Stabbings & Twister- The Wedding (Part Two)

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Hermione took a deep breath before slowly cracking the door open. She did a double take before walking into the room and shutting the door firmly behind her.
"What are you doing?" She asked and Neville startled before toppling over. He bumped into Ginny and that left Harry as the only one with his hands on the giant dots.
"We're playing Twister, Herm! Harry's been ready for ages." Ginny explained and Hermione pinched the end of her nose. Thank Merlin no one else had seen them like this. Ron would have thrown a fit to see Harry in his wedding gown, rolling around on the floor.
"I can't stand waiting, Hermione. I get antsy." Harry said softly and she cracked a grin.
"Make sure to invite me next time. I love Twister."
"Is Draco having a meltdown?" Ginny asked gleefully as she took a bite of a cookie as she sat down. Hermione threw herself down on the sofa before sighing loudly.
"Draco is fine. He tried to sneak over but Sirius caught him. It's the Black Cousins that are the problem. They all somehow ended up brawling! Professor Tonks had to break it up and she was not happy." Ginny laughed loudly and Harry joined in.
"I bet it was hilarious to watch." Neville gently cleared his throat and she felt a flash of guilt. Of course he wouldn't find it funny. Bellatrix Lestrange had tortured his parents into insanity.
"I see Lady Lestrange managed to escape. I think she promised me a stabbing." He said cheerfully before taking a giant dagger out of his pocket. He started whistling as he strode out of the room.
"She what?" Ginny muttered and Harry snickered as he eased himself beside her, his dress flaring out.
"Miss. Bella promised Neville could give her a little stab, just to make them even." He explained and she groaned before burying her face into her hands.
"Not my circus, not my monkeys." She whispered before straightening her shoulders.
"Harry, you look stunning. I've been waiting for this day for so long and now that it's finally here, I couldn't be happier." She sniffed. Harry reached over and grasped her hand.
"I'm so happy you're here to share it with me. Remember when we first met? You accused me of trying to make you do my homework!" He giggled and she grinned as she remembered. Harry was the first friend she had made at Hogwarts. Without him, she probably would have been miserable until she graduated.
"I remember. I still can't believe I'm going to be the new Librarian next year." She squealed and he cheered for her. The Headmistress had accepted her application after the unfortunate disappearance of Madam Pince. Hermione was one hundred percent sure Draco had something to do with it but she was still grateful. There was a knock on the door and Professor Snape stuck his head in.
"It's time for the ceremony."


Ron straightened his tie for the hundredth time. Everything had to be perfect. His best mate was getting married today! He dabbed his eyes before glaring at Cedric.
"Oi! Draco left you in charge of greeting the guests! I don't see you greeting." He barked out and Cedric looked around before pointing at himself.
"I've already greeted all of the guests, Ron! I'm currently hiding from the Black Sisters. Mrs. Tonks told Mrs. Lestrange how I have "liquid luck running through my veins" and I'm pretty sure they're plotting to drag me into the woods after the ceremony so I need to be around witnesses!" He rambled out and Ron held up his hand to stop him.
"Cedric, I forgot the part where I care! Go greet the guests or I'll drag you into the woods!" Cedric scurried away and Ron took a calming breath.
"Merlin, Forge! You would think Ronnie is the one getting married!' George joked as he came into the room, Fred right behind him.
"I know, Gred! We'll have to make sure Fleur keeps him distracted when their big day comes." Ron flushed brightly but didn't say anything. He knew he was being a bridezilla but he didn't care. Harry was his best friend, he was going to make sure everyone behaved themselves. He had Daphne and Marcus on the lookout for any potential troublemakers. Neville came practically skipping into the room and Ron swore he saw blood on the cuff of his sleeve but didn't say anything. Neville could be rather scary at times.
"Alright! We have to take our seats. The ceremony is about to start!" Ron quickly took his seat beside Fleur and Percy.
"Hi Ronnie! The Twins said you were being crazy." Percy whispered before handing him a chocolate frog. He popped it into his mouth before smiling shyly at him.
"Maybe just a little crazy." He admitted and Percy patted his shoulder.
"You get that from me." Fluer tapped his side and he looked over.
"Sorry to break up your moment, darling but aren't you standing up with Harry?" Ron felt himself pale before he hurried towards the back of the room, scattered laughter following him. He found Herm waiting for him and he held his arm out. She rolled her eyes as she took it. Lord Malfoy was standing at the altar and Draco started marching towards him. Ron wasn't sure who had convinced him to wear a crown but he looked stunning. Herm pulled his arm and he let her lead him to the front before they separated. Loud squawking came from behind them and he watched as four peacocks came strutting down the aisle. Marshmallow was in the lead and Ron preened at how cute they looked. They had on little black suits, with matching ties. They toddled over to stand beside Herm. The crowd seemed to hold their breath before the door was opening for a final time and Harry stepped out with Sirius on his arm.

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