Breaking In & Snake Reunions-Porkchop Can't Stop Stress Eating

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Hermione ignored Ron pulling on her sleeve as she worked the lock pick back and forth. She had read a book about lock picking and now she was testing it out. Draco had written to her about their new member and she was trying to welcome them to the club. If only she could get this damn door open. She heard a click and felt the pins align. She twisted the handle and gave a whoop as it opened.
"Herm, are you sure it's okay for us to break into Malfoy Manor?" Ron asked her for the third time.
"It's not breaking in Ron! We're just surprising everyone before they get back. As Vice President of HFC, I have to make sure we greet our new member properly. If any of you make her uncomfortable" she drew her finger across her neck, making her point clear. The twins nodded their heads as Neville hid behind them.
"Alright! Let's get everything set up." Entering Draco and Harry's bedroom, she called for Kreacher. The old elf had grown to like them so he would help them out every now and then.
"Miss. Granger called Kreacher?" He wheezed as he popped in front of her.
"Hello Kreacher! Harry and Draco are coming home today! Would you mind preparing some snacks?" The second she mentioned Harry, Kreacher perked up.
"Precious little master be coming home today? Kreacher will get snacks for him!" He disappeared without another word.
"Okay, do we have everything set up?" Ron and Neville had dragged blankets and pillows to the floor, making a nest for everyone to sit in. The twins were setting out the notes she had made, summarizing the previous meetings so their new member wouldn't feel left out. They heard voices and she stood up.
"Alright boys! Let's welcome our friends home!" She marched out the door and they followed behind her.


Fleur heard running and turned to see a group of kids her age enter the room. There was one girl and four boys.
"Vice President! Good to see you!" Draco wrapped his arms around the girl and she reciprocated.
"President! I'm happy to see you're well! I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty to get everything set up in your room." The girl's hair seemed to move in her excitement.
"Of course not, Herm! Fleur, this is Hermione Granger. Herm, this is Fleur Delacour, our newest member." Hermione took one look at her and frowned. Fleur felt herself tense up, it would be difficult if this girl decided she didn't like her. Most girls didn't so she shouldn't have gotten her hopes up that this would be different.
"Your nose is bleeding! Are you okay?" Hermione held a handkerchief against her nose and Fleur felt her cheeks flush. No one girl had ever willingly helped her since her inheritance.
"I'm fine. International travel tends to give me a nosebleed sometimes." She said quickly, her voice pitched in embarrassment.
"Well I'm happy to finally meet you! If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask any of us." The girl's eyes were a warm brown color as she gazed at Fleur. Two arms appeared on either side of Hermione as the identical boys said "like Herm said, we're happy to help you! We're Fred and George. The uglier redhead behind us is Ron, our baby brother." The boy in question rolled his eyes before saying "please ignore them. They got bit by a feral squirrel and they have rabies. Unfortunately we never got it treated so now they're both plain crazy." She couldn't help laughing and watched as both twins launched themselves at him. They tumbled to the ground as the last boy introduced himself.
"Hello Heir Delacour! My name is Neville Longbottom." He announced awkwardly. Herm patted his back and said "good job Nev!" She smiled gently at him. She understood being uncomfortable around strangers.
"It's nice to meet you all! I'm happy to be a member of HFC." She said proudly and the other children cheered.


Harry went to his snake enclosure, Gabrielle following behind him.
"So they have a meeting about you and you're not even allowed to be there?" The younger girl cried out, her loafers clicking on the cobblestone path.
"Well if it's about me, I don't want to be there. I think it'd be rather silly to go to a club based around myself. I'd feel like a narcissist." Harry explained. She hummed and said "I guess so. Anyways! You can really talk to snakes? Wicked!" Harry led her through the door and hissed out "I'm home! Where is everyone?" The air was filled with hisses as his friends answered him.
"Speaker! We've missed you!"
"Yes we missed the speaker!" MH hissed loudly as they flung themselves off the rock they were laying on. Harry caught them before they could hurt themselves.
"MH! Be careful!" He hissed quietly. They just laughed and curled around his shoulders.
"Ah 'Arry?" Gabrielle's voice was high and he spun around to see Miss. Moon an inch from the blonde girl's face.
"Look at her hair, hatchling! It shines so bright." Miss. Moon was enchanted as she swayed back and forth.
"Sorry Gabi, Miss. Moon thinks your hair is pretty." The girl tossed her hair over her shoulder and said "Oui, better than Draco's hair." She braided a small chunk before grabbing some gardening scissors and cutting it off.
"For such a pretty snake!" Gabrielle said brightly.
"What a lovely hatchling, speaker!" Miss. Moon gently took the hair in her mouth and slithered off. Harry giggled as he watched her go. Was she going to make a wig with it?
"Speaker!" A wailing voice brought his attention to Porkchop. The poor snake was slithering as fast as he could across the floor, his scales catching on the ground. Harry leant down and scooped him up, grunting at his weight.
"Speaker, I've missed you so much. You have no idea how depressed I've been since you left! I could barely eat or drink anything." The fat snake hissed frantically, flicking his tongue against Harry's cheek. Harry shared a look with MH.
"But Porkchop, you just ate four mice before the speaker came in."
"Yes and we saw you eat two eggs this morning." The other head complained. As the snakes started fighting, Harry couldn't contain his laughter. Gabrielle started hissing at Porkchop and the poor snake just stared at her.
"How cute! The two leg is trying to communicate!" MH began to hiss back at her and they ended up going back and forth.
"Yes, two leg. You are trying so hard, yes you are!"
"You can do it! Say MH. M. H. We believe in you!" The two heads encouraged her. Porkchop hissed quietly in his ear "everyone is crazy, speaker!"


Claude shared a look with his wife and they followed Remy to the gardens. He knew the other man was interested in them but he kept holding himself back.
"I have something to tell you both." Claude watched as Remy fiddled with the hem of his shirt.
"Whatever it is, it won't change how we feel, mon amour." Polly said as she reached for his hand. Claude took the other and led them to a bench.
"It might though." Remus said, his shoulders hunched.
"We will listen when you're ready, joli." Claude told the other man, waiting patiently for him.
"I'm a werewolf. I was bitten as a child. Apparently the children are more afraid of Hermione than me but I am still a danger to everyone once a month." He said in a rush. Claude shared another look with his wife.
"I have heard werewolves are wild in bed, non?" Polly said, her hand trailing up Remus's arm. He froze and said "I am being serious!" Claude couldn't help his sly smile as he responded with "So are we. We do not mind, petit loup." Remus seemed to struggle with himself before he looked at them both.
"You really don't mind?" His wife held his face and said "of course not! I am half Veela. I did not receive an inheritance but I have the temperament. Does that bother you?" Remus shook his head and he couldn't help his eager look. Their third had just accepted their feelings! He knew Polly already had their bonding ceremony planned. He leaned forward and gave Remy a kiss. He pulled back and watched his wife do the same. They watched his eyes turn a stunning amber color and he opened his mouth. Whatever he was about to say, they wouldn't know because a horde of peacocks came trampling through the garden, their squawks deafening.
"Get back here! I just want to pet you!" Their youngest daughter was chasing them, Harry on her heels.
"Excuse us! Gabi wanted to meet my best men!" Harry said as he ran by.
"His best men?" He asked confused, looking at Remus as the man sighed.
"Draco taught the peacocks to hold flowers and he has Harry convinced they'd make perfect groomsmen." Polly started laughing and he soon joined her. It seemed their lives were about to get even more chaotic and he couldn't wait.

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