Bangs & Slurs-Sirius Will Use This Fork as a Murder Weapon.

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Draco yawned as he wandered towards the kitchen. Harry was still sleeping and he had quietly snuck out so he wouldn't disturb his love.
"Malfoy, how did you get into my house?" Lord Black hissed out and picked up his fork, looking like he was about to stab him with it.
"Why would I tell you? You would just try to keep me out." Draco replied and started loading his plate with pancakes.
"Leave him alone, Sirius. You know Harry gets upset when they're apart." His Uncle said and gave him a wink when Lord Black muttered threats under his breath. Thank Merlin Uncle Sev was on his side. He had left Harry's room understanding he wouldn't see tomorrow.
"Well I'm glad we've come to an understanding." Lord Balck eyed him angrily before saying "I won't stop you two from being together but if I see one more hickey, I will personally feed you to Matilda." Matilda was a carnivorous venus fly trap that lived in the Swamp. She answered to no one but Lord Black.
"Fine." He agreed, not having much choice. His Mother told him it took Matilda four days to completely dissolve her prey. Harry came in and laid his head on the table.
"Darling, if you're still tired, you can go rest some more." Harry mumbled something into the table.
"What's wrong, pup? Are you sick again?" Lord Black looked him over frantically. Harry finally raised his head and they both gaped at him. He had given himself bangs.
"Uh pup, that's a new look." Harry glared at them both and cried out "the mirror said it would look good!" before running out of the room.
"Good job! Now he thinks we hate them! I thought he looked cute." Draco hissed at Lord Black.
"Well someone had to say something. You just sat there with that stupid look on your face. Oh wait! That's just your face!" As they continued to bicker, they didn't notice Severus leave the room. Draco reared back as he was sprayed with water by an annoyed potions master. He watched him do the same thing to Lord Black.
"Now if you're done fighting, let's go convince Harry we like his new haircut." They obediently followed him up the stairs.


Hermione ran through her house, grabbing little odds and ends before shoving them in her bag. Harry had called her crying about how ugly he looked and she had jumped into action.
"Kreacher, I'm ready!" She yelled goodbye to her parents and took the elf's hand. They appeared in Harry's room and she found him hiding underneath his comforter.
"Come on out, Harry! I bet you look cute like always!" She coaxed him out and couldn't help her surprise. It didn't look bad, just different!
"It's ugly right? I don't know why I did it! I was just trying different hairstyles and my mirror said I'd look cute with bangs and I thought why not? Live a little, Harry! And now I look like Dora the Explorer!" He wailed, his hands covering his face. She gently hugged him and said "a very cute Dora the Explorer!" He gave a watery laugh and she continued "we can fix it! We just need to style them a little bit!" Fifteen minutes later, Hermione had given him a half up half down hairstyle with space buns. She had cut some more of his hair so his bangs were soft and wispy. Grabbing a non talking mirror she said "Tada! They look better right?" Harry tentatively touched his hair before grabbing her tightly "you're brilliant Hermione! Thank you!" He pulled on some ripped jeans and threw a sweater over it.
"Are you hungry? I think I smell treacle tart!" Her mouth watered. Kreacher made the best treacle tart. They went to the door and she pulled it open. Draco and Mr. Black fell through the doorway onto the ground.
"Harry! Your bangs look so cute! I think-" Draco drove his elbow into the older man's stomach, leaving him gasping for air.
"My heart, I think bangs suit you! You are the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever feasted upon. The stars shine in jealousy!" Her President really was laying it on thick. He must not have given Harry the proper reaction to his bangs. Shame on him. Rule number two of HFC-always support Harry's decisions, even if he was wrong!
"I don't know if you knew this Harry but Lily liked to cut her bangs in the winter time. She said it kept her forehead warm." Professor Snape casually mentioned and Harry's eyes lit up.
"Really? That's perfect then!" He dragged her towards the kitchen, ignoring Draco and Mr. Black, both still laying on the floor.


Severus knew Harry was up to something. After the Bangs Incident, he had asked to go to Diagon Alley. Apparently he needed to stop by Gringotts to see his goblin friend. Harry was chatting happily with Hermione while Draco and Sirius pouted beside him. He really couldn't catch a break with those two. If they took a moment to actually talk to one another, they would realize they were basically the same person. The Black genes ran strong in them. Crazy and utterly dramatic, both of them.
"Father Severus! Isn't this pretty? Papa, don't you think Father would look pretty with this on?" He had his face pressed against one of the shop windows. Severus stepped up to the glass and realized it was a jewelry store and Harry was pointing out wedding rings.
"Harry I don't think-" Sirius stepped closer and said "You have a good eye, Pup! But Father will be wearing Mother's wedding ring. Every Lord's wife wears it." Severus turned to stare at both of them.
"Excuse me? I'm not a wife!"
"I know babe but it's tradition! If you don't wear the ring, Mother would claw her way out of her grave to yell at me." Severus narrowed his eyes on his idiot.
"And who said anything about marriage?" They had never even talked about it, for Merlin's sake.
"Sev, what are you talking about? Of course, we're getting married."
"We've never discussed it." Siri had the audacity to give him a confused look.
"I left all of those honeymoon packets by the bed? You said you liked the tropical one!" Severus pinched his nose.
"I thought those were for the boys." Sirius snorted.
"Don't be silly, Sev. The boys are probably going to go to the moon or tiny Malfoy will find Atlantis for their honeymoon." He couldn't help his snort at the idea of his godson discovering the lost city just to take Harry there for their honeymoon.
"Do you not want to marry me?" Sirius asked him, his voice serious. Severus avoided his gaze as he answered.
"I didn't say that."
Harry fist bumped Hermione as they walked towards the bank. He felt Sirius smack his arse as he said "can you imagine it? Severus Black, husband to Lord Black." He had a dreamy look in his eye and Draco gave them a disgusted look.
"Merlin, get a room!"


Griphook knew today was going to be one of those days. The type of day that makes you want to stay in bed and forget the world existed. He had been on the teller line, helping wizards until his appointment with Harry. The boy had come a little early so he was waiting patiently. His little friend was trying to exchange muggle money when someone snarled out "go back to where you came from, mudblood." You could hear a pin drop. The girl carefully put her money down and turned to face the upset witch. Minette Lestrange was distant relative to the main Lestrange family. She was just as nasty as most of them though. The girl gave her a smile and said "make me." The woman snarled at her and pulled out her wand. Before she could cast a spell, Miss. Granger pulled out a canister and sprayed her with it. The now wailing woman rubbed her eyes and said "she blinded me!" His supervisor led her away and the rest of the customers stepped away from the innocent looking girl. He gave her the correct currency and casually asked "pepper spray?" She grinned and whispered "bear mace." He couldn't help his fierce grin. That stuff could harm a full grown bear, let alone a regular person! Perhaps Miss. Granger had some goblin ancestry? She had the right attitude for it.
"Don't listen to her, Herm! Some people are idiots." Heir Malfoy said coldly, glancing around the room, eyeing any of the more conservative adults.
"Griphook! Please use the Potter name to make that woman pay." Harry said softly as he packed us his snakeskin vests. He had actually let him keep whatever was leftover which was over half of the shed skin. He was going to be the envy of every goblin. He was so thankful he had continued his correspondence with Harry.
"Of course Harry. She should be ruined by Tuesday."
"That's not necessary, Harry! I can take care of myself." Miss. Granger said, her shoulders straight.
"We know, Hermione! I just can't stand people like that!"
"Yeah, Herm! I'm pretty sure her Mother and Father were cousins!" Lord Black interjected, his wand in his hand as he kept an eye on their surroundings. Griphook would not allow anything to happen to Harry or his guests inside Gringotts walls.
"Um Mr. Black, weren't your parents cousins?"
"That's different, Herm! They were only first cousins, hers are third!" Harry started giggling as Heir Malfoy replied.
"That's worse, you moron!"

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