Chapter 54: Relocating Grandfather

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After spending some time down in the Chamber, Protego showed them the secret rooms at the back of the Chamber where Tom could move into. He assured them that he would be able to apparate in and out of the Chamber as he pleased and he would never be detected by the wards around Hogwarts.  

Saying their goodbyes, Protego sends them back up to the Slytherin Common Room. Lilith immediately runs up to her room and grabs the hand mirror, Draco and Severus following after her.  

She sits cross-legged on her bed and holds up the mirror, "Tom Riddle". She smiles as she sees her grandfather's face appear in the mirror, "Hi grandpa".

He smiles, "Hello sweetheart. How was the Chamber?".

"It was...more than I ever imagined. The descriptions in Draco's books don't do it justice. It does look like in the books and the stories but...the more we explored the more fascinated I got. We even talked to the basilisk".  

"Really? That's incredible, what did you talk about?".

Severus responds, "Protego told us many stories about your younger years, father. But also explained how Lilith is truly Salazar's heir through you".

"How do you mean, son?".

"When you adopted me it was like Lady Magic created a magical bond between us, basically made it so I was blood related to you without needing to make an actual blood-bond".

Tom nods, "So since I'm Salazar's heir, that also makes you two heirs as well".

Lilith nods, "Precisely. There's something else I asked Protego about, regarding you".  

Draco interjects, "Lia asked if you would be able to basically move into the secret room in the Chamber and he said he said you absolutely could and not get detected".

He smiles, "I think that's the perfect idea. I would love to be closer to my family".  

Over the remainder of the weekend, Severus helped his father move into the back room of the Chamber. As they were cleaning out the room, they found a box of books and strange items.

Severus calls over Tom, "Father? I think I found something".  

He walks over, "Interesting". He picks up one of the books, "These are Salazar's books and also looks like some little trinkets as well. We should give these to the kids, I'm sure they'd have a field day with these".  

"Would you not want to go through them as well?".

He smiles, "Knowing my granddaughter, she'll want to talk my ear off about the contents".

"And knowing my godson, Draco will 100 percent create another book of notes".  

Later that night, Lilith and Draco came down to visit Tom using a secret entrance that goes straight into the room, rather than having to go through the main part of the Chamber. Tom had spent a while reconnecting with Protego before they arrived.  

Severus walks in with the box, "Lil, I found this box and your grandfather thought that you and Draco would like to go through it".

"What's in it?".

Tom responds, "It's some of Salazar's books and notes, as well as some small trinkets that we're not quite sure about so perhaps you guys can investigate on your own".

She gives them a hug, "Thank you so much. We'll definitely have fun with these".

She grabs the box and runs over to where Draco was sitting. They both sit on the floor and start pulling out things from the box. Severus and Tom smile at the two, their family slowly becoming whole again.  

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