Chapter 40: Why Are They Not Expelled?

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Two chapters in one day, look at me go 😄

Severus and Lilith walk into his office, only to see Ron and Harry standing in front of his desk. The two boys look towards the door expecting to only see Severus walking in and their eyes widened when they saw Lilith as well.  

Harry speaks up, "Professor, why is she here?".

Severus glared at the two, "Because I allowed her".

She smirks and stands next to her father as he sits down at his desk, reading a piece of parchment that outlined the details of what happened. She looks down to read it as well over his shoulder, as she notices Severus getting visibly upset at the situation.

Severus sits back and sighs loudly, "So let me get this straight, the two of you missed the train so you decided to take your family's magic car, in the Muggle World, to Hogwarts instead?".

Harry chimes in, "Sir, If I may-".

Severus places a newspaper article of their flying car at the station, "You were seen by no less than seven Muggles. Do you have any idea how serious this is?". Lilith starts smirking as she notices the boys getting more nervous by the second, "You have risked the exposure of our world. Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a Whomping Willow that's been on these grounds since before you were born". 

Ron interjects, "Honestly, Professor Snape, I think it did more damage to us".

Lilith rolls her eyes and Severus yells, "Silence! I assure you, that were you in Slytherin, and your fate rested with me, the both of you would be on the train home. Tonight. As it is.-".

"They are not".

They turn to the door of Severus' office to see Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, both of them looking stern. Lilith glares at them, knowing that they are about to ruin her good day.

Harry glances at them, "Professor. Headmaster".

Severus sighs, "Headmaster, these boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry. As such-".

Dumbledore interrupts him, "I am well aware of our bylaws, Severus, having written quite a few of them myself". Lilith rolls her eyes and scoffs quietly to herself, "However, as head of Gryffindor house, it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action".

Ron looks down, "We'll go get our stuff, then".

Professor McGonagall interjects, "What are you talking about, Mr. Weasley?".

"You're going to expel us, aren't you?".  

She shakes her head, "Not today, Mr. Weasley. But, I must impress on both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to your families tonight, and you will both receive detention".

The boys have a shocked look on their face and looking back at Severus, who at this point was glaring at them as well as at the two Professors. Harry remembers that Lilith was still there and looked towards her, still standing behind her father. She had a look of pure hatred and venom towards the boys, which made Harry shiver slightly.

Professor McGonagall leads the two boys out of the office, leaving Dumbledore with Severus and Lilith.

Lilith whispers under her breath, "I can't believe this is happening".

Severus seemed to hear her and responded, "Me neither baby".  

Dumbledore walks up to the two, "And may I ask, Miss. Snape, why you were here for this hearing?".

She looks him up and down, "Because my father allowed me to".

He looks towards Severus, "There was no reason for her to be here, Severus. I understand she is your daughter, but that sort of bias is not an excuse".

Lilith scoffs, out loud this time, "So you can have all the bias you want towards Gryffindors but won't allow bias towards one's own child. Interesting". She starts walking out and turns back, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight daddy".

Severus nods, "Goodnight, sweetheart".

She walks out the office and heads back to the Slytherin towers, just wanting to get away from the Headmaster.  Severus is left with Dumbledore who turns to him.

"Is there anything you would like to say about your daughter's outburst, Severus?".

Severus glares at him, "No, I don't believe so. If you are expecting an apology on her behalf, it's not going to happen. I am not going to apologise for my daughter speaking her mind. If you have a problem with that, I'm all ears".  

As expected, Dumbledore said nothing about this. Severus was not pleased that the Headmaster was insinuating that he punish his daughter for speaking the truth.  

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