Dates & New Students- Cedric Is Going To Die

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"That has to be the most idiotic thing I've ever heard!" Neville sighed as Herm stood up, her hands braced on the table. The Great Hall was silent as they waited for her to finish her rant.
"The TriWizard Tournament was outlawed for a reason! People died playing the game." Neville watched as the shocked teachers collected themselves.
"Ten points from Gryffindor, Miss. Granger!" Professor McGonagall said but she seemed distracted as she stared at the Headmaster.
"Twenty points to Gryffindor." Everyone gaped at Professor Snape. Snape had never given points to Gryffindor before. Merlin, maybe the world was ending.
"I agree with Miss.Granger, Headmaster! The Tournament is dangerous!" Lord Malfoy was mirroring Herm's pose, his eyebrows pushed together.
"It has been approved by the ministry. I'm surprised you weren't aware, Lucius." No one missed the mocking edge to the Professor's voice.
"Excuse me?" Draco's voice came from the other side and everyone looked at him.
"Father, Harry and I will be studying at home this year. Harry, go pack your things." Neville watched Harry stand up but Professor Sprout stopped him.
"I'm sorry, boys. All magical children must receive a formal education." She seemed just as furious as the students with her arms crossed over her chest.
"If I may continue?" He didn't pause before saying "Durmstrang and Beauxbatons will be the other schools competing." A sudden squeal came from Harry.
"Did you hear that, Draco? Fleur and Gabi will be coming to Hogwarts." Neville honestly couldn't wait to see the two French girls. He had sent Fleur a man eating flower for her birthday.
"You know who else is going to be here?" Ginny said slyly and Neville joined in.
"Viktor Krum!" Ron's eyes got huge and he wiggled in his seat.
"Do you think he'd sign my forehead?" Neville was positive Fleur would disembowel Krum if he did that.
"Ah maybe he could just sign your notebook?" Neville suggested and Ron started muttering about finding the perfect notebook.
"You must be sixteen and older to participate in the Tournament!" Neville let out a breath of relief. At least they were only thirteen. He didn't know what would happen if Harry or Draco somehow got their names entered. He gave a shiver. Nothing good, that's for sure.


Draco watched Harry bounce in his seat. The other schools were showing up today and Draco had told all of his minions to be on guard. Harry had half of his hair in two braided pigtails with the rest of it down. He looked so cute and Draco was positive that plenty of other people would think so. He made eye contact with Herm and she nodded.
"Listen up! As Hogwarts students, it's our duty to protect our Favorite Hogwarts Couple!" The other students looked at each other.
"Will we let some strangers break up Drarry?"
"No!" They all shouted out.
"Exactly! If you see anything suspicious, report it to the HFC immediately. Thank you for your dedication." She sat down and gave him a thumbs up. Herm always knew how to get the people going, she was a wonderful Vice President.
"Harry darling, I thought we could have a little date soon." Harry focused on him and grinned widely.
"We could sneak out to Hogsmeade!"
"What a wonderful idea!" Draco was planning on taking Harry out on the night they drew the names for the Tournament. Draco was worried some of the other students would try and win Harry's favor by becoming the Hogwarts Champion. He was not going to let that happen so he needed to get Harry as far away as possible. A student ran in and shouted "they're here!" Harry grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the Great Hall. A large boat was coming out of the lake, its sails catching the wind.
"The poor kraken." Neville whispered as they watched a plank get lowered and students pile out.
"Merlin, they're all so big!" The Durmstrang students were covered in thick fur coats. Draco glared when he saw Viktor Krum at the front with his Headmaster.
"Viktor!" Harry waved enthusiastically and the burly boy grinned when he spotted him.
"Hello Harry!" He patted his head and the club formed around the surprised Hufflepuff.
"Get your paws off my husband, Krum." He barked out and ignored the other students looking at him.
"Ah hello Draco! Good to see you too!" He glared him and Ron spoke up.
"Hi! My names is Ron and-"
"Oh! You're Ron! It's nice to meet you. I'm Viktor." He shook the starstruck boy's hand. The Durmstrang students started whispering immediately.
"He knows my name!" Ron whispered and fanned his face. A loud sound grabbed their attention to the giant flying carriage plummeting through the sky. As soon as it touched the ground, the door was kicked off its hinges and Fleur threw herself out.
"What did I tell you, Krum? Five feet away!" She stalked forward and stood close to Ron.
"Hi Fleur!" Harry said and she scooped him up.
"Arry! I've missed you so much." As she peppered his face with kisses, the other students cautiously got out.
"Harry!" Gabrielle shouted and joined her sister as they lavished Harry with attention. The Beauxbatons students looked horrified at the display.
"Girls, leave Harry alone." A hush broke out until students were screaming out.
"Professor Lupin, you're back!" "Sir, have you come to duel Professor Malfoy for the Defense position?" "We've missed you, Professor!" The werewolf gave everyone a warm smile and said "I'm just here as a volunteer to help watch the children!"
"Oh Severus! Congratulations on your proposal!"
"Professor Snape is engaged?"


Harry giggled as he followed Draco through one of the secret passages. He had been excited to see who would be picked as the Champions but Draco had surprised him with their date! He had gotten his permission slip signed but the next Hogsmeade visit was two weeks away. They would have more privacy sneaking out. He just hoped no one would notice they were missing.
"My heart, I thought we could get some food and then walk around." Draco said as they snuck out of the Honeydukes cellar. They easily blended in with the other customers and Harry left with a big bag of treats. Draco led him to a bright pink shop and held the door open.
"Welcome to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop!" A black haired girl greeted them. Harry looked around and was shocked by the interior. Everything was frilly and pastel! It was so cute. They sat down and Draco ordered for them.
"I thought you might like it, Harry. I personally think it would be the perfect spot for Valentine's Day." Harry agreed and slurped his tea. The other students were keeping their distance from his darling and he was happy he didn't have to stab someone. He kept his rat shank tucked into his hair. It seemed the Beauxbaton students had heard about what he'd done to those other girls and they hadn't glanced at them twice. That suited him just fine. He was sure Dumbledore was eager to catch him doing something wrong so he could call him into his office. The old man had been staring at him an awful lot this year and it was giving him the creeps.
"Harry love, are you done?" He looked at his plate and realized he must have been eating while he was thinking.
"Yes babe, thank you." Draco's mouth fell open before he shut it with a snap.
"Babe? I like it." He smiled and Harry felt like he had angry hornets in his stomach. He couldn't wait to marry Draco. They would do everything together.
They wandered around the village before a group of boys ran into them. Draco stood protectively in front of him and hissed out "watch where you're going!" The leader stepped forward and said "oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?" Draco cocked his head to the side before his fist was slamming in his cheek. The other boy went down like a sack of potatoes and Harry could see his face was bleeding. A shine caught his eye and Harry realized Draco was wearing his brass knuckles.
"Now the polite thing to do would be to apologize." The boy spat out a mouthful of blood before charging at him. Harry panicked and threw himself in front of Draco.
"Please stop!" The boys all laughed and said "ooooo! Your little girlfriend is defending you!" Draco wrapped his arms around him and said "well you did try, darling." Harry stomped his foot and the boys started sinking into the ground, almost like quicksand. They shouted out and tried to get away but Harry was having none of it.
"Maybe next time you'll listen to him." He said sternly and let Draco escort him away.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable by joining in. I didn't want you to get hurt." Harry was nervous that Draco would be upset at his interference.
"Don't be silly, lovely. I love that you are capable of taking care of yourself!" Draco kissed his cheek and he blushed as his attention. They ended up finding an empty field and Draco had Dobby set off fireworks. It was the perfect ending to a perfect night.


Cedric was sweating. He had put his name in the Goblet and he was having some major regrets. He had been listening to Tonks and Draco talk about their summer and he didn't want Tonks to think that he was boring so he entered! At least he had a slim chance of winning.
"What would you do with the prize money?" Tonks asked Fleur and she thought about it before answering.
"I am going to present it to Ron's parents as my dowry." She said proudly. The girl was committed and he could respect that.
"What about you, babe?" He grinned at her and said "well I'd give it to you, babe!" They high-fived, ignoring the other Hufflepuffs looks of disgust.
"Where's Harry and Draco?" He asked as Herm plopped down beside them, Victor following behind her.
"Oh Draco took Harry out so the Hogwarts Champion wouldn't try to woo him." Cedric prayed even harder that he wouldn't get picked. If he was chosen, Draco would murder him. There was no doubt in his mind that the other boy would feel threatened. He had half of the school on his shit list because Harry had wished them a good morning!
"Alright students! We will begin the drawing." The Goblet's fire went out and Dumbledore rooted his hand around before pulling out the first slip.
"The Beauxbaton's Champion is Fleur Delacour." They all cheered as she walked up and went into the back room.
"The Durmstrang Champion is Viktor Krum!" Ron cheered loudly from the Gryffindor table. Cedric was surprised he hadn't professed his love to the Quidditch star yet.
"And the Hogwarts Champion is Cedric Diggory!" He felt his stomach drop and he forced a smile as he waved at his Housemates. This was bullshit! It was rigged and he was going to die. Tonks would marry someone tall and he would have to hang out with Myrtle for all eternity. As he walked past the Headmaster, another slip of paper was spit out. The silence was deafening before he read it out.
"Harry Potter."

Fanboy Draco Malfoy Convinces Harry Potter to Marry Him!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora