Costumes & Seeing Double-Hermione Is Such An Icon

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Draco stared up at the ceiling as he wished for the night to be over with. After Harry had won the game, Madam Pomfrey had dragged him to the Hospital Wing. He had managed to shout at his Vice President to keep an eye on his love. He didn't know who had cursed the bludger but it didn't matter. An enemy was an enemy. Once they showed their face, Draco would beat the shit out of them. Getting his bone regrown was a pain in his arse. He was so bored. Harry was probably celebrating with his House and Draco was jealous he was missing it. His husband always shined so brightly. He blinked as he stared at the figment he had created. It looked like his drugged mind had conjured up Harry but he was wearing a nurses outfit. He rubbed his eyes but Harry was still there.
"Are you okay, Draco?" He pulled the stethoscope off of his neck and held it up to his chest.
"Your heart is beating rather fast." Draco didn't doubt it for a second.
"I'm dead." He declared but beamed at his darling.
"I'm dead and this is my afterlife. Nurse Harry to take care of me for eternity." He sighed in contentment. It was a shame he died but this was a wonderful reward.
"You're not dead." Harry giggled as he sat on the edge of his bed.
"Of course I am. This is what I thought the afterlife would look like." He said seriously.
"Draco, if you're dead, that means I'm dead." Harry replied and his thoughts came to a screeching halt. He launched himself out of his cot and looked around frantically.
"Draco darling, lay back down!" Harry cried out and he shook his head.
"Absolutely not! I need to talk to the person in charge and let them know they've made a mistake! You can't be dead, I won't allow it." He hissed out. Madam Pomfrey stuck her head out of her office.
"What is going on out here? If you're going to rile Mr. Malfoy up, you will have to leave." She spoke to Harry and Draco sat back down on his cot silently as he wrapped his arms around Harry's waist.
"Harry isn't bothering me, ma'am." He said instantly and she gave them both a suspicious look before shutting her door.
"Neither one of us is dead." Harry said firmly. Draco tried to focus on what Harry said but his mind felt foggy.
"You look lovely, my heart. Will you dress like this every time I'm sick?" He leered at him.
"Sure!" Draco decided he would make the Weasley twins rich by buying the illness package. It came with multiple options from nose bleeds to puking. Harry would practically live in his outfit, if Draco had anything to say about it.
"But you don't have to be sick for me to wear it." Draco leaned closer as he gazed into Harry's eyes. He loved looking at them. He would have to convince the Minister to make Harry's birthday a national holiday. Everyone should celebrate the day his heart was born.
"Draco?" Harry waved his hand in front of his face and Draco eagerly grabbed it before placing a kiss on the back of it.
"I love you, Harry." He smiled dopily at him.
"I see the potion is still working." Harry cuddled up against him and Draco quickly fell asleep as he dreamed of a cute green eyed bunny in a nurse's uniform.


Ginny grinned as she fixed her hair. She had convinced the club they should dress up for Halloween this year and Herm had gone absolutely feral at the suggestion. It turns out she had loved Halloween since she was a little girl. Herm had marched to the Headmistress's office that day with a thirteen paged essay on why they should be allowed to dress up. She didn't have the heart to tell the older girl that it wasn't against the rules to wear costumes, most students just decided not to. Herm had ended up convincing McGonagall that they should do a contest! The couple that won would get a pass to get out of detention. Daphne had bribed her into competing. She straightened her black shirt before fixing her belt. She was dressed as a Muggle named Kim Possible. Herm had assured her she was a total badass so Ginny had agreed to it. Daphne was dressed up as her nemesis, Shego. She left her dorm and found Herm sitting on the couch. Her hair was in ringlets down her back and she was wearing a beautiful white dress with a corset. The sleeves hung off her shoulders and Ginny could see her white stocking peeking out of the side slit. She gave a sharp whistle before complaining loudly.
"No fair, Herm! You look hot. I didn't know we could do sexy costumes." Hermione sniffed at her before responding.
"I'm Christine from Phantom of the Opera. If I win the contest, it's because she's an iconic character who deserves the recognition."
"Sure, Herm. Whatever you say." Her brother came bounding down the stairs and she squinted at him. He was wearing all black with a long cloak. He also had half of a white mask covering his face.
"Oi! Snape will be furious that you dressed up like him." Gryffindor couldn't afford to lose any more points if they wanted to win the House Cup at the end of the year.
"I'm not dressed up as Snape! I don't have a death wish. I'm the Phantom." He said mysteriously and she rolled her eyes.
"Herm bullied you into it?"
"She said she would drown me in Myrtle's toilet if I didn't agree." He whispered back.

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