Petitions & Cookies-Hermione Summons a Demon (No! It's Not Illegal!)

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Harry hummed as he walked down the hallway. He peeked through the window of the train compartment and knocked.
"Hi Harry!" Ron's roommates said and he shuffled his papers.
"Hi guys! I was wondering if you would sign my petition? It's to lock Dumbledore in a room with Hermione and Draco! I don't know if you heard but he hexed one of George's ears off!" He explained and was pleased to see the other boys sign it without another word. He hadn't bothered to worry about Dumbledore before. Sure, he was probably trying to kill him but Harry could take care of himself. But now he had made it personal. Harry would let his friend take care of it but if he was given the chance, he would show the old man why Hufflepuff respected him so much.
"I hope you guys get him, Harry! Hermione deserves to get revenge." Dean said, a frown on his face.
"Thanks, everyone!" He waved goodbye to them before heading to the next compartment. He found a group of Ravenclaw students.
"Oh hi, Harry!" Padma said cheerfully and he handed her his petition. She quickly read it before squealing.
"I hope Granger kicks his arse." Harry was happy the students supported their quest for vengeance.
"So what do you think is going to happen if you get enough signatures?" One of the boys asked and Harry beamed at him.
"We're going to hunt him down, of course. Papa let Hermione use some of the books from the Black library. I think she's trying to summon a demon right now." He explained and he paled.
"You know it's illegal to summon a demon, right?" Harry shook his head before responding.
"It's only illegal if you get caught!" He moved onto the next compartment and found Susan. She had Theo Nott by her side and she waved at him excitedly.
"Hi Susan! I didn't know you and Theo were friends?" Susan had a mean steak a mile long. During their fifth year, someone had tried making fun of her for her dead parents and she had borrowed Draco's brass knuckles. The student had to be sent to St. Mungos and Susan had detention for the rest of the year.
"Ah, I've decided Theodore will make a wonderful husband." She announced and Harry realized Theo was magically stuck to his seat.
"Thank you for the opportunity, Susie." He murmured as he kept writing in his notebook. Harry thought they made a lovely couple!
"Congratulations!" He said brightly. They both signed his petition and he wandered back to his compartment.
"Draco! Susan and Theo are dating." He declared and Pansy spat out her candy.
"No way!"


"Thank you all for coming to the meeting! We have a lot to discuss." Ginny couldn't believe George had lost an ear! Her mum had gone absolutely ballistic, she was foaming at the mouth. Her dad had to brew her some herbal tea to calm her down. They had gone to the ministry to file a complaint before being sent home. The door flew open and Hermione came rushing into the room, her arms full. Ginny had never seen the other girl so agitated before, it was truly scary.
"I'm glad everyone is here! I need your assistance." She dragged them all to different spots in the room before pulling a container out of her bag. She started writing runes on the ground in what Ginny assumed was blood. She wasn't going to ask so she would be able to deny it in court.
"As I was saying, thank you all for coming. Fred, how is your concussion?" Her older brother grinned at them before saying "Just fine, boss! I think it might've actually helped." Draco didn't look convinced but he turned to George, making sure not to move from his spot.
"George, how's your ear?" He laughed before he said "I've been getting so many sympathy fruit baskets! It's been great." The twins high-fived and Ron rolled his eyes.
"You could at least share with us." He muttered.
"Harry has picked the flowers for our wedding." Draco smiled at them and Ginny cooed. She couldn't wait! It was going to be the event of the century!
"Perfect! I think we're in business." Herm looked deranged as her hair fell into her eyes.
"Er Herm? Do you think this is a good idea?" Neville asked slowly. She gave him a look and said "It will be fine, Nev!" He slumped his shoulders but didn't argue as she flipped the page over.
"I think it will be interesting. I have never seen a demon before." Fleur murmured and Ron nodded his head.
"One of our ancestors summoned a demon to murder some enemy. The demon was actually kind of dumb so it was really bad at it and we got fined by the ministry. It's how we lost the family fortune." Ginny was still mad about it. She could have had so many brooms but noooo, some demon mucked it up! She watched as Herm's eyes rolled back into her head as she began to chant. The shadows grew larger and their candles flickered. A shape started to form and she eagerly leaned forward.


Tazzirod felt a pull as some idiot tried to summon him. He bared his fangs in excitement. It had been ages since his last summoning! Humans were greedy and always traded the best stuff for a little chaos. He flexed his claws before following the pull. He landed in a circle and protective runes flared, causing him to hiss in agitation. It seemed he was dealing with a professional. He looked around curiously and met the eyes of a child! She was young with bushy brown hair.
"Hello, demon. I want to make a deal with you." She stated and he smiled.
"I'd be happy to make up a contract." He offered and she shook her head.
"No need. I've already written one up." She walked forward before dumping a thick stack of papers in his hands. He almost lost his balance from how heavy it was.
"If you could be quick about it?" She barked out and he felt off kilter. He was supposed to be in charge! He looked at the other children and noticed the blonde boy reeked of devotion.
"Ah! I see you are in love. Perhaps I can help you with that?" He opened his mouth to answer but a red headed boy quickly covered it.
"We do not have time for you to wax poetry about Harry, mate." He pouted but didn't say anything. The boy looked him over before whispering "you might want to hurry. Herm gets impatient very easily." He looked back and flinched. The girl was standing in front of him and glaring. He was starting to get worried he was getting punk'd by his coworkers.
There was no way this was real right? He scanned the contract and gave a squawk of protest.
"This says I'll follow your command and my reward will be the satisfaction of a job well done!" That was nothing! He had gotten a hundred souls from his last contract!
"Yes! I'll even throw in a pat on the back." She offered and he scowled before throwing it on the ground.
"I won't be signing this nonsense! Release me this instant." A stocky boy winced and muttered "you shouldn't have done that."


Draco watched as his Vice President finally stopped beating the stuffing out of the demon she had summoned. He knew how upset she was after the Dumbledore Incident and was grateful she found a way to release her pent up frustration. The demon was pouting as it curled it's tail under itself, it's fangs digging into its bottom lip.
"Now that that's been cleared up, what's your name?" Herm asked and the demon scowled but answered.
"I am called Tazzirod." His voice was scratchy and high.
"Okay, Hotrod. I summoned you to help me find an old man." Herm stated and the demon blinked at her.
"My name is not Hotrod." The twins snickered but said "it's like a nickname! We find it better to just follow Herm's lead."
"Why can you not find an elderly man?" Herm scowled before slamming her fist against the wall. Neville answered the wary demon.
"He's actually a rather powerful wizard. He's pretty good at evading us and it's driving Herm bonkers." The demon seemed to think about it. Draco knew it was in Hotrod's best interest to help them. Herm would drag it to the pits herself before letting some low class demon outsmart her.
"Okay, I'll help but I want something in return!" He saw Herm crack her bleeding knuckles and Hotrod quickly continued.
"I would like to have as much human food a day as I can possibly eat." Draco didn't hesitate to snap his finger and Dobby appeared.
"Little master Draco called Dobby?" He was bouncing on his toes, his ears flopping around his head.
"Dobby, this is Hotrod. Would you mind feeding him everyday until he goes back to the fiery pits of hell?" Draco asked his friend and Dobby squealed.
"Dobby will be happy to help his little master." He said before popping away. The door opened and Harry came skipping in, his hands full of cookies.
"Draco! I made cookies for your meeting." He sang out and Draco was across the room in seconds. He kissed the back of his hand and cried out "Harry my love, what would I do without you? You are my reason for breathing. The sun rises to shine upon your face." Harry giggled and held a cookie up. He leaned forward and took a bite. It was chocolate chip, his favorite.
"I think I just puked in my mouth." Hotrod looked disgusted and Ron clapped him on the shoulder.
"You get used to it." Harry looked him up and down before gasping.
"Is that a tail? Wicked!"

Fanboy Draco Malfoy Convinces Harry Potter to Marry Him!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora