Fist Fights & Muggles-Everyone Is Angry and They Are Going To Show It

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Harry stared at the ceiling. He had been stuck in bed for three days. It kind of reminded him of being locked in his cupboard. He used to make up games with the spiders that lived in the corner of the room. There were no spiders in the infirmary but he had something even better. His fiancé hadn't left his side. Even when he threw up everywhere, Draco was there to hold his hair back.
"Darling, I brought you some pudding!" Draco carried a tray in and set it on his bed. He picked up the bowl and started hand feeding it to him. He knew he could probably do it himself but it was nice to be taken care of by everyone. Mummy Malfoy had brushed his hair for him this morning and Papa Siri had even braided it! He was being greedy, Harry thought with a sigh.
"Do you not like the pudding, my heart? I can get you something else!" Draco was already halfway to the door when he stopped him.
"The pudding is perfect, Draco! I'm just worried I'm being a burden." Harry muttered the last part, feeling embarrassed. He had been sick plenty of times before and he hadn't acted like such a baby!
"Harry, I love you. You know that right? I live for you. I'd kill for you. I want to take care of you. In sickness and in health, yeah?" Harry fanned his face at Draco's words. It was so romantic!
"I love you too." He whispered back and Draco gave him a giant smile.
"Good." He sat back down and continued to feed him pudding.
"I'm going to shower real quick but Tonks and Diggory should be by, okay?" Draco kissed his forehead before walking away. Harry knew he probably had fifteen minutes before Draco returned. Besides going to class, they were joined at the hip.
"Wotcher Harry! How are you feeling?" Cedric and Tonks strolled through the door. She had Porkchop wrapped around her neck like a scarf and he was hissing loudly.
"Two legs! Where is my speaker? Is he hurt? Why has he gone away? Why won't you answer me? Have you taken him from me? I will eat you whole!" The snake had unhinged his jaw when Harry finally managed to intervene.
"Pork! I'm right here! I've just been sick so Tonks said she'd watch you." His jaw snapped close and he threw himself off the girl's shoulders. He landed on the ground with a loud thud and slithered over to him.
"Speaker! I've been worried sick! The girl can't understand a word I'm saying! I thought you were injured and I couldn't get to you!" His hisses were wobbly like he was about to cry.
"Don't be upset, Porkchop! I didn't want you to get sick!" He wrapped around his torso and Harry hugged his friend tightly.
"I'm not going to lie, Harry. I definitely thought your snake was going to eat my hand off." Tonks said, swinging her feet back and forth.
"He was just worried, Tonks. He won't hurt you." Cedric ignored them both and said "you need to get better quickly, Harry. Draco is an absolute nightmare. He's been in a foul mood and I'm pretty sure he made multiple people cry."
"He's just worried about me. I'm sure he didn't mean too." Cedric didn't look convinced and Tonks added in "someone asked him how you were doing and he told them it was "it was none of their business. Maybe they should be more concerned about their atrocious eyebrows."" At that moment, the door swung open to reveal Draco.
"I'm back, my love. Tonks, thank you for stopping by. Diggory, go away. Your face is giving me a headache."


Ginny Weasley glared at the group of girls in front of her.
"All I'm saying is Malfoy is too possessive! He acts like he owns Harry Potter. That's like four red flags right there. Not to mention he won't let anyone close to him. I bet he got him sick on purpose just so he can spend even more time with him!" Romilda Vane just couldn't seem to get the memo that Harry Potter was off limits. Ginny had struggled as well but she hadn't started horrid rumors about the other boys!
"Oi! You leave Malfoy alone. He loves Harry and there's nothing wrong about it!" She defended her President. Sure he was a bit of a wanker but he did treat Harry well and that's all she wanted. Harry Potter was an incredibly sweet person who didn't deserve all of the horrible things that had happened in his life. She was determined to help shoulder some of his troubles and knew her fellow club members felt the same way. He was always there for them so she would happily defend him.
"Gosh Weasley. You're so pathetic. You couldn't stand against Malfoy so you just joined him? Some Gryffindor you are!" She got in the other girl's face.
"Just because you have some weird obsession with him doesn't mean he'd ever be interested in you. No offense Vane but Harry could have anyone in Hogwarts and you'd be his last choice." The other girl flushed red before sneering at her.
"Well maybe if Malfoy wasn't so up his arse, he'd be willing to look at other people." Ginny scoffed and said "don't be stupid! Harry literally gave Malfoy his Dad's wedding ring. Obviously the feelings are mutual." Vane just scowled at her.
"Well it's because Malfoy had him tricked. I know I could be a better partner than that Death Eater in training." A crowd was forming around them as the two girls continued to fight.
"Don't call Malfoy that! If you're going to call him anything, it should be the Boy-Who-Lived's future husband." It was like running into a brick wall! This girl was refusing to see sense. All this trouble she was trying to start would just hurt Harry's feelings! If she cared about him at all she would have realized that.
"Don't be ridiculous! There's no way Malfoy is going to manage to keep Harry Potter's attention that long! I bet they don't even make it to fourth year!" It was dead quiet before Malfoy's voice rang out.
"I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. What did you just say?"

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