Essay's & Detention: Hermione's in Her Villain Era

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Lucius had just gotten home when Dobby popped in front of him.
"Mistress is at Hogwarts with little master Harry and he's hurt!" He ran to the floo and yelled "Severus Snape's office." He moved quickly and before he knew it, he was already on the top floor. He turned the corner and something ran into him. He automatically caught whoever it was and was surprised to see a Weasley. The boy was a mess.
"Mr. Malfoy! I've been trying to get into the Headmaster's office but I don't know the password! Harry is innocent!" The boy rambled.
"Calm down child. You should go to the hospital wing." Lucius wasn't a healer or else he would've already helped him.
"No! Harry's going to get in trouble but it wasn't his fault!" Weasley said.
"Alright. Let's go." He said the password and helped the boy up the stairs. Every member of the school board was given the password to Dumbledore's office. It was something he had helped pass just to annoy the old man. As he threw the door open, he saw that Minerva and Severus were inches from each other. Cissy was kneeling next to Harry and rubbing his back.
"Harry is innocent!"
"Ron, what are you doing here? I thought you went to the hospital wing!" His sweet second son said. He got out of his chair and guided Weasley into it. The other boy dropped into it with a grunt.
"Well I figured they wouldn't listen to you so I decided to be a witness! Thankfully Mr. Malfoy came by or else I wouldn't have been able to get in" he finished sheepishly.
"Mr. Weasley, what happened to you?" Minerva cried out. She gave it a swish and flick and his eye lightened until it was a yellow color and his leg seemed to relax.
"I helped Harry fight McLaggen and Carmichael! They're a bunch of bullies and Mum said I should always stand up to bullies!"
"Oh so you fought as well Mr. Weasley? I suppose you want him to be suspended too, Minerva?" Severus had a mocking edge in his voice. She looked like she sucked on a lemon as she said "I suppose we should hear the whole story." He gave a snort. What a Gryffindor. Guilty until proven innocent applied to everyone but their own.
"It's okay, Ron! I shouldn't have fought but I couldn't stand them insulting Draco!" Harry was saying, his hands curling into fists.
"Mr. Potter, why did you use physical violence?" Dumbledore asked.
"I was so upset I couldn't remember any spells." Harry answered.
"They pushed Harry first!" Ron jumped in. "We both warned them to leave him alone but they wouldn't listen!" Lucius looked closer at Harry's hands and noticed they were scratched. Probably from trying to catch himself on the unforgiving stone floor. He tried to keep a level head but Harry had gotten hurt!
"And what happened next?"
"They were insulting my parents and then they insulted Draco." Harry had a scowl on his face. Dumbledore leaned forward and said "so you were defending your parents?" Harry stared at him before saying "Sir, I never knew my parents. Why would I defend complete strangers? I was defending my fiancé! They were calling him a Death Eater and threatened him!" Ron was nodding along, agreeing to everything Harry said.
"I see. And you felt the need to hurt those boys? I suppose it being the day before your parents' passing didn't help matters." Harry and Ron looked at each other before looking back at the Headmaster. Harry looked confused. He repeated what he said but spoke louder, his voice echoing through the room. As if the Headmaster hadn't heard him. Severus let out a laugh that he tried to disguise as a cough.
"Since this is your first offense, I will assign 2 weeks of detention and 30 points will be taken from Hufflepuff." The other Professors were nodding but then Ron spoke up.
"What are me, Sir? I should get the same punishment since I fought as well." Minerva cleared her throat and said "well you were just defending a friend, Mr. Weasley. I think 10 points from Gryffindor should suffice." The Headmaster agreed but the first year Gryffindor still didn't look happy.
"What about the other boys? Shouldn't they be reprimanded as well?" Harry questioned. The room went silent.
"My dear boy, I think the punishment you doled out was enough, yes?" Lucius watched Harry scowl at Dumbledore before saying "so you're not going to do anything?" For the third time that night the door swung open. His son and Lupin barged in.
"Harry! What's going on?" Lucius felt a headache coming on as his son began to fret over Harry.

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