Sentient Bushes & Toast-Reunited and It Feels So Good

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Draco waited impatiently for his Mother to finish packing her things. The school term started tomorrow and he was going to finally see his beloved.
"Dragon, why are you dragging your feet? Let's go!" He rolled his eyes at her before grabbing her arm. You could only apparate in and out of the Swamp, a security measure one of the ancestors added in. They left with a pop and appeared at the Manor. He could hear feet pounding on the ground and his Father appeared.
"My family!" He shouted before he tackled them both in a hug. Draco took a moment to hug his Father back before he was pushing him off.
"Where's Harry?" His Father opened his mouth before catching sight of the scar on his face.
"Merlin darling, what happened?" He cried out, reaching to trace the scar under his eye. It ended halfway down his cheek in a straight line.
"It's nothing, Father. Where's Harry?" He repeated and his Mother started giggling from his side.
"Draco was daydreaming about Harry and tripped! He landed in one of the sentient bushes and it did not appreciate him falling on it!" He blushed and walked away.
"Well Mother was raving about you to Dave and he tried to pull his ears off!" He yelled back before continuing to the floo. It was still early in the morning so Harry might still be in bed.
"Grimmauld Place!" He shouted out and let the floo take him to his beloved. He heard voices once he stepped out of the floo and ran toward the kitchen. He found his godfather and Lord Black kissing over a pile of pancakes.
"Little Malfoy! You're back. How wonderful that Matilda didn't eat you." Lord Black said sarcastically and he ignored him.
"Where's Harry?"
"Hello Draco. We're happy to see you. Harry is in his ro-" he didn't let his Uncle finish before leaving. He took the stairs two at a time and was in front of Harry's door. The snakes eyed him before he said "Harry is the cutest boy in the world." Since he couldn't speak Parseltongue to open it, Harry had told the snakes to always let him in if he said his secret password. The stone door creaked open and he stepped forward. Harry was brushing his hair in the mirror and hissing to Snappy. His son had grown since he had been gone. He was now the size of a corgi, his scales gleaming in the morning light. Harry stopped suddenly before turning around. He stared at him like he had seen a ghost. Draco took this time to gaze at his beloved. His cheek bones had gotten sharper and his hair hung down his back. He couldn't help his sappy smile. His darling looked lovely like always.
"Draco?" He whispered before flinging himself at him. Draco easily caught him and hugged him tightly. Harry smelled like wildflowers and Draco buried his head in his hair.
"You're back! I've missed you so much." Harry kept talking and he picked him up before setting him on his bed. They spent the next two hours cuddling with Snappy between them and Harry told him all about his summer. He was going to murder his Father if he didn't have pictures of their fashion show. He couldn't believe he had missed it!
"-and then Sirius proposed!" He finished and smiled brightly at him before flushing.
"Your scar looks very charming." He said shyly and Draco puffed up his chest.
"Thank you, darling. I got in a fight with a sentient tree! I was afraid it was going to get the best of me but I thought of you and I managed to overcome it!" He bragged and Harry looked at him with stars in his eyes. He was so happy to finally be by Harry's side, where he belonged.


Sirius glared at the snake door. He had been trying to guess the password for over thirty minutes! He had tried knocking but the door was solid stone. No sound was going in or out. He grimaced as he tried not to imagine what his precious baby boy was doing with Malfoy. The boy had come back with long hair and a scar! He hated to admit it but Draco looked so cool.
"Love, leave them alone. They're catching up!" Sev said as he dragged him away.
"I was just going to offer them a snack! Harry missed breakfast." He pouted and Severus gave him a kiss.
"He'll be fine. He's already thirteen."
"Don't remind me! He'll be an adult in four years." He thunked his head on the table and sighed. Feet pounded down the stairs and the boys finally appeared. Harry was wearing a skort with one of his old band tees tucked into it. His hair was in two pigtails with butterfly clips haphazardly placed all over. He looked so adorable!
"Hi papa! Hi father!" He said and his smile was so bright, Sirius couldn't stay mad at Draco. Harry had been lost without the other boy.
"Harbear! Look how cute you look. Since Draco is back, why don't we go shopping?" He offered and Harry gave a squeal.
"We can look at the snakes! I think Bubbles wants a mate!" Harry announced and Severus dropped the knife he was using to cut up some fruit for him.
"Uh love, do you think a basilisk can reproduce with a regular snake?" Severus asked and Harry seemed to think about it before shrugging.
"Only one way to find out!" A hiss came from underneath the table and the goggle wearing snake slithered up the leg.
"Absolutely not! No snakes on the table!" He said sharply and the little menace hissed back.
"Bubbles, Harry won't save you! Down." The snake hissed some more before flopping on the ground and wandering off. He knew the bugger could understand him! Harry was blushing and avoiding his gaze.
"Pup, what's wrong?" He fumbled with his snack before saying "Bubbles said it's rude he can't be on the table because he's seen what you and father do on it." Draco immediately pushed Harry's plate away before scooping him up and backing out of the room.
"Dobby! Take this table outside and burn it!"
"I told you that the snake was a pervert!" He wailed, his face just as red as Harry's.

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