Nunchucks & Piercings-Bill Weasley Is a Bad Influence

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Harry loved Yule. He had never been able to celebrate it with the Dursley's but now he had his own family and it was growing everyday! He started wrapping the vests he got for everyone. He was going to Ron's today with Draco. He would finally meet the oldest Weasley boy and he tried not to be nervous. What if he didn't like him? Shaking off his negative thoughts, he pulled on a sweater. It was white with the word Malfoy in green letters across the back. Draco loved when he wore it so he tried to wear it often. He pulled on some jeans and put his hair in two braided buns. Hermione had helped him get used to his bangs and now he thought they were cute as can be. The mirror was right, they shaped his face quite nicely.
"Harry my love, are you ready? Father made cookies for us to take with." Draco stopped in the doorway and gave him a look full of admiration.
"You look gorgeous, my heart. I'll be fighting off suitors with a stick at the ball. Don't worry, Lord Black and I have come to a truce for the Winter Break. We've both agreed to drag any bothersome busybodies to the Swamp." Draco said fiercely, his voice cold.
"I'm glad you're getting along!" He was happy they talked things out between them. He and Father Severus had agreed to lock them in a room together if they kept it up.
"Alright, let's go see Ron." Dobby dropped them off and Harry curiously looked around the Weasley's yard. They had chickens running around and he stifled the urge to chase them. He loved chasing birds, Papa Sirius said it was the Black blood in him. Their house was fascinating to look at. It looked like magic was the only thing keeping it up.
Draco knocked on the door and Ginny answered it.
"Malfoy! Harry! You're here! Mum and Dad stepped out so it's just us. Here, I'll put the cookies on the table." She closed the door behind them and they followed her to the living room.
"Harbear! Look at those bangs! Cute!" The twins hugged him from either side and he blushed bright red. They always made him smile.
"Well I think they look nice too, Harry!" Ron ruffled his hair and Draco smacked his hand away.
"You're going to mess up his buns! They're too cute to mess up." He stated and Ron rolled his eyes.
"You're barmy, mate." Harry noticed Percy sitting with two older boys and they came over.
"Harry! Look at you. So cute. Marcus says hi and that he'll see you both at the ball. Oh, let me know if you need help with your outfit. I promised Ron I'd iron out any wrinkles." He winked at him and Harry giggled into his hand.
"Wait Percy and Ron get to see your outfit?" Draco asked loudly, his hands on his hips.
"Oh I've seen it too! You're going to die when you see it, Malfoy!" Ginny bragged, her smile wide. Draco got down on one knee and begged "my angel, please let me see a little peek of your outfit! Even just a sleeve." Harry just shook his head and gave him a secretive smile.
"Nuh uh, darling. It'd ruin the surprise." There was a slight cough and they all turned to look at the stocky Weasley boy.
"Hi Harry! Hi Malfoy! I'm glad to see you both! The dragons miss you. I actually got another scale as a gift from them." Charlie pulled a black scale out of his pocket and handed it over. Harry grinned and gave it to Draco.
"This is the best gift ever. Thank you, my love." He leaned forward and kissed his forehead.
"Oh Harry! This is Bill, our oldest brother." He looked him over and his brain short circuited. Bill had an earring!


Ron watched Harry stutter out hello to his oldest brother and mentally said goodbye to him. Bill was cool and attractive, of course Harry wouldn't be invincible to his charms! They should've prepared for this! Ron sighed and figured Charlie was the oldest now.
"Aw, aren't you the cutest boy I've ever seen? I could just gobble you up!" Bill cooed at him and Ron could only stare in horror. He was just digging his grave deeper!
"Ah, Weasley! Didn't you have something to show Harry?" Draco said slowly and she nodded quickly.
"Yes President! Come on Harry! I have nunchucks under my bed, you'll love them!" She dragged Harry out of the room and Ron yanked Bill to the side as the twins started talking to Draco.
"Bill, are you mad? Don't say stuff like that in front of Draco! The last person to make a move on Harry had her teeth knocked out!" He hissed out to his oldest brother and Bill just laughed at him.
"Don't worry, Ronnie! I like baby Harry and I'm not afraid of Malfoy." Ron gave a muffled scream into his hand. The idiot just wasn't listening! He never listened to them. Oh no, Bill knew everything and they were all just babies.
"I would listen to Ronnie, Bill. Draco will drag you to the Black Family Swamp." Percy commented and Draco finally broke free of the twins.
"Weasley, I'm only going to tell you this once. Stay away from my Harry or I'll murder you and my club will help me hide your body. I feel obligated to say that half of my club is your siblings so watch yourself." Draco threatened and Bill blinked before nodding seriously.
"I understand, Malfoy. Any feelings I have towards Harry are the same ones I feel for my siblings. There is nothing romantic about them." Draco watched him for a few moments before saying "Good, let's keep it that way." Ron let out a sigh of relief. He would hate to explain to his parents that Bill was chicken food.


Ginny wacked her nunchucks around and watched Harry look around her room. It was a ghastly shade of pink and she hated it. Her mum had painted it when she was younger and hadn't allowed her to paint it a different color. She seemed to think that she would grow to love it again. At least it wasn't orange like Ron's room. Just looking in it gave her a headache.
"Bill's earring is cool." Harry commented softly, his cheeks still flushed. He looked so cute like that, she just wanted to squish him.
"I bet if you asked, Malfoy would get one." Harry shook his head.
"I would never!" It was a good thing Harry was a wonderful person. He could ask Malfoy to take over the wizarding world for him and he would. Thank Merlin, he'd never abuse his power, she thought to herself.
"What would I get? Say the word, Harry and I'll do it!" Malfoy walked through her door, Ron and the twins following him.
"Nothing!" He said quickly and sat on the edge of her bed.
"Harry likes Bill's earring and thinks you'd look fit with one." She told him and his eyes lit up.
"Really, my sweet? I'll do it!" Harry tried to convince him he didn't have to but Malfoy was determined. Bill was playing chess with Charlie when they all interrupted him.
"Weasley, Harry likes your earring so I would like one as well. Where did you get it done?" Bill smiled at Harry, much to Malfoy's irritation and replied.
"Oh, I did it myself. I'd be happy to do yours, Malfoy." Charlie looked worried as he asked "Are you sure we should be doing this?"
"Don't worry, Char! Mum left me in charge so it'll be fine." Bill said as he got a needle out of their Mum's sewing kit.
"Come here, Malfoy! We'll have you looking fit in no time!"

Bill was going to be in so much trouble when his parents got home. He had pierced Malfoy's ear, no problem. It's what happened afterwards that led to everything going downhill. Apparently Ronnie fainted at the sight of blood, so they had to lug him to the couch and Percy put a cold washcloth on his face. Harry was so busy making eyes at Malfoy he wasn't watching where he was going and tripped, giving himself a black eye. Fred and George had both tried to catch him and they managed to bang their noses together, causing them to bleed. Ron had just woken up when he fainted again at the sight.
"Alright! Everyone sit down on the floor now!" Percy said loudly and they all quickly obeyed him.
"Now, we're all going to stay here until mum and dad get home." Malfoy looked bored and Harry started whispering in his ear.
"What? You saw them?" Malfoy looked at Percy and said "you and Flint let Moaning Myrtle watch you snog? Ew." His felt his mouth drop open. He had heard his siblings mention a Flint but he had assumed it was someone bullying Percy, not a boyfriend.
"You have a boyfriend, Perce?" Charlie looked just as shocked as he was.
"Yes? Marcus Flint, the love of my life?" Percy said sarcastically.
"Oh! Well good for you!" Charlie said, rubbing his hands together. Charlie always was better with dragons than people.
"But you snog in Myrtle's bathroom? Ugh, she's such a little creep." Bill commented and watched Harry smile slyly.
"You can bribe her with shirtless photos." They all turned to stare at the Hufflepuff boy.
"Not of me! Of Cedric." He clarified and the twins cackled with laughter.
"Merlin Harry! That's brilliant!" Cedric was their neighbor and he had heard about the boy's home wrecking phase. Bill didn't know where he got the habit from. At least he wasn't trying to break Harry and Malfoy up anymore.

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