Chapter 17: First Night at Hogwarts - Draco

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Draco looks for his name on the plaques next to the different dorm doors. He finds his name along with Blaise and someone named Theodore Nott. He opens the door and sees Blaise sitting on the middle bed and the other boy, presumably Theodore, on the far left bed. Blaise looks up and sees Draco.  

"Hey Draco. This is Theo, our roommate".

Theo walks over to Draco, with his hand out, "Hey man. I'm Theo".

He shakes his hand, "Draco Malfoy".

"Nice to meet you. Do you happen to be friends with...oh what was her name...Lilith?".

"Oh yeah, she's my best friend".

"Wow. Best friends with a professor's daughter. That must be nice".

Draco laughs and walks towards his bed, "You wanna know something else? Professor Snape may be her father but he is also my godfather".

Blaise stands up, "Really? Dude you never told me that. That's awesome".

"I mean it never came up so why mention it".

Theo goes and sits next to Draco on his bed, "What do you mean, why? You're on good terms with a professor and apparently he's not that easy to be on good terms with". 

Draco turns to him, confused, "Really? He's been really chill as long as I can remember".

Blaise interjects, "Me and Pansy were told by some of the older students that he's normally pretty grumpy and impatient".

"That's definitely different to how he acts with our family".

The three of them share a good laugh.

Theo turns to Draco, "So what's it like? Being best friends with the daughter of a professor?".

"It's not as interesting as it sounds. No one knew Severus had a daughter in the first place so no one knew who she was. Before today at least".

Blaise smirks at Draco, "So what's your deal?".


"Your deal. With Lilith".

Draco looks at him, confused, "I don't understand".

Theo sighs, "What he means is, like, are you sure you guys are just best friends?".

"Well yeah. What else would it be?".

Blaise smirks, "I don't know. Just seems like you may have a thing for her".

"W-what?! W-where did you g-get that idea?".

Theo smirks, "It was more of a hunch but based on that reaction I'd say we nailed it".

Draco sighs, "Ok. If you must know, I may have a bit of a crush on Lilith".

Blaise and Theo give each other a high five across Draco. Draco leans down and rubs his hand on his forehead, regretting that he just admitted that to them.

Theo pats Draco on the back, "Well, why don't you ask her out then?".

Draco sighs, "I want to but she has a lot on her mind right now and doesn't need anymore on her plate".

Blaise asks, "What do you mean?".

"She's never been away from her grandfather before and with her being here it means they're going to be separated for months at a time, and it kind of freaks her out".

Theo wonders, "What about her father? He's here, right?".

"He is but even then he's a professor so he's going to be busy with classes and marking assignments. She's just worried and in her head".

Blaise hums, "I get that. At least she has you here to help her". 

Draco smiles to himself, "Yeah. I can get quite protective of her at times".

Theo smiles, "You really do like her, huh?".

Draco laughs quietly, "Yeah I do".

Theo and Blaise look at each other with smiles on their faces, noticing the love struck look on Draco's face.

"All right, enough questions you two. Time for bed".

Theo grunts, "Aw man. You're no fun".

They laugh and start getting ready for bed. After getting changed, Draco climbs into bed, places his arm under his head and stares at the ceiling. His mind starts to race with different scenarios of him asking Lilith out. But for right now, he just needs to be there for her. 

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