Chapter 19: Potions with Snape

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Standing up from the table, it was time for the students to leave the Great Hall and head to their first class of the year.  Lilith and Draco start heading towards the dungeons, excited to be starting off with Potions. Both of them have been taught by Severus from a young age, since they exhibited a passion for it early. 

Finding the room, they and a couple other students walk in and see the classroom empty. Professor Snape was not there yet so they went and sat at one of the tables, near the front of the classroom.

Looking around. Lilith turns to Draco, "I wonder why Potions is in the dungeons".

"Who knows. We should ask Uncle Sev later".

She nods at him as the rest of the students enter the classroom, a mix of Slytherins and Gryffindors. Draco grunts as he sees Harry, Ron and Hermione enter the room. Lilith giggles quietly at his reaction.

A loud thud erupts from the front of the classroom. The students all turn their heads to see Professor Snape strutting to the front, robes flowing behind him. They all adjust themselves in their seats, Lilith and Draco having a small smile on their faces. 

Severus glares across the room at all the students, giving a small wink towards Lilith and Draco.

"As there is little to no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few...".

He turns his head to Lilith and Draco, who smile and sit up with pride, "...Who possesses the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death".

He notices Harry and Ron not really paying attention, "Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention!".

Lilith and Draco try to keep their laughter to themselves as Severus walks over to the other two boys.

"Mister Potter. Our new celebrity. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?". He gets no answer, "You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?".

Harry responds, "I don't know, sir".

"And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?".

Harry again replies, "I don't know, sir".

Severus hums. "Pity. Clearly, fame isn't everything, is it, Mr. Potter?".

Lilith and Draco snicker as Severus walks back to the front, leaving Harry and Ron feeling very intimidated.

"Would anyone else like to answer, instead?".

Hermione immediately raises her hand, enthusiastically. Lilith sees this and graciously raises her hand as well. Severus sees this and smiles at her.

"Miss. Snape, please enlighten us". 

She smiles back and clears her throat, "Asphodel and Wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of the Living Dead. A Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for Monkshood and Wolfsbane, they are the same plant which also goes by the name of Aconite".

Draco widens his eyes slightly at her, very impressed with her knowledge.

Severus smiles, "Well done, Miss. Snape. Incredible work". He turns to the rest of the class, "Well, why aren't you all copying that down?".

Lilith smirks to herself as she watches the other students rush about to get all that down. 

Severus clears his throat, "Now, today you all will be attempting to make a Cure for Boils Potion. Partner up, grab your cauldrons and get situated. The ingredients and instructions will be on the board behind me. This potion is done in two parts, so you will have the rest of the class to complete this. I will be walking around, just call me over when you are finished".

Lilith and Draco get their cauldrons ready on the table, excited to make their first assessed potion. The both of them have made simple potions before, but with the help of Severus. This is their chance to really impress him. 


~ Author's Note ~ 

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and a great start to the New Year. Thank you for giving me time to spend the holidays with my family. 

I was so happy to come back and see that this book now has over 3k reads. I really apprecitate you guys giving this book a chance and happy to see you guys are enjoying it. 

I also really loved seeing you guys adding this book to your reading lists (Not sure if you knew but I can see when you add to a reading list) and the names of them including 'Read and Loved' and 'Not completed but promising' to name a few. I love seeing these. 

Now that I am back from my family trip, the chapters will be put out as before, being published every 1-2 days. 

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