Board Meetings & Bedtime Stories-Arthur Weasley Knows Malfoy is Up To Something

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Sitting around the dinner table, Sirius stared at the elf serving his godson.
"Kreacher? What are you doing here?" The elf looked musty. Sirius honestly thought the thing had died and was disappointed to see he was still kicking. The elf always told his Mother when he was up to mischief and he would be sent to the basement. He gave a shiver. The basement was cold and grimy. He would have to sit in the dark and reflect on his actions. It was the reason he was afraid of the dark.
"Mistress ordered Kreacher to serve the next Heir" the old elf wheezed out.
"Mother did what? Harry, when did you meet Mother?" He barked out. His godson blinked at him before saying "I met granny when we were playing hide and seek."
"Harry, did you just call Aunt Walburga granny?" Cissy asked.
"Yes, that's what she told me to call her." He looked confused as he glanced around the table.
"Mistress has tasked Kreacher with protecting the Heir." Sirius stared at him. Kreacher was a nasty elf who only loved his Mother. Of course working for his Mother was the reason the elf was so off. He had never heard him sound so positive about something before. He hadn't even called Sirius a blood traitor yet! He watched Harry smile at the elf and was horrified to see Kreacher smile back.
"Thank you for getting my plate ready, Kreacher. It was very nice of you." Harry praised the old elf.
"Kreacher is happy to serve the young master" he said before popping away.
"Harry, I don't want you to see Kreacher. If you need a house elf, we will use one of the Malfoy's." Sirius said.
"I agree with Black, Harry. Kreacher is a little odd from living by himself for so long." Snape added. He was panicked to see his godson's eyes fill with tears "but Kreacher is lonely! Granny said he's been waiting for someone to help for years." Draco glared at him as consoled his poor fiancé. Sirius looked at Snape for help. The other man rolled his eyes before saying "How about this, Harry? Kreacher can help you but one of the Malfoy elves will as well." Harry agreed and they called Mimi. She had been Lucius's and Draco's nanny elf and she still watched over her boys. She was also wearing one of the Drarry pins. Once Cissy had explained what they meant, he was grudgingly impressed. Mimi agreed to watch over Harry and Kreacher.
"Sirius, are you coming to the Ministry tomorrow? There's a meeting to choose a new member for the school board but it's really just to gossip. I imagine you would want to be a member?" Sirius looked at him. There was no way the school board would let him join. He was an ex-convict, for Merlin's sake!
"All school board members can stop by Hogwarts at any time" Lucius said slyly.
"Where do I sign up?"


Draco frowned as he stared at the house elf at the end of their bed. He hated to agree with Lord Black on anything but he thought Kreacher was creepy too.
"Kreacher doesn't think it's proper for his master and the Malfoy Heir to sleep together." Kreacher rasped.
"It's okay, Kreacher! Draco and I are getting married." Harry told the elf.
"Kreacher will listen to the little master." Draco watched in horror as the elf dragged a stool to Harry's side and sat down.
"Kreacher will now tell little master and consort a story." Draco wished he wouldn't. Every time the elf talked, he swore he could hear his chest rattle. He looked at Harry from the corner of his eye and saw that he was listening attentively to whatever Kreacher was going on about.
"And then the good elf got their head mounted on the wall. The end." Kreacher looked wistful for a moment and muttered "Kreacher can't wait to have his head mounted" before he disappeared.
"Harry, I absolutely adore you but Kreacher is going to give me nightmares!" Harry giggled before saying "I think he's kind of cute but I will tell him we don't need any bedtime stories."
"Thank you darling."
The next morning, he dragged himself to breakfast.
His Father and Lord Black were already there.
"Little Malfoy, you look awful." Lord Black commented. Glaring at the man, he replied "Harry's weird elf read us a bedtime story and I couldn't sleep." Lord Black stared at him before whispering "was it about elf heads?" They both shivered and Draco said "you too?" Lord Black nodded "Kreacher used to tell me the same one." He learned over and patted his back. "I could obliviate you?" He offered. "That's not necessary but thank you."
Kreacher would never know but he would be the bonding experience Draco and Sirius needed to get over their rivalry.
"Father, I see you managed to grow your eyebrows back in time for the school board meeting." Lucius raised his fresh brows and replied "of course, son. I couldn't have anyone commenting that I was growing senile." The door swung open to reveal a yawning Harry. He made his way to Draco and sat down.
"You've been waking up later than normal, Harry. Good for you for finally getting some rest!" Father said as he patted his head. Harry blinked sleepily at him and said "I can't believe I'm sleeping in so late! By this time, I would have already made breakfast and weeded half the garden!" He watched as Lord Black and Father shared a look before saying "you can sleep as late as you want, Harry." Draco agreed with them. Harry was a growing boy.
"Alright boys, your mother is still sleeping so you be good until she wakes up. Sirius and I need to go to our meeting and we'll be back around lunch." They waved goodbye as the older wizards left.
"I had the oddest dream about dancing elf heads, Draco!" Draco felt himself pale and thought maybe he should let Lord Black obliviate him.

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