School Board Meeting-Weasley/Granger Inspire Fear in the Hearts of Everyone

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Hermione Granger was always too smart. She was quick to learn and quicker to understand. She never fit in quite right. Until she met her friends. They didn't care that she went on rants about subjects that interested her or that she would read for hours without saying a word. They accepted her for who she was. That was the reason she was going to utterly crush Dumbledore today. The school board usually met on Tuesdays but they had graciously moved their meeting to Saturday for her grand presentation. Pansy had braided her hair so it would stay out of her face and Daphne had lent her some traditional dress robes. She had her parents print out transcripts from muggle trials to get a feel of how she should proceed. She looked at Percy and saw that he looked practically feral. The third year had a grudge against the Headmaster for the Pettigrew incident. There was no way an unregistered animagus should have been able to get past the wards. So either the wards were failing or the Headmaster had ignored it. Both were absolutely criminal and Hermione was determined to get answers. She looked around the Ministry and couldn't help her sneer at the statue in the center. It depicted wizards with other creatures but she couldn't help noticing the creatures were beneath the wizards. She was going to do a little summer project about creatures and their rights, she decided. After all, her Defense teacher was a werewolf. They entered the meeting room and she saw Professor McGonagall standing with the Headmaster. She watched people file in. She had decided to make this public so it couldn't be pushed under the rug.
"Are you ready, Hermione?" Percy asked her. She gave him a vicious smile and said "I was born ready!"


Percy Weasley watched his parents file in. He was honestly surprised they came. He knew their admiration of Dumbledore and figured they would not be pleased with what they were about to do. He saw Marcus run in and take a seat in the front row.
"Kick some arse, babe!" He shouted out, causing many people, including Percy's parents to look at him. Percy snorted and couldn't help his smile. His boyfriend had been nothing but supportive of him. They just had their three month anniversary and he had gotten them matching bracelets like the ones Drarry had. The whole school had picked up on the nickname and now used it as slang. Speaking of Drarry, he saw the two boys enter with Professor Snape and the rest of the club. They waved at them and he couldn't help but notice Rita zero in on Harry. She quickly looked away when Lady Malfoy shot her a nasty look from her spot besides Mrs. Tonks. The sound of someone falling brought his attention to the red faced Tonks being carried in by Cedric. It seemed he had caught her and figured it would be easier just to carry her to her seat.
"I will now call to order the School Board Meeting for the month of May!" Mrs. Bagshot said. Hermione's research had determined that she was a Dumbledore supporter. Apparently they used to be neighbors or something.
"We have two students who would like to share their presentation on favoritism and how it affects other Houses." Hermione straightened her shoulders and started handing out papers. He knew she had color coded all of their facts to grab people's attention.
"I would like to thank the board for allowing us this opportunity. My name is Hermione Granger and I am a first year Gryffindor." He stepped forward and said "Hello. My name is Percival Weasley and I'm a third year Gryffindor." Using his full name showed his pureblood roots and he saw some people nod their heads in acknowledgment. Everyone knew the Weasley's.
"The papers that Hermione passed out show multiple charts for different age groups. As you can see, the punishments for other Houses far outweigh the punishments for Gryffindor students." He explained. Hermione picked up where he stopped. "I don't know about you but as a Gryffindor student, I know my House is rather boisterous." People laughed around her.
"Isn't it odd that Gryffindor students seem to get away with more than the average student? Don't we all deserve to get punished and praised the same?"
"I've just gotten into a relationship", Percy paused to let his friends catcall, Marcus being especially loud, "and we were walking around the lake after curfew. Unfortunately we were caught." He gave a sheepish grin. "By my Head of House. I got ten points taken off but my boyfriend got fifteen points and a detention. Rather unfair, I say!"

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