Crushes & Crocodiles-Neville Gets Hit On

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Neville loved the summer solstice. Since he was always tending his plants, he was more sensitive to the shift in the air the solstice brought. The grass was greener and his plants seemed to flourish around this time. He was excited for his friends to share it with him.
"Greta! Leave the bird alone!" He shouted down at his crocodile. A bird had flown too close to her and she tried to snap at it. She gave him a dirty look before sinking beneath the murky water. She was so finicky!
"Neville! The Malfoy family and their entourage are here!" His Gran shouted from inside. He ran inside and skidded to a halt. Professor Snape was giving his Gran a nasty look while Lord Malfoy preened. He decided to ignore that and greeted his friends.
"Thank you for inviting us Nev!" Harry leaned forward and gave him a hug. He made sure not to linger too long. He didn't need Draco to put him on his hit list. The paper was four sheets long!
"Yes, thank you Neville. We brought you some algae from the Swamp." Neville felt his eyes water. The Black family guarded their Swamp ferociously, the only time a non-Black saw it was when they were getting dragged there. He saw his Gran twitch at the mention of the Swamp.
"Thank you guys so much." He replied with a sniff. "I'd be happy to give you a tour of the manor!" As he held his glass jar of algae, he knew today was going to be wonderful.
He watched Harry stare down his Uncle Algie and knew he jinxed himself.
"Er Harry?" He asked the other boy. Draco had left to get Harry a drink and they were still waiting for the others to arrive.
"Nev, I'm going to be honest. I have Miss. Moon in my bag. Please let me have her bite your uncle." Harry pleaded, his puppy dog eyes almost winning.
"Oh! That is very nice of you Harry but not necessary. Longbottom's always get even." Harry gave a dramatic sigh and slumped his shoulders.
"But I would be honored to meet Miss. Moon!" Neville added, curious of Harry's snake friends. Harry grinned at him and took off his satchel. An ivory snake slithered out. She had electric blue eyes and was about the size of his arm. As she hissed something at Harry, Neville noticed she had beads wrapped around where her neck should be. He was charmed. What a lady! He gave an elegant bow and said "greetings, Miss. Moon!" She stared at him before hissing loudly. Harry gave a giggle and said "she thinks you're cute!" Neville couldn't help his blush. He couldn't believe he finally got hit on and it was by a snake.


They were running late. Ron blamed Herm. The girl couldn't decide what to bring as a guest gift. She ended up grabbing a muggle fern. It was rather sad looking but he was glad they could leave. The twins had offered to carry it and she let them. He still couldn't believe she had made the twins her lackeys. His mum couldn't even get them to clean their room! As they went through the floo, he was excited to see Draco on the other side. The blonde boy looked like he was struggling.
"You alright, mate?" Ron asked him, moving so Herm wouldn't run into him.
"I'm trying to decide what dessert Harry would like more." Draco replied frantically. Ron patted his shoulder and said "just grab him a little bit of everything."
"Brilliant Ron! Thank you." As Draco loaded up his plate, Ron prayed he would never fall in love. It made people absolutely mad.
"Hi!" Harry's voice sounded behind them.
"Harry! What a cute headband!" George said as they squeezed Harry between them. Ron had to admit they were right. Harry's headband was yellow, matching his striped shirt. He was also wearing overalls shorts. He looked like he was about to start weeding the garden and Ron had literally never seen anything cuter.
"Thank you! Draco got them for me." He said proudly. Ron handed Draco his handkerchief as his nose started to bleed, his eyes dreamy.
"So cute, Harry!" Herm butted in, hugging Harry tightly.
"Harry! Look, we match!" Tonks shouted from across the room. She was also wearing overalls but she looked cool, her pink hair in short pigtails. She dragged Cedric over to join them. Cedric avoided looking at everyone as he loudly said "wow! The weather sure is nice!" Tonks burst into laughter as Cedric continued to stare at the ceiling.
"You alright, Diggory?" Fred asked, making a crazy hand gesture to Herm.
"I think he's trying to avoid Draco's wrath." Tonks said cheerfully. They all turned to look at Draco, only for him to have some sort of metal wrapped around his right hand.
"As he should." Draco responded darkly.
"Anyways, can I see your moat?" Ron asked Neville. It would be better for his health if he ignored what was going on.


Cedric was freaking out. Ever since their beach outing, he had been having dreams. Of Tonks. In a swimsuit. What in Merlin's pants was wrong with him? Tonks was his best friend and now he was acting like a pervert! If Tonks ever found out, she would skin him alive! He still remembered what happened to those Ravenclaw students. One of them had transferred schools! He took a deep breath. Don't act suspicious, he thought to himself. They had somehow moved outside though he didn't remember moving.
"That's Gertrude and Greta!" Neville announced. The two crocodiles watched them warily from the water. Harry leaned over the railing and started hissing at them. Cedric was surprised when they got out of the water and ambled their way over.
"Uh Harry, what are they saying?" Ron looked rather pale as the crocodiles got closer.
"Greta said she's mad she didn't get to eat a bird and that she's rather hungry. Gertrude said she's also hungry!" Harry told them, his hands already petting the two reptiles. Draco stood by his side, watching them like a hawk. Herm was reciting facts about crocodiles to the twins. He was curious if the twins would ask Herm out anytime soon. They practically threw themselves at the Muggleborn girl. He had heard from Percy that they even threatened another Gryffindor student who had tried to bully Herm into doing their homework.
"Cedric! Are you going to pet them too?" Tonks whispered in his ear. He jumped away from her, towards the moat. He managed to get out of her reach but still flopped over the edge.
As he lay in the dirty water, he thought perhaps it would be better if he transferred schools as well.


Narcissa watched the children fish the Diggory boy out of the filthy water and couldn't help her smile. It seemed everyone was in love lately. How wonderful! She found her husband with Sirius and Severus.
"Darling, you just missed Cedric Diggory throwing himself in the moat!" She said gleefully, wrapping her arm around his waist. He leaned over to kiss her cheek and she couldn't help her sigh of contentment.
"What? Please send me a memory of it, Cissy!" Sirius begged her. She agreed to but only if he sent her the memory from the Quidditch game. Draco had refused to tell them what happened. He had packed a bag and went straight back to Grimmauld Place. She knew it upset her cousin that Draco refused to leave his house. Lucius thought it was hilarious.
"That reminds me! We're planning on going to France next month so make sure to clear your schedules!" She told them. Sirius gave a squeal and said "how romantic" while gazing at Severus.
"Yes, I'm sure Harry and Draco would love seeing the Eiffel Tower together." Severus said slyly, causing Sirius to freeze.
"That reminds me Cissy, Harry and I will actually be busy then." Sirius went to walk away but she grabbed the back of his trousers before the moron could get too far.
"We will be having a family vacation, Sirius. We can either all go together or I can stuff you in one of my luggage bags. It's your choice." His shoulders slumped before he said "fine! But Draco better keep his hands to himself!"
"Of course darling! They're just children after all." Lucius reassured her cousin. She would never tell him that she and Lucius had shared their first kiss at the age of twelve. Sirius would probably faint at the idea. As she went to talk to Andy, she couldn't help her grin. She loved France!

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