Bear Mace & Allies-Sirius Was NOT a Late Bloomer!

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Cedric looked around for Harry before sitting down next to Draco.
"Is Harry sick again?" He had just seen the cheerful boy this morning so he didn't know where he could have gone.
"No, Lord Black took him home early." Draco finally turned to face him and Cedric had to choke back his laughter. The word "deviant" spelled in bright orange letters lay across Draco's forehead.
"What happened to your face?" Tonks cried out as she joined them. He gave her a soft smile and reached for her hand. He couldn't wait to exchange Yule presents with her.
"Lord Black saw a hickey on Harry's neck." Draco scowled as he pushed his book away. Cedric glanced behind him to make sure Madam Pince didn't hear. The woman could hear a book slam two miles away. She must be feeling sorry for the Malfoy Heir because she ignored him.
"I can't believe you! Didn't you think he would see?" Tonks gasped out between her laughter.
"I didn't think we'd see him right away!" Draco sighed and slumped in his chair.
"He said I couldn't come over for three days!" He continued, his eyes pained. Cedric couldn't help his snort at the other boy's dramatics.
"That's why you put them in places other people can't see!" Percy Weasley commented from the next table over. He had three books open and was writing furiously, not bothering to look over at them.
"Percy, you dog! They're only twelve!" Marcus Flint crowed and gave his boyfriend an adoring look.
"I hate to see them apart, Marcus." He couldn't believe he heard such words from stuck up Percy Weasley. He seemed to have relaxed this year. Cedric remembered the first week of class his first year. Percy had gained Gryffindor House triple the amount of points than the rest of them. The Ravenclaw's were seething.
"President! We heard the news. Don't worry, I've already gotten the layout for Grimmauld Place so we can break in." Hermione laid blueprints out on the table.
"Merlin Herm! Where'd you get these? The Blacks are seriously paranoid about stuff like this." She waved off his question and said "I made them from memory." The twins came over and dumped their bags on the table.
"Alright Herm, we got the bear mace and peanut butter you asked for!" Cedric stared at the younger girl. What in the world was she thinking?
"It's alright Vice President. If I cannot follow my own rules, then I'd be a hypocrite. I'm always yelling at Remus and Lord Black about improper behavior, it's time I self reflect." Draco sank even lower in his chair and continued to stare at the ceiling.
"Herm, what's the peanut butter for?" Ron asked as he dragged a chair over to their table.
"I was going to lure Mr. Black out with it. Dogs love peanut butter." He shared a confused look with Neville and they both shrugged.
"And the bear mace?" Ginny shook the canister and Cedric leaned away from her. He was not about to get maced in the library.
"I was going to throw it at Professor Snape. I figured he'd be the biggest obstacle."
"Good thinking Herm! I heard from Bill that Professor Snape once sliced a Troll in half!" Cedric wasn't sure if that was true but he could see the Professor doing it so he didn't comment.
"Exactly! I ever bought handcuffs so they couldn't get away." She sighed and started packing her stuff away. He saw Percy discreetly snag the handcuffs and tried to obliviate himself.


Remus stretched as he woke up and felt Polly wrap her arms around him.
"Stay, mon cœur." Claude peeked out from her other side and murmured "yes stay." He was about to lay back down when a pop echoed inside the room. He grabbed his wand and threw up a shield, only to stare at the old elf.
"Master's werewolf! You must come quickly! Master is having a meltdown!" Remus continued to stare at Kreature. He heaved a sigh and blew his lovers a kiss.
"I will be back, my loves." They called out their goodbyes and he yanked a sweater on.
"Alright Kreacher, let's go." Kreacher apparated him to Grimmauld Place and he tried not to throttle Sirius. The idiot was laying on the ground, staring at the ceiling.
"Pads, what are you doing?" He didn't even blink at his sudden arrival, he just continued to stare blankly ahead. Taking the flowers out of the vase, he dumped the water on his friend.
"Merlin, Moony! You couldn't have just tapped my shoulder or something?" Sirius shook his head like a dog and glared at him.
"I was about to enjoy a nice morning with my partners when your decrepit elf interrupted us. Now what's the problem?" Sirius took a shuddering breath before screaming "Harry has a hickey!" Remus felt his mouth fall open in shock.
"By who?"
"That little Malfoy brat, of course! I knew he was bad news. He's a little tart!" Remus started laughing and couldn't stop.
"It's karma, Pads! This is what happens when you sleep with half of the school! At least Harry only has one boyfriend" He cackled even louder.
"Shut up, Rem! I was in my fifth year before I started messing around."
"You were a late bloomer, Sirius. James had already shagged half the Quidditch team by them." Sirius looked like a fish with his mouth opening and closing repeatedly.
"I was not a late bloomer! I had standards!"
"Sirius I saw you snog Cat Piss Amy. I'm pretty sure she would steal other students' pets!" Sirius got pale and gagged. "Oh Merlin, I forgot about that." The sound of giggling stopped their conversation and they turned to find Severus and Harry in the doorway. Harry had ice cream in his hand as he waved at him. A loud hissing came from the stairs and a snake slithered down them, heading straight for Harry.
"Cub, is that a tiny basilisk?"

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