Secret Tunnels & Snacks-Harry Is Out to Get Lockhart

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Harry watched Lockhart pace back and forth in front of Dumbledore's desk. It seemed he wasn't able to get his hair to grow back. How unfortunate.
"Albus, the boy has it out for me! He's been tormenting me for weeks and all I've ever done is try and help him!" Lockhart raved, his hands waving madly around. Dumbledore sighed and asked "Harry, is this true?" He looked at them both and said "I have no clue what you're talking about. No offense Professor but you're not even a blip on my radar." Lockhart went absolutely feral, screaming nonsense in his face. Lockhart had him by his collar at this point and Harry honestly couldn't tell if he was trying to be threatening or not. His Aunt Petunia was scarier than this man and she didn't even have magic! Suddenly Lockhart was on the ground and Mrs. Tonks was in front of him. He watched as she started kicking him as he lay on the ground. Harry couldn't help but wince at how pointy the tip of her shoes were. That had to hurt.
"Mrs. Tonks!" Dumbledore cried out, his face full of disapproval.
"Why was I not notified of this meeting, Albus?" Mrs. Tonks asked, still kicking Lockhart.
"Harry and Gilderoy just arrived. I was about to call you." The Headmaster replied, his hands clasped in front of him. Mrs. Tonks snorted and daintily sat down in one of the chairs. Harry took her lead and did the same. Lockhart pulled himself up and sat in the chair closest to the Headmaster, his hands trying to stop his bleeding nose.
"I'm sure. Now what seems to be the issue?" Dumbledore sighed sadly and said "Gilderoy seems to think Harry is out to get him." Mrs. Tonks just laughed and said "Harry's a child! What could he do besides a tickling charm?" Harry was pleased to see Lockhart's eye was twitching again.
"Harry my boy, I can't help but notice how the students seem to follow your every command lately. Would you like to explain?" Harry could tell Dumbledore was fishing for information.
"I don't know what you mean sir! I've just gained so many new friends this year!" Harry had probably talked to everyone at Hogwarts this year so it technically wasn't a lie. Sure it was mostly them helping him to get Lockhart fired but still!
"He's lying! Someone get a truth potion and make the little brat take it." Lockhart shouted, spit flying out of his mouth. Harry had to admit the man looked deranged. This was how Sirius, Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Severus found them.


Lucius knew something was happening at Hogwarts but he figured the boys would tell him after they took care of it. His sons were so independent, he sniffed. He curled his lip upon entering Dumbledore's office. The new Defense teacher was screaming at his son.
"Severus! There you are! This boy is a little liar and needs his deeds revealed. Do you happen to have any truth serum on you?" Harry stood up suddenly and wrapped his arms around Severus.
"Mr. Severus! He's been yelling at me this whole time and the Headmaster hasn't stepped in once. Auntie Andy had to use physical force to get him away from me." Lucius was horrified to see his tiny son close to tears. Severus's face was furious as he bent down to hug him back.
"So you've been antagonizing my godson?" Sirius' eyes were cold and Lucius fought off a shiver. That look was all Walburga. Dumbledore finally cleared his throat and said "I think there's been some confusion." Lucius cut him off.
"I think you're right, Headmaster. Why was Harry brought in here in the first place? It seems like Professor Lockhart has no actual proof of him doing anything. So you were just going to let this crazed man scream at a child? I wonder what the board will think of that." Dumbledore narrowed his eyes on him.
"I was worried about Harry as well. He seems to be acting rather out of character lately." He finally admitted. Sirius snorted.
"How my child acts is none of your concern, Albus." Dumbledore widened his eyes and retorted.
"Your child, Sirius? Don't you mean Lily and James' child?" Sirius flinched like he'd been hit and Harry wiggled his way out of Severus's grip.
"No! Sirius and Mr. Severus are my dads!" He saw Andy discreetly wiping her tears at his announcement.


Sirius felt his heart turn to goo at his pup's declaration. He thought of them as father figures? Merlin, he was going to start crying.
"Don't be ridiculous boy! Severus is your teacher, not your father." Lockhart's annoying voice shouted out. He was satisfied to see Andy lean over and kick him hard.
"Sev, why is this guy so obsessed with you?" Sirius turned his eyes on his beloved. He knew Lockhart was trying to get cozy with his boyfriend but you would think the guy would back off after countless rejections.
"I don't know! It's absolutely insane to think I would be with him in the first place. I mean have you seen Sirius? He's literally so attractive! And his hair? Beautiful." Sirius had never been complemented so angrily before. Severus continued to rant and he turned his eyes on Lockhart. The man was looking between the two of them and his eyes lit up.
"You've been harassing me because I've shown interest in Severus, haven't you? Maybe you should let the adults handle it, you little freak." Lucius and Sirius moved at the same time. Lockhart didn't stand a chance against them. He had warts and boils all over.
Sirius felt gleeful as he charmed his teeth an ugly brown color.
"Men! That is enough!" Dumbledore shouted and let his magic out slightly, trying to control the room.
"You're right! If this man ever gets close to Harry again, we will be suing. Good day!" Severus picked Harry up and stormed out of the room, his cloak billowing behind him.
"You'll be hearing from our lawyers, Lockhart." Lucius spat out and they followed them. Once they were far enough down the hall, Harry whirled on them.
"Merlin, Mrs. Tonks! You must've broken at least one of his ribs!" Harry was grinning widely and his cousin matched it.
"As he deserves! I can't believe he was shaking you by your collar and the Headmaster did nothing!" Harry shrugged before answering.
"I would have been more afraid if it was Hermione." They both giggled and Sirius looked around suddenly.
"Where is Draco?"


Draco shook the dust out of his hair. The twins had shown him all of the secret tunnels they knew of. He swung open the hatch and quietly crawled out. He snuck out of Honeydukes and strode towards the Hogs Head. Tonks said it was less crowded than the Three Broomsticks.
"Thank you so much for meeting with me on such a short notice, Griphook!" The goblin nodded and replied "I'm happy to help Harry." Draco grinned. It was nice his darling had so many connections.
"Did you find anything?" Harry had asked the goblins to investigate Lockhart. Luna had shown them the cork board the Ravenclaw's had set up in their common room. It had all of the inconsistencies in his books.
"That man should have covered his tracks better! He's going to be eaten alive by the press." Griphook bared his teeth, his eyes full of glee. He handed over a folder and the more Draco read, the wider his smile got.
"Oh my, what have you been up to Professor Lockhart?" He tucked the folder in his satchel and waved goodbye to Griphook. He had to get back to Harry and tell him the good news.
As he was leaving the secret passage, he slammed into someone. They both fell backwards and he felt someone catch him.
"It's usually the other way around!" Draco couldn't help his soft smile as Harry dipped him.
"Oi! I think I broke my tailbone." Lord Black was laying on the ground. Draco rolled his eyes and said "I'm sure Uncle will help you with that."
"Draco, where have you been?" His Father cast a cleaning charm on him and the rest of the cobwebs disappeared.
"I was just running an errand. You'll love what I got you Harry!" Harry gave a smug smile and whispered "I knew it!"
"Since we're all here, perhaps we could have a snack together? I've missed my sweet boys." Father wrapped them both in a tight hug, rubbing his face in their hair.


Harry hummed happily as he ate the cookies Mr. Malfoy brought them. They really were the best!
"Have you been messing with Lockhart, pup?" Sirius voiced the question everyone had on their mind. Harry slowly finished chewing before replying.
"Yup!" He reached for another cookie.
"Harry I appreciate you trying to defend me but it's not necessary. I'm more than capable of defending myself." Mr. Severus ruffed his hair. Draco gave a snicker and Harry replied.
"I wasn't trying to defend you, I was defending you. After the first week of classes, I met with all the prefects from each House. They were more than happy to help me get Lockhart kicked out. After everyone got on board over the whole Boy-Who-Lived nonsense, the rest was easy. I just had the twins carry me around everywhere. I think the other students were happy to take their frustration out on someone!" The adults stared at him and Mrs. Tonks started laughing.
"How did you manage to keep his hair from growing back?" She asked, her eyes sparkling.
"Did you know if you say a spell in Parseltongue, you have to say the counter in it as well? If you try to say it in English, nothing will happen" Harry replied, his grin devious. Mr. Malfoy started laughing loudly, his head thrown back.
"Harry!" Severus gasped, his mouth hanging open. Harry swung his feet and said "I also got the goblins involved." Draco kissed the back of his hand and said "you won't believe what they found, darling." Harry knew Griphook would come through! He would have to give him that goblin made dagger he found in granny's drawer. He started hissing in excitement and giggled as Sirius fell out of his chair when Porkchop slid out of Draco's bag.
"Pup! I thought you left your snakes at home!"
"I did leave them at home but Dobby brought them to visit and they were so lonely! I let Miss. Moon keep Luna company. They get on wonderfully!" Harry also thought it was a nice way to keep some of the meaner students in line so they wouldn't call Luna "Looney".
"Hatchling! Your mate promised me sausages!" Porkchop whined, slithering up his chair.
"Soon you won't be able to move, you silly worm." He playfully bared his fangs at him and Harry rolled his eyes, already reaching for some food.
"Next time you want to cause a ruckus, please let us know. I thought you were cursed!" His godfather stated.
"Don't be ridiculous, Lord Black. I would be the first one to know if my fiancé was cursed. If I wasn't worried, you shouldn't be." Sirius glared at Draco and retorted "as Harry's godfather, I'm always worried about his well-being." Draco narrowed his eyes before responding "well as Harry's soon-to-be husband, I'm more than capable of taking care of him."
"Well since Harry thinks of me as a Father, it is my absolute joy to give him everything he could want!"
"Mr. Malfoy, they're doing it again!" Harry whispered and Mr. Malfoy just gave him more cookies.
"I don't think we can stop them, my darling son." Mr. Malfoy said sadly. Mr. Severus just sighed as Sirius and Draco kept going back and forth.
He reached over and hugged him.
"Thank you for helping me, Harry. Twenty points to Hufflepuff."

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