Pouting and Snow-the Hunger Games Meets a Snowball Fight

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Draco was laying face down on the couch in the Slytherin common room. He could hear his friends talking but they were ignoring him. He sighed loudly before flopping around a bit. They paused before continuing their conversation. He sighed even louder and Blaise shouted "I can't take it anymore! Draco, what is wrong?" He rolled off the couch before springing up.
"I'm so glad you asked!" Greg and Vince rolled their eyes as Pansy said "I told you to keep ignoring him!"
"He's being so annoying, how could I?" Blaise cried out and Theo continued to scribble in his notebook.
"I want to take engagement photos with Harry and I'm trying to figure out what we should wear." He told them and Theo set his quill down.
"Draco, I thought you had everything planned since you were nine?" He asked and everyone nodded their heads. These poor fools, they didn't even begin to understand how much stress he was under!
"Ugh, he's giving us that I'm-better-than-you look." Vince sighed and Greg stuck his nose in the air.
"You guys don't understand what I'm going through. Perhaps if you had an absolute gem like Harry, you would have an inkling of how lucky I am." Greg said and Draco nodded his head.
"Exactly! Our outfits have to look stunning since we'll show them to our grandchildren." He stopped his pacing to flop back on the couch. The entrance opened and Harry came running in.
"Oh! Hi guys." Harry beamed at them and Theo dramatically fell to his knees before sliding towards Harry.
"Thank Merlin, you're here! Draco was being insufferable." Theo said as he held onto the bottom of Harry's shirt. Everyone laughed except Draco. He stood up and yanked Theo's hands off his husband.
"Keep your hands to yourself, Theo." He snapped before kissing Harry's forehead.
"Yes, my love?" He said innocently and Harry laughed.
"It's snowing, Draco!" He squealed happily and the common room went silent.
"Did Potter say it was snowing?" One of the third years grinned brightly.
"You know what that means?"
"House wide snowball fight!" They cried out and everyone rushed to get changed.


Ron stuck himself to Ginny's side. She may be his annoying kid sister but she was vicious when it came to winning. He was pretty sure Gryfindor was a shoe-in to win, having both Herm and Ginny.
"Alright, everyone knows the rules? Once you're hit, you're out! We have complementary hot cocoa and blankets for the losers! The last one standing wins the snowman cup!" Mr. Malfoy held the trophy up. It was just a plastic snowman glued to a pedestal but every House wanted it.
"Okay, children! If we see any cheaters or bullies, you will have to sit in the naughty corner with Professor Snape! He will make you scrub cauldrons." Snape was huddled up but he still looked threatening as he stood off to the side. Ron couldn't believe the man had actually dragged the stack of cauldrons outside. He knew he didn't want to be scrubbing them in the freezing weather.
"Pssst Ron!" He looked over to see Harry waving at him. He looked around before scurrying over.
"I just wanted to say good luck!" He smiled at him and Ron couldn't resist ruffling his hair.
"Thanks, Harry! You too." He ran back to Ginny's side so he could use her as a human shield.
"Is everyone ready?" Mr. Malfoy asked and they all shouted back "Yes!" He swished his wand in the air before lights exploded and they were all running in different directions. He just needed to stay out of Draco's way and he would be golden. He stuck close to Ginny and they managed to get twenty students out in fifteen minutes.
"Go away, Ron! You're bad luck." He opened his mouth in offense.
"You're bad luck, Gin! Mum used to bathe you in holy water to keep demons from eating you as a baby!" He hissed at her and she punched his arm.
"Oh yeah? At least I was potty trained before I was five." She snarled back.
"Oi! We agreed we'd never speak about it!" They ended up wrestling in the snow, not noticing the person sneaking up behind them.
"Hi guys! It's nothing personal." Harry said cheerfully before getting them both in the face with snow.
"This is your fault!" Ginny shoved him as the trudged back to get cocoa.
"My fault? You're the one who was screeching like a banshee!" She launched herself at him again as Mr. Malfoy cheered them on.


Colin Creevey was wearing a bright yellow vest. He had decided not to participate in the snow fight. It was mostly so he could take pictures for everyone but he was also unathletic and liked to keep it that way. Whoever convinced themselves that running was fun was a delusional sap.
"Hi Colin!" Harry said from beside him and he jumped two feet before tripping over his feet. Harry caught him and he found himself in his arms. He was being held in Harry Potter's arms! Merlin, he was going to have a stroke!
"You okay, Colin?" Harry asked and his eyes were sparkling like gems.
"Yes!" He squeaked and pretended to fiddle with his camera.
"Look what we have here! The Gryfindor nerd and the Hufflepuff loser!" Three Gryfindor boys came out of the tree line. They had snowballs in their hands as they grinned nastily at them.
"Hi! Colin isn't actually playing. Oh gross, you still smell like eggs." Harry said and Colin almost choked on his tongue. He had heard Harry and his friends had pelted the bossy boys with eggs but he hadn't thought it was true.
"We all know you're nothing without Granger behind you!" The mousy one shouted and they all agreed, as they swaggered closer.
"I wouldn't say that too loud. Hermione likes to fight and she pulls hair." Harry said calmly as he positioned himself in front of Colin. Colin took his camera out and waited. He was about to get some awesome shots! Harry didn't disappoint as he showed no mercy. One boy ended up face first in the snow while Harry managed to shove snow down the other boy's pants. The last boy tried to run away but Harry dumped a pile of snow on top of him. Colin was snapping pictures as quickly as he could, his finger getting sore from all of his hard work.
"That was wicked, Harry!" He cheered and Harry gave a dramatic bow.
"Just make sure you got my good side, Colin!" He ran off and he sighed dreamily. Harry was so cool!


Harry was perched in the tree branches as he waited for the students to thin themselves out. He could see Hermione steaming by Neville and couldn't wait to hear who had gotten the clever girl out. He felt sorry for them. She knew how to hold a grudge. Last year, Padma Patil had accidentally spilled ink on her homework and the poor girl still slept with one eye open.
"Hello darling." Draco purred from underneath him. He peeked down and saw that he had climbed up beside him.
"Draco! We're on opposite teams." He said firmly and Draco pouted at him.
"You don't mean that, my love. We're a team. If we win, we'll split the trophy between our two Houses." Draco announced and Harry thought about it.
"Daddy Malfoy didn't say we could work in teams." He said slowly and Draco inched closer.
"He didn't say we couldn't work in teams." Draco had a point! Daddy Malfoy just said whoever was last won. If they were both the last people standing, they would both win.
"You're right." Draco grinned in satisfaction before leaning forward to kiss him. Unfortunately, the branch Harry was on could really only support one boy, not two. It gave a loud crack before Draco was falling backwards. Harry reached forward and grabbed his hand, his arms straining from his weight.
"Harry my love, you must let go." Draco said softly and Harry shook his head.
"Never!" He cried out and tightened his grip.
"You have to, beloved. I won't let both of us fall." He said seriously and Harry glared at him.
"I go where you go." He insisted. Draco opened his mouth to argue when Harry threw himself off of his branch and they were both tumbling down, hitting every twig on the way. They landed in a heap and Draco groaned.
"Merlin, Harry, that was so romantic!" Colin called out from the other side of the clearing. He waved at him and said "thanks, Colin! Can't wait to see the pictures."
"Alright, love. Let's go win this thing." Draco said fiercely as he hobbled away, Harry by his side.
"It looks like the winner is my very own son! Wonderful job, Draco!" Daddy Malfoy called out and Harry dramatically stepped out of his hiding spot.
"Not so fast! The other son has returned." Everyone gasped and one student shouted out "no! This can't be happening."
"Harry my love, I don't want to fight you but I will. I have to have the prize." Draco said as he picked up snow and started forming it into a ball.
"I understand. While we're out here" he gestured around them "we're enemies." Some students had started crying and Ron shouted "it doesn't have to be like this!" Harry pulled his arm back as Draco did the same. Daddy Malfoy was frozen, watching them through his fingers. Their snowballs flew over their heads as Draco picked Harry up.
"Oh I can't do it!" He declared.
"I can't do it either! Maybe we can both be winners?" Harry asked hopefully while looking at Daddy Malfoy. He turned to the students and asked "What do you think? I don't want anyone thinking I'm playing favorites!"
"They can both win!" "I think I just lost five years off of my life!" "Hufflepuff can share the trophy with Slytherin!"
"Well you heard them, boys! I declare Harry and Draco winners." Harry discreetly high-fived Draco as their Housemates cheered. As if he would ever fight against Draco, how ridiculous!

Fanboy Draco Malfoy Convinces Harry Potter to Marry Him!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang