Sunrises & Beaches-Harry Doesn't Actually Know How to Swim

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Harry snuck out of the room he shared with Draco. It was early in morning and the manor was quiet. Slowly creeping through the halls, he turned the corner and ran into someone.
"Good morning Mr. Severus." Harry whispered. The other man was in his pajamas. It looked like he was wearing one of Sirius's shirts.
"Harry! What are you doing up so early?" Mr. Severus whispered back.
"I was going to watch the sunrise with my snakes. Why are you up?" He watched Mr. Severus's face turn pink and he said "I was looking for the bathroom." Harry cocked his head to the side. Did Mr. Severus not have a bathroom in his room?
"Oh, did you use Sirius's bathroom then?" Harry asked. He had come from the direction of his godfather's room. Harry didn't know why he was so shy about it. He shared a bathroom with Draco all the time! Mr. Severus muttered something before saying "you're going to see your snakes? Perhaps I could join you!"
"What a wonderful idea!" The snakes would love Mr. Severus. Harry grabbed the older man's hand and dragged him towards the enclosure. It was still dark out but Mr. Severus lit the candles surrounding the room.
"My friends! Time to wake up!" He hissed loudly causing various hisses to answer him.
"Hatchling, the sun has not even risen yet." Miss Moon said, her white scales gleaming in the low light.
"Elder is right! It's too early."
"Yes, too early!" The two headed snake agreed with itself. They called themselves Mouse Hunter or MH for short.
"Well I think it's wonderful our speaker came to see us so early." Porkchop said as he slithered out to greet him. All the snakes had picked their names and Harry thought they had character.
"Thank you Chop! I thought we could watch the sun rise." He hissed. They all reluctantly agreed and he started the task of picking them up.


Severus watched as Harry carefully carried his snakes outside. The one called Porkchop was half the boy's size and wound around his chest. Miss. Moon had wrapped herself around his head like a crown. That left MH to dangle off his shoulders. He saw Kreacher pop away leaving behind breakfast and a blanket to sit on. The old elf practically babied the boy. As he threw a warming charm on the blanket, he thought that it wasn't a bad thing. Harry needed proper care for his physical and emotional well being. He had to set up an appointment for Harry to get a check up. Merlin knew if Tuney had ever done it, the wretched woman.
"Here you go!" Harry had poured him a cup of tea. He had also poured some for his snakes, each one getting their own cup. As he watched the sunrise, he felt smug that he was able to share it with Harry. Take that, Lucius! As if summoned by his thoughts, he watched the lunatic come running out in his robe.
"Severus! What are you doing? Harry's missing!" He panted, obviously having run around the manor.
"Hi Mr. Malfoy! Would you like to watch the sunrise with us?" Harry poured him some tea as well. Lucius looked happy as he accepted the cup. "What a wonderful idea, Harry! Scoot over MH, you're hogging the blanket." Both heads hissed at him as they moved closer to Harry. Harry gave a giggle but refused to say what they said. Severus felt eyes on them and carefully looked around. He gave Lucius a sharp look that the other man ignored. There was a house elf in a tree across from them! It looked like they had a camera?
"Lucius!" He reprimanded the blonde man.
"Be quiet Severus! It's for my scrapbook!" He whispered back, giving him a dirty look. Rolling his eyes, he ate the cookie Harry handed him. Kreacher had really outdone himself. They were in the shape of snakes and they moved around in his hand. Ridiculous. They watched the sun slowly peek over the horizon and the snakes all started hissing. Harry hissed back, looking smug. This was nice, they should do this more often.
Watching his godson glare at them, he regretted his earlier words.
"So let me get this straight, you two watched the sunset with Harry and didn't bother inviting us?" Draco said, his arms crossed. Sirius had mirrored his stance.
"That's really interesting, Snape. Didn't you just come from my room? You knew I was awake!" Sirius huffed. Draco narrowed his eyes on them "why was Uncle Sev in your room, Lord Black?" They both froze and Harry responded "he was using Sirius's bathroom." He gave Lucius a stern look and said "because he doesn't have his own." Cissy was silently laughing behind him.
"That's right! Back to the main issue, I like sunrises!" Sirius said.
"Well I like them more than Lord Black!" Draco bragged, his eyes on Harry.
"I didn't want to wake you up." Harry gave him a sweet smile and Draco ran over to hug him. He looked at Sirius and saw that the idiot was dabbing his eyes while muttering "so cute!" Lucius was still brimming with satisfaction, happy to be a part of it. He pinched his nose and sighed. He was surrounded by morons.

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