Bonding Time & Dresses-Hermione Is Not Enjoying Puberty

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Harry sniffed as he laid in bed. Mummy Malfoy had been furious when she came to pick Draco up and saw that his ear was pierced. She had dragged him home and Harry was worried he was going to be in big trouble. What if he had to sleep in a cupboard? There was a soft knock on his door and Papa Sirius stuck his head in.
"Hey pup, are you okay?" Harry whispered "yes" before breaking down in tears. His godfather came in and rubbed his back.
"It's okay pup, don't cry." He cried even harder.
"Draco's in trouble and it's all my fault! I told him he should get his ear pierced." Sirius just let him cry himself out.
"Pup, you can't make anyone do anything they don't want to. If Draco didn't want to pierce his ear, he wouldn't have done it, right?" Harry nodded slowly.
"And Cissy isn't that mad. I think she was more shocked than anything. Apparently Draco is afraid of needles." Harry blinked. He hadn't known that.
"Won't he get punished?" Harry asked, wringing his hands together.
"Cissy will probably just send him to bed without dessert." Harry felt his shoulders relax. That sounded like a Dudley punishment. Draco wouldn't get hurt.
"Now I know it's dinner time but how about we eat ice cream? That will make you feel better!" His godfather transformed into a dog and barked at him. His tail was wagging excitedly and Harry chased him out of the room. They sat on the couch in their pajamas and ate ice cream. The telly was playing a movie about a daughter trying to find her real dad. It had some fun songs and Sirius wouldn't stop singing along. He laughed so hard he accidentally spit out his ice cream. That's how Father Severus found them an hour later. They had moved on to dancing in the living room and he was watching from the doorway.
"You're home! Come dance with us!" He sighed dramatically.
"But Harry, we have the Winter Ball tomorrow. If I dance too much tonight, I will be too tired to go tomorrow." He seemed to think about what he said before continuing "actually let me join you." Harry danced until exhaustion crept in. He fell asleep on the couch and was awake enough to feel Papa Sirius carry him to bed.
"Goodnight pup. We love you." Harry grabbed his hand and said "I love you too."


Severus was worried about Harry's meltdown. Sirius had said he was inconsolable. He was so worried Draco was going to be punished. It seemed certain things triggered him.
"We'll just have to keep reaffirming that he's a good boy and we're proud of him." Sirius said, his face earnest.
"He is a good boy. I can't believe with Potter being his father, he isn't elbow deep in mischief. I almost want him to act out." Sirius sat on his lap and wrapped his arms around his neck.
"Can you imagine if he was like James? I'd rip my hair out. James was a little brat when we were kids." Severus snorted at his admission.
"I hate to say it but he was an only child and his parents doted on him, of course he was a brat." Sirius laughed.
"Thank Merlin, Lily beat some sense into him."
"I'm more worried about Draco. I can't believe he got his ear pierced!" Sirius grimaced before saying "Apparently Harry had quite the reaction to the oldest Weasley. Ginny said he had to wipe the drool off his face." Severus frowned at that remark.
"William was a good student, I don't think we have to worry about him." Sirius got that crazed look in his eye.
"Perhaps I'll give him a little talk, just to be sure." Severus rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's protective attitude. He couldn't help thinking about their talk yesterday.
"Sirius, were you serious about getting married?"
"Darling, I'm always Sirius." He couldn't stop his smile, even though he was annoyed by his joke.
"I would marry you tomorrow, if you agreed to it. I can't imagine my life without you in it. Please tell me you'll think about it." Sirius was gazing into his eyes.
"Yes. I expect an elaborate proposal though. Draco will outshine us when the time comes but I want it to be memorable." Sirius gave a whoop and pulled him in for a kiss.


Draco moved his head back and forth, watching his earring dangle. After his Mother had calmed down, she had admitted that it looked dashing. They had changed the stud to a black gem with a chain hanging on it. At the end was a little dagger charm. It was sharp enough to cut someone too, just in case.
"Draco love, are you done getting ready?" Their color this year was gold. The entire manor was decorated in gold, shining like Midas's palace.
"Don't you look darling! Harry will love your outfit!" His Father straightened the crown on his head. He wore them every year, each more elaborate than the last. He said it made him feel pretty as a princess.
"I can't wait to see what Harry's going to wear! It has been very hush hush." His Mother squealed as they opened the gates. Guests started pouring in and they greeted them at the door.
"Hello President! I heard about your earring! It looks so cool." He preened at his Vice President's comment.
"Thank you, Herm. Harry likes it." He smiled, his insides turning to mush at the thought of his beloved. He couldn't wait to see him.
"President, if you have a stroke after seeing how cute Harry's outfit is, I will make you proud by leading the HFC." He clapped her on the shoulder.
"I would expect nothing less, Herm." The Weasley's arrived and they all thanked them for the invitation.
"Cool dagger, little Malfoy! Maybe I'll copy you!" He puffed up his chest.
"If you need help getting a partner, Weasley, I would be happy to give you some tips." The oldest Weasley gaped at him before going into the Hall. He mentally patted himself on the shoulder. William Weasley may be cool but he was still a Gryffindor.
"Draco look! Harry's here!" He turned his head quickly, seeking out his darling. Neville handed him a handkerchief as his nose started bleeding. Harry was wearing a dress. It went to the floor and was a beautiful silver color, almost like armor. It had a high neck with a cut out above his collar bones. The sleeves went down to his wrist and Draco pressed on his nose when he noticed the cinched waist. His hair fell to his waist in soft waves.
Merlin, he could die right now and be happy. Maybe he was actually dead? He'd take it!
"Hi Draco." Harry looked shy as he peeked at him. Draco kissed the back of his hand and said "Harry my love, you look stunning. I would pluck every star out of the sky so everyone could marvel at your beauty." Harry's smile lit up his face.
"You always know how to woo me, Draco." Lord Black was suddenly next to his face.
"Keep your paws to yourself, Malfoy. After tonight, our alliance is over." He pushed his face away.
"Don't you have to find a corner to snog Uncle in?" Harry dragged him on the dance floor and they twirled under the chandelier, eyes following them in envy. Let them be jealous. He would be the only one dancing with Harry tonight.


Hermione sighed at how ethereal Harry looked on the dance floor. His dress reminded her of something a warrior princess would wear, slicing down enemies on the battlefield. It wouldn't be realistic but it would look mesmerizing.
"Hi Herm! We couldn't help noticing you all by yourself over here!" Fred said and George kissed the back of her hand.
"Perhaps you would like to dance with us?" She suddenly blushed at their attention. Damn puberty! She had been noticing certain behavior from the twins that made her feel some type of emotion. She couldn't quite figure out what it was but it was making her flustered around them.
"How will we dance with three people?"
"We're not sure but we'll make it work!" They swept her into the dance floor and they were so in sync that they effortlessly switched between each other. She had no idea how it was working but it was. She saw Tonks leading Cedric in a spicy waltz. The song ended and she saw Harry waving at them. George and Fred started dancing with him and Draco with her.
"Herm, do you like the twins?" She felt the final puzzle piece slid into place. She didn't have scarlet fever, she had a crush! Draco watched her face.
"You didn't realize you liked them did you?" She shook her head and he just patted her hand.
"Don't worry, Herm. If it doesn't work out, you can date their other brothers as revenge." She laughed and they kept dancing.
"Hermione! You look beautiful." Harry hugged her close and she relished in the feeling. Maybe it was the holidays but she was feeling rather emotional. She wished she could go back in time and tell her younger self that they have true friends and to not lose hope. She had been so lonely as a child and these people filled her heart with so much joy.
"I really love all of you." She sniffed and Harry cried out "group hug!" They all surrounded her in a giant pile and she gave a watery laugh.
"Harry, is Professor Snape trying to climb out the window?" They looked over and saw that he had his bottom half hanging out the window and Mr. Black was trying to pull him back in.
"Sirius, let me go this instant! All of the warm, fuzzy feelings are giving me heartburn!"

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