Exchanging Bracelets and Dobby ships Drarry

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"Hello Harry, please marry me!" Harry was confused. Someone his age was talking to him. Other kids didn't talk to him. They didn't like him.
"Merlin! I had a whole speech planned out! I can't believe I just blurted that out!" The other boy was still talking to him!
"I'm sorry, I don't understand?"
The other bo-Draco, hopped off his stool and walked towards him. Harry froze as Draco leaned forward and grabbed his hands.
"Harry, I'm in love with you. Please do me the honor of marrying me." His eyes were bright as he leaned even closer.
"When we come of age, of course"he added.
"You love me?" Harry repeated. No one in Harry's life had ever told him that. No one had even said that they liked him.
"Of course I love you!" Draco exclaimed. His face was lit up with a smile.
"I've been dreaming about meeting you since I was eight! I have your picture on my nightstand!"


Draco could not stop talking. With his soon to be betrothed finally in front of him, he couldn't seem to shut up. Harry was still staring at him, his face frozen.
"Harry, are you okay?"
"No one likes me" Harry whispered. Draco narrowed his eyes. Who had told him that? Who had dared to say such hurtful things to his darling?
"That's not true! I like you!"
"You're not just saying that?"
"Saying that? Of course not! I've had our wedding planned out for two years! We'll get married at Malfoy Manor. The peacocks will be our best men."
"You have peacocks?" Harry gasped.
Draco grinned at him. "No, we have peacocks! Everything that's mine is yours!"
"But why? You don't know me! Why do you care about me at all?" To Draco's horror, Harry looked like he was about to cry.
"Because it's fate! The second I heard your name, I knew we were connected! I could feel it in my magic!"
He watched as Harry's face twisted in horror.


Draco had said the m-word. You were not allowed to say the m-word. Harry glanced around to make sure no one had heard but the seamstress still wasn't back. He turned to Draco to warn him not to use such foul language when he saw that he had stepped back. He was staring at the ground with his shoulders slumped.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. If you don't want anything to do with me, I understand" Draco's voice broke on the last word. Harry jumped off the stool and grabbed Draco's shoulder's.
"I want to be friends!"
"You do?"
"Yes, I've never had a friend before" Harry said.
"But why did your face look like that?" Harry looked around again before he whispered "Draco, you can't say the m-word"
"The m-word" Draco parroted back. "What's the m-word?" Harry took a deep breath before he softly said "magic"


Draco was beginning to think that something strange was going on. He glanced over at Harry as Madame Malkin was measuring him for his robes. Why couldn't Harry say the word magic? They were magic. It was a part of them. It was like saying he couldn't say the word foot or hand. Draco decided that Harry was going to stay by his side until they went to Hogwarts. He didn't know who was raising him but they obviously weren't doing a good job of raising his husband to be. Giving himself a mental pat on the back, he would have the house elves move a second bed into his room. He didn't enjoy sharing his things but when he told Harry that everything he had was his as well, he meant it. Malfoy's knew how to take care of their partners and Draco was going to be the best husband ever.
"Draco?" Harry's voice was suddenly next to him. He turned and Harry was shuffling his feet, glancing at him nervously.
"Are you done getting measured, Harry?"
"Wonderful! I have a gift for you!" Draco had been waiting for Harry to accept him before he had Dobby bring his special present.
"A gift? Really? For me?" Harry almost seemed to bounce in excitement, a smile blooming on his face. Draco was stunned. It was like seeing the sun for the first time. He decided that he would give Harry a gift everyday if he smiled like that.
"Yes, a gift for you! Dobby!" A crack echoed around the shop as his house elf appeared.
"Yes little master Draco?"
"Dobby this is Harry Potter and I need you to bring my treasure box" Dobby let out a gasp as he turned his large eyes on Harry.
"Little master has finally met master Harry!" With a squeal he popped away. Dobby and Draco had bonded over their mutual love of all things Harry. They even made up the word "Drarry". A clever combination of his and Harry's name. He had Dobby make pins and all of the house elves wore them. It made Draco proud that they already approved so much of his partner. Dobby came back with a pop. He gleefully handed over his box and gave Harry a sweeping bow before he left. Taking a deep breath he took a small wrapped present out of his treasure box.


Harry was waiting for the other shoe to drop. When he was really young, his cousin had tricked him into thinking his Aunt was throwing him a birthday party. He still remembers the devastation he felt when she had laughed and told him to go to his cupboard. So as he slowly reached out to accept his first present, he was waiting for the hand to be yanked away. But that didn't happen. Draco gently set it in his hand. He opened the present and it was a bracelet. It had a white rock in the middle.
"It's a moonstone. I had Dobby enchant it. If you tap it, mine will glow!" He lifted his wrist to show Harry the matching one on his wrist. Harry had never had someone willing to touch him, let alone match with him. He touched the moonstone and Draco's twin lit up. Harry was floored. He felt like emotions were all over the place. It was at that moment Draco's fate changed. Harry Potter never had anything that was his. All of his clothes were Dudley's old cast offs and his glasses were found in a rummage bin. Harry decided that he would follow Draco Malfoy anywhere. After all, they were getting married.


Lucius Malfoy had seen a lot of things in his life. Being the former right hand of Britain's most feared Dark Lord, he had done horrible things in the name of his Lord. But nothing could have prepared him for the sight of his precious son holding hands with some ruffian. He heard Narcissa let out a gasp next to him. Draco dragged the boy up to them and proudly announced "Father and Mother, this is my intended Harry Potter!"
Lucius loved his son. His wife would say too much. Is it a crime to cherish his son? That he wants him to have a wonderful childhood? Sure, he probably should have curbed his crush on the Potter brat but he never thought the boy would agree! Agree to enter a betrothal with the son of a Death Eater? It was insane. His lovely Narcissa spoke up next to him "Hello Heir Potter, it's wonderful to meet you. We were about to go get ice cream and then go to Ollivanders. Would you like to join us?" Potter looked at Draco before he nodded. Draco let out a whoop as he started pulling Potter towards Florean's Ice Cream Parlor with his wife trailing behind. Lucius let out a swear as he followed his family.

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