Chapter 55: There's No Such Thing as Dark Magic

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Lilith, Draco and their friends were sitting in History of Magic, learning about Warlocks when there was a knock at the door.

Professor Binns stops his lesson and calls out, "Yes?".  

The Head Girl, Elaine Freeman, walks into the classroom, "Sorry to interrupt, Professor, but the Headmaster has requested to see Lilith".

He nods, "Very well. Miss Snape, you are dismissed".  

She stands wearily and starts to walk towards Elaine. As she passes Draco, they share a look of confusion. Why would Dumbledore ask for her, specifically? Elaine escorts her to the entrance of his office, where they go their separate ways. Lilith heads up the stairwell and knocks on the door.

She hears a voice, "Come in".  

She sighs and opens the door, "You wanted to see me, Professor?".

Dumbledore smiles, "Ah, Miss Snape. Yes, come in".

She walks over and stands behind the chair in front of the desk.

"Please sit".

She shakes her head, "I'm good".  

"Alright then. Some of the other Professors have informed me that you have not attended any of your classes for the last week. This raises some concerns".

She crosses her arms, "Where is my father?".

"He is working on some potions for Madam Pomfrey at the moment. Now, why have you not been attending classes, Miss Snape?".

"I've had business to take care of, so to speak".

He squints, "What sort of business exactly?".  

"That doesn't concern you I'm afraid, Headmaster".

He looks her up and down and sighs, "It seems like your magical signature has changed over the last few days. Care to explain?".

She looks confused and places her hands on her hips, "My magical signature?".

"Yes. I'm afraid your signature appears more...dark. Why would that be the case?".  

"I wouldn't know. Haven't exactly felt any different".

"There are very few ways that one's signature can start to go dark. The most common one is an increase in the use of dark magic or being in places of dark magic. Does any of this ring a bell, Lilith?".  

"If you're trying to imply that I am delving into, what you call dark magic, and that it's making me go dark, then I would suggest proceeding this conversation with caution...Albus".

He shifts in his seat, "We seem to be in disagreement about what classifies as dark magic, Miss Snape".  

She smirks, "Forgive me, Headmaster, but there is no such thing as dark magic, only dark intentions. There isn't even such a thing as light magic. Magic is magic. It all depends on what you choose to do with it. It all comes down to the intended use. One could easily use Aguamenti to drown someone and no one would bat an eye".  

Dumbledore stares at the girl in shock. He tried looking into her mind, but was only met with darkness. Lilith was glad that her grandfather taught her and Draco occlumency when they were younger.

She sighs, "Now if you don't mind, I would like to head back to class. I wouldn't want to miss any more like I did last week".

She smirks as she turns and walks out the office. The next four years will definitely be interesting indeed. For the first time in a long time, Albus Dumbeldore feared a student.  

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