonks poked her head out and gasped.
"Ronnie! Where have you been? We've missed you." Her hair turned bright red as she hugged him and dragged him into the common room with Fleur trailing after them. All of the Hufflepuffs were surrounding Harry as they shouted out encouragements.
"We think you and Cedric should just play at the same time! They can add your points together and then you'd both win!" Ernie said and Cedric nodded enthusiastically.
"I would appreciate it if you held my hand the whole time, Harry. I am absolutely terrified!" Cedric buried deeper into Tonks lap and she snickered. Harry noticed him and grinned.
"Ron! There you are!" Ron scooped him up and ruffled his hair.
"Say the word, Harry and I'll murder the Headmaster. He seems to be adamant that you participate." The Hufflepuffs offered to be his alibi and Harry laughed.
"It'll be okay, Ron! I'm happy that you're here with me. I was afraid everyone would think I cheated." Ron glared around the room.
"If anyone bothers you, let me know. Herm is itching to knock some heads together."


Draco was seething as he paced the room. Hogwarts was supposed to be safe! Harry was supposed to be safe! He turned and started slamming his fists into the punching bag hanging from the ceiling. He had Dobby set up a workout room and he had been in here for hours. The Hufflepuffs had rallied around Harry and he had to take a step back. He had never been angrier in his life. He didn't know who put Harry's name in the Goblet but once he found out, he would make them pay. He felt eyes on him and turned to find Harry leaning against the door.
"It's late." Harry walked across the room and wrapped his arms around him. He let his head fall on the shorter boy's shoulder and sighed.
"Let me shower and then I'll come to bed."
He dried his hair and padded towards their bed. They were staying in the Slytherin dorms and his roommates had made themselves scarce. Harry was bundled underneath the blanket.
"I'm afraid for you." He admitted and Harry kissed his nose.
"I'm afraid for Cedric. I thought he was going to faint." Draco held Harry's face in his hands.
"Promise me. I don't care if you stab every other Champion in the back. Cheat, steal, lie. Promise me you'll survive, no matter what." Harry gave him a slow smile.
"You're making me want to win, lovely." He frowned.
"I'm serious, Harry. If anything happened to you, I would be right behind. I will not live in a world without you."
"I promise. I'll do anything to survive." He let out a sigh of relief. He knew Harry was strong so everyone would underestimate him. He would do his best to help his husband come out unscathed.
"Did you know this is the second time Professor Dumbledore's had his nose broken? Tonks told me his brother broke it when they were younger.
She didn't know why." Harry mused out loud.
"Lord Black may be annoying but I've never respected anyone more than him in that moment. I will have to save that memory for our children to view." Speaking of children, he heard a hissing from his side of the bed. He looked down to find Snappy writhing around on the floor as he tried to shake off the underwear he had wrapped around himself. Draco pulled him up with a grunt.
"Son, if you get any bigger, I won't be able to pick you up." Snappy hissed and snuggled between the two of them.
"Ignore daddy, darling. You're just big boned, yes you are."
"Oh Neville has another letter for Snappy." Draco mentioned and Harry lit up.
"How wonderful! We'll have to get all of the children together soon." Draco felt his lips curl into a smile as he watched Harry fall asleep beside him.

Fanboy Draco Malfoy Convinces Harry Potter to Marry Him!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon