Flu Season & Truths-Harry Is A Blabbermouth When He's Sick

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Neville watched Harry sneeze and handed him a handkerchief. His eyes were bloodshot and he had a constant cough.
"Harry, are you sure you're alright?" Harry just gave him a watery smile and waved away his concern. Neville looked around and noticed Harry's Housemates giving him a worried look as well.
"Professor McGonagall! Harry's sick!" She looked at them over her glasses.
"Potter! If you are ill, you do not have to come to class. Longbottom, take him to the Hospital Wing." Harry looked like he would collapse any moment so Neville just picked him up. He prayed Draco would never hear about it.
"Nev, I'm fine!" His words were slurring and he seemed to be fighting to keep his eyes open.
"Don't worry Harry! Madame Pomfrey will fix you up in no time! Ron was coughing up slugs the other day and she got him sorted out in ten minutes!" Neville was troubled. He had never seen Harry so sick before! His constant reassurance that he was fine didn't help either! How many times had he been sick and they hadn't noticed because he said he was fine? They finally made it to the Hospital Wing and he called out for the nurse. She bustled over and had him set Harry on one of the beds. Flicking her wand over him, she tutted over her findings.
"It seems Mr. Potter never received him immunizations. He has the flu. I'm afraid it's going to have to run its course. It's surprising he hasn't gotten sick before this. Children are disease ridden." She muttered the last part under her breath. Neville dragged a chair over to Harry's bed.
"Kreacher!" He appeared in seconds and let out a wail upon seeing Harry in the hospital bed.
"Precious little master! What's wrong? Kreacher will skin whoever did this to you!" The old elf was raving, tears streaming down his face.
"Harry has a cold, Kreacher. Would you mind informing Draco and the others? I don't want to leave him alone." Kreacher wiped his tears and said "Kreacher will get little masters' consort and the other minions right away!" Nevile wrinkled his nose and asked out loud "did he just call us minions?"


Draco flew down the corridor, shoving past students. Harry was sick! Merlin, he thought he had looked peaky at breakfast but he had told him he was fine! He ran even faster, his heart full of worry.
"Harry! Speak to me, my love!" He cried out, holding both of the doors to the Hospital Wing open.
"Mr. Malfoy! I will not have you upsetting my patient! Be quiet or get out!" He ignored the nurse and knelt by Harry's bed. His face was flushed and his eyes were unfocused.
"Darling?" Neville was sitting by his other side and he nodded his thanks for taking care of Harry in his absence.
"Draco! Your hair is so pretty! It's like liquid gold. Don't let the goblins get your hair!" He blinked at his husband and looked towards the nurse for help.
"He has a fever. It has to run its course." She walked away and Draco made sure to remind himself to get a second opinion. He didn't trust the old hag.
"Don't worry, my dove. No one will steal my hair." He reassured him. Harry just smiled and reached out to let his head.
"You'd let me steal it, right Draco? Because you love me." Harry was looking at him from underneath his lashes and Draco felt his heart flutter. Merlin, Harry looked stunning. He shook his head, now was not the time to stare at his fiancé! He was ill and not in control of his facilities.
"Of course, Harry!" Harry frowned at him.
"I like when you call me love or darling more than my name." He opened and closed his mouth as Harry started to pout. It seemed like the fever was making Harry rather talkative.
"Of course, my heart. I would be happy to call you whatever you like." He announced. Neville was awkwardly staring at the ceiling and trying not to catch Harry's gaze. Too late, Draco thought as Harry finally noticed Neville was there.
"Nev! I'm so happy we're friends! It's almost like we're brothers, yeah?" Neville's eyes started watering and he croaked out "I'd be honored to call you brother, Harry!" The rest of the HFC filed in along with Uncle Severus and his Father.
"My poor son! Are you sick? Don't worry, Father will spoon feed you until you're healthy again! I won't leave your side!" Uncle was holding his Father back from jumping on the bed with Harry.
"Hi Daddy Malfoy! Hi Father Sev! I heard you're both swinging with Papa Siri and Mummy Malfoy." Herm choked on her own spit as Ron pounded on her back.
"Harry, did you just call me Daddy?" His Father already had a pile of tissues out.
"Yes, Daddy Malfoy? You don't mind, do you?"
"Of course we don't mind, Harry!" His Uncle answered as he swiped a few tears away.
"Did you say we were swinging together?" Both men had disgusted looks on their faces and Harry just laughed.
"No! I don't know what you're talking about." He replied, his eyes wide and innocent.
"Hi mate! We hope you feel better! Tonks and Cedric said they'd watch over Porkchop while you're recovering." Ron patted his hand and Harry held on tight.
"I'm so glad we're friends Ron! Did you know you have the same hair color as my mum? That basically makes us related!" Harry seemed determined to adopt everyone and Draco dared anyone to decline his darling's kind offer.
"Merlin Harry! You might as well change your last name to Weasley! I hope you don't mind being the second youngest!" Ginny told him warmly. The twins gave each other a look and said "We'll let Bill and Charlie know we have a new brother in the family, Harbear!" Harry's smile lit up the room and Draco had to blink the stars out of his eyes.
"Where is my baby boy?" Lord Black's scream echoed across the castle. Merlin, they couldn't take that man anywhere.


Sirius was playing cards with Bubbles. He slammed down his full house and cried "eat your heart out, snake!" Bubbles hissed what he assumed was profanities and laid out all aces.
"You cheat! Where are you hiding those cards at?" The snake just dragged the pile of galleons over to his side. Sirius considered just throwing the worm in a box and throwing away the key but his sweet pup would be devastated.
"You're lucky Harry loves you." He threatened him and ignored his smug look. There was a loud crack and a sobbing Kreacher appeared.
"Master! The Heir is sick and he needs you!" Sirius felt his heart stop and he was on his feet. He grabbed Bubbles and apparated to the gates of Hogwarts. He hurried up the path and kicked the doors open.
"Where is my baby boy?" He shrieked upon entering. A random student said "I heard Potter was in the Hospital Wing!" He didn't even remember running through the halls but he was outside the infirmary. His poor pup was laying on the bed and he looked awful. Lucius and Sev had dragged chairs up and Malfoy jr was cuddling his godson.
"Pup! I'm here! Tell me what's wrong and Sirius will fix it." He had picked up Lucius's annoying habit of speaking in third person.
"Papa Siri! You're here. I'm so glad." Harry gave him a dopey smile. His brain short circuited.
Harry had just called him papa! Merlin, he could jump for joy! He only wished his pup wasn't so sick so he could spin him around.
"Of course I'm here lovely." He shoved Sev over and took his spot.
"I'm so glad you're all here. I always wished someone would take care of me when I was younger. Aunt Petunia just ignored me. This is so nice." Harry blew his nose. It turned out that wretched woman had never gotten his godson his shots. Once Harry was better, he would be paying her a visit. He had put it off long enough.
"Papa Siri, are you shagging Father Severus?" Baby Malfoy was so startled by Harry's question he tumbled off the bed.
"Harry! You don't need to be thinking about that!" His face was bright pink and he refused to look at Severus.
"I was just wondering! I hope you're being safe." He said seriously and Sirius wanted to ground to swallow him up.
"Harry my love, you have something in your hair!" He gave tiny Malfoy a grateful look, the only one he'd probably ever give him.
"Oh it's my lucky charm! Mrs. Bellatrix gave it to me. She said it's a rat bone! I decided if I ever got the chance, I would stab the Headmaster with it. I think it's what she'd want." Draco carefully put it back in Harry's braid and said "that's nice, darling."


"Hi Percy! Hi Marcus!" Harry waved at them from his bed and Marcus felt his lips curl up. Harry was like the kid brother he had always wanted. He was just so sweet! Marcus wanted to bundle him up and never let him go.
"Hi Harry, how are you feeling? I brought you an extra sweater, some books to keep you entertained and I had Hermione copy her notes if you feel like doing some homework." His boyfriend unloaded all of the things he had somehow stuffed in his bag.
"Thank you Percy! I'm so happy you both came. I think going to the Chamber made us closer and I'm glad you both feel the same way too!" Marcus couldn't resist ruffling his hair.
"Of course we feel the same way, kid! I don't slide down a sewer pipe for just anyone!" Harry giggled and hugged Draco closer like his own personal body pillow. He could tell he didn't mind. Once those two hit puberty, the school wouldn't recover. Marcus decided he would look into graduating early, perhaps he could avoid the whole mess?
"Oh by the way Malfoy, you made the team. Show up to practice whenever Harry's feeling better." He casually told the younger Slytherin. Harry gave a squeal and they had a front row ticket to Harry peppering Draco's face with kisses.
"Oi! Don't be spreading your germs, pup!" Lord Black shouted as he came into the room. Lady Malfoy was carrying a tray with a bowl of soup on it.
"Harry love, I brought you some homemade soup! Daddy Lucius has been cooking all of your favorites!"
"Thank you Mummy Malfoy!" Harry called out cheerfully. He seemed to be soaking up all of the positive emotions in the air and Marcus had never seen him look so carefree. Harry always held himself back from showing too much. He had a gut feeling that his home life hadn't been the best. Maybe getting sick was really a blessing in disguise.
"Ugh, I'm going to have to cheer for Slytherin!" Lord Black complained as he watched Harry to make sure he was keeping his food down.
"You can help me Papa Siri! I made pompoms and everything!" Lord Black froze and turned to look at his Heir.
"You have pompoms? Brilliant idea pup! I can't believe I never thought of it. Well you are the best of all your parents so I'm not surprised!" Lord Black kept gushing about how smart Harry was and Marcus decided it was time to leave. Harry was babbling about something and they caught the tail end of it.
"Yeah! Percy and Marcus snog in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom." Lord Black gave them a foul look and Marcus quickly said "make sure to get better, Harry! Hugs and kisses. Bye!" He dragged Percy out of the infirmary before Lord Black could curse them. The Black family specialized in curses and he was not about to give the man the opportunity. It was Quidditch season after all.

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