Children & Clubs-It's Not Breaking In If The Door Was Already "Open"!

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Hermione knew what most people thought of her.
Hard headed, bossy, arrogant, the list went on and on. She knew she could come across as a little controlling but she just liked what she liked! She would also do anything to protect her dearest friends, the people she liked the most in the world.
She kicked on the door for a third time and grinned in satisfaction as it finally opened. Neville sighed but followed her into the house, Luna by his side.
"Hello? I found the door open!" She called out, her wand in her hand. She had decided since they were on winter break, she would investigate some leads she had found. Old Slughorn had taught at Hogwarts years ago. Apparently he still kept in contact with Dumbledore so she thought she'd pay him a visit. Luna thought it sounded like fun and Neville said he would be able to provide them with an alibi, something he had been doing for years.
"I know you're here!" She nudged the door open and found the living room ransacked.
"Merlin, Herm. Do you think we should call the Aurors?" Neville asked worriedly and she narrowed her eyes.
"Not yet." She murmured before picking up a glass vase. She took a moment to remember her little league lessons before launching it at the oddly colored chair. It gave a shriek before transforming into a pudgy man, his cheek bleeding.
"Hello, sir! If you could answer some questions?" She asked cheerfully and he gawked at her.
"My dear girl, you broke into my home to ask me a question?" He finally asked and Luna piped up.
"We found the door open, sir. Technically we cannot be charged with breaking and entering if the door was already open." She recited and Hermione pinched her cheek.
"Good girl." Luna beamed at her and she looked back to find Neville cleaning up the broken glass bits.
"Nev, what are you doing?" He rolled his eyes at them.
"I don't want anyone to step on the glass. You could seriously injure yourselves!" Mr. Slughorn sighed before spelling the room so everything was back in its proper place.
"Make yourselves at home, I suppose." He stated and they all squeezed onto the love seat.
"Some tea would be nice." Luna announced and Mr. Slughorn muttered under his breath but came back with four cups.
"How can I help you?" He said finally and Hermione leaned forward.
"Where is Albus Dumbledore?" He sputtered before finally spitting out "why in the world do you think I would know?"
"You're old friends. You've also been retired for some time, I'm assuming you don't get many visitors? A perfect person to turn to when you're an escaped fugitive."
"You don't think I have visitors? I have many people coming to see me, young lady! I used to teach the Head of the sports department at the ministry!" He looked offended as he spoke.
"Is that why you're wearing your pajamas during the day?" Luna's whispy voice echoed throughout the room and Mr. Slughorn flushed.
"I didn't say I had visitors today." He mumbled.
"I don't know if you're aware but my best friend is Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter." She tried a different tactic and watched his eyes light up.
"The Power Couple of Hogwarts?" He gasped.
"Yes, I think Harry would appreciate it if you helped us. Their wedding is coming up and I'm sure you would receive an invitation for giving us such valuable information." She watched him think about it before nodding his head.
"Albus isn't here but I might know where he could be."


Harry yawned before trying to turn over. Draco had their legs twined together while Snappy laid at their feet. His snakes were in a pile above his head and Miss. Moon hissed "stop moving, hatchling!" Porkchop's tail flicked out and poked her in the eye. She flailed backwards, only to land on Draco's head. He gave a muffled shout before he fell onto the floor, his legs straight in the air. MH's three heads howled with laughter as they chanted "Do it again! Do it again!" Draco gently picked Miss. Moon up before crawling back into bed. Snappy had seized his chance and was now between the two of them, his jaw underneath Harry's armpit.
"My love, we need to get a bigger bed. This has been the fourth time this week." Draco said, his back covered in bruises from getting kicked off their bed.
"I'll talk to Kreature about enlarging it today." Harry promised and Draco stroked his cheek.
"Thank you, darling." Harry grinned at him.
"We should probably get up before Sirius comes barging in. I thought he was going to break your leg last time!" His dogfather had dragged Draco out of bed with his mouth, his furry tail wagging behind him. He had sworn it was his instincts but no one had believed him.
"Me too." Draco said dryly before stretching. Harry let his eyes wander before flushing.
"You smell like lust, speaker." Porkchop hissed out as he laughed.
"Because mummy and daddy are going to mate soon. I want a sibling." Snappy's voice was faint as he burrowed deeper into the blankets.
"My heart?" Draco asked and Harry buried his face in his hands.
"It's nothing." He squeaked out.
"Tell daddy I want a brother, mummy!" Snappy demanded and Harry peeked out from behind his fingers to see Draco staring at him.
"Mummy! Snappy wants a brother! We can name him Snappy too! Snappy and Snappy take on the world: eating Dementors and having fun." He said dreamily and Harry laughed.
"Darling, what's going on?" Harry dragged Draco closer to him and pressed his face into his neck before answering.
"Snappy wants a brother named Snappy." He giggled out, still feeling embarrassed. Draco leaned down to kiss Snappy's nose.
"Whatever my boy wants, he'll get."
He gave him a sly look.
"I also want a son." He stated before heading for the bathroom.


Sirius knew something fishy was going on. Draco had come down to breakfast with a large grin on his face. He hummed as he cut up his eggs and Sirius gave Severus a look. He shook his head and Sirius glowered at him. Severus sighed but said "Draco, you seem to be in a good mood. Did something happen?" Draco swallowed before answering.
"Snappy wants a sibling. A boy." Sirius felt his body freeze in shock before he stood up, his chair tipping over.
"Say that again." He hissed out. Draco gave him an innocent smile.
"Snappy wants a brother. I told him we'd have to wait of course, but he's so excited. He already picked out a name." Lucius came in at that moment, his hair in a ponytail. He yawned before sitting down and pouring himself some tea. He finally noticed the tension in the air and groaned before grabbing the coffee pot. He took a swig straight from the container.
"This is why I'm getting wrinkles! You two are feeding my coffee addiction. Now what's the problem?" He asked and Sirius just pointed at the brat.
"You will need to find another heir because I'm going to murder yours." He spat out. Severus dragged him back into his chair as Draco continued to eat his breakfast.
"I just told him that Snappy wants a sibling! I don't understand why he's so upset." He grinned behind his tea cup before adding "I think it's obvious Harry and I will start a family soon." He watched Sev spit out his tea as Lucius started choking. He was already halfway across the table, his elbow in the butter dish. Severus managed to drag him backwards as he clawed at the air. Over his dead body! He was too young to be a grandparent. Harry came in at that moment and beamed at them.
"Good morning! Oh! Daddy Malfoy, what are you doing here?" He asked as he sat in his seat. He had his hair in two buns with the leftover bits braided around the ends. It was so cute, he huffed.
"I was just telling everyone about what Snappy said this morning." The evil Harry stealer said and he watched as his godson blushed in mortification.
"You what?" He screeched and Draco froze as he dropped his fork, turning his body to face Harry head on.
"I thought-" Harry cut him off "I can't believe you told them!" He said, his eyes narrowed. He could see mini Malfoy floundering and grinned in delight.
"I just thought it was cute, my love!" He begged and Harry dragged his chair closer to Severus.
"It was cute but telling our parents is just embarrassing!" He whispered loudly, his face a permanent red color. Lily had been the same way. He remembered when James had proposed. He had done it at a restaurant and she had been furious. Sirius had thought she would curse him. She was just shy and hated all of the attention on them. Harry started chewing his waffles in silence as Draco tried to catch his gaze. Sirius sighed happily and went back to his breakfast, ignoring the fact that Severus had tea all over himself while butter was smeared on his sleeve.


Fleur walked across the yard before knocking on the door. Ginny opened it and shouted "Ron! Your girlfriend is here!" She could hear him thundering down the stairs as she stood in the entryway.
"Hi babe!" He said gleefully before grabbing her hand and dragging her upstairs. She thought it was hilarious that his room was painted bright orange. It clashed terribly with his hair and she loved it.
"Hi Ron." She said happily. She had every other weekend off and she loved spending it with her boyfriend.
"Look at all of the commissions I've gotten. I'm this close to tearing my hair out." He grumbled, his eyes betraying his happiness.
"After Harry and Draco get married, they will probably triple." She commented and he groaned.
"Don't remind me. If Draco changes his mind one more time, I will scream." He said as he slumped down next to her.
"Do not worry, my love. You know he will decide on whatever Harry decides." She said in amusement and he snorted. He laid his head in her lap as she ran her fingers through his hair.
"Thank Merlin, Harry couldn't care less. He would probably get married in a sack as long as he got married." She pictured Harry in a brown burlap sack saying his vows and laughed loudly. Ron's door opened and Mrs. Weasley stuck her head in.
"Hello, Fleur. Will you be staying for dinner?" She asked reluctantly and Fleur made sure to smile widely at her.
"Yes, ma'am. Thank you." She left without another word and Ron gently touched her face.
"I'm sorry about her. I don't know what her deal is but I will talk to her again. I won't have her making you feel unwelcome." He said softly and her heart swelled with affection.
"It's okay, love. As long as I have you, I don't care." Gagging came from the doorway as Ginny walked in with her girlfriend.
"Daph, if we ever sound like that, murder me." She said and Daphne laughed before sitting on the floor.
"Only if you murder me first." She turned to look at Fleur and said "I would like to be the first to welcome you to the "Molly-Hates-Us club. It currently has three members now. You, me, and Marcus. We meet once a month to gripe about her and eat muffins. Our next meeting is the third, we'll be meeting at Percy's." Fleur covered her mouth as she giggled.
"Thank you for inviting me."

Fanboy Draco Malfoy Convinces Harry Potter to Marry Him!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz