Chapter 21: End of the First Day

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Unfortunately, Lilith and Draco did not end up having all the same classes together.  They met back up outside the Great Hall, just before dinner started.

"Hey Lia. How were your classes?".

She sighs, "They were alright, I guess. Defense wasn't too bad but you know, not stuff I already don't know".

He laughs, "I get that. History of Magic was nothing special either".

The two of them start walking into the Great Hall, heading towards the Slytherin table. They find Blaise and Pansy, as well as their respective roommates, Theo and Daphne. Draco sits with the two boys, with the girls sitting across from them. They look towards the front of the hall, just in time to see Dumbledore about to start his speech. 

"The dinner is about to commence, but first I would like to congratulate you all on your first day of classes for the new school year. I have heard wonderful reviews from your professors and am excited to hear more about what you all accomplish. Now, let the feast begin".

The students and teachers applaud him, but most of the Slytherins keep to themselves; including Lilith and Draco. After the applause died down, the food suddenly appeared on the tables and everyone started making their plate. 

During dinner, while Lilith and Draco are talking to their friends, they are being watched by three friends at the Gryffindor table.

Hermione sighs, "There's something I don't like".

Harry turns to her, "What do you mean?".

"With Professor Snape's daughter. There's something about her that I can't quite place".

Ron replies, "Look, I don't like her either, but there is nothing going on. You're overthinking it, she's just a teacher's daughter".

She sighs at him, "It's just...she's going to have such an unfair disadvantage".

Harry responds, "I get that, Hermione, but she can't help who her family is".

Theo looks up and sees that the Golden Trio keeps looking at them. He squints his eyes and turns to the others.

"Hey guys. Potter, Weasley and Granger keep looking over at us".

The boys were facing their direction so they just looked over and around the others, while the girls had to turn around to see them. The three Gryffindors put their heads down upon being noticed.

Draco turns back, "Just ignore them. If they're being pissy, that's their problem".

The group nods and continues to eat their dinner, talking about their experiences with their first day of classes.

Blaise turns to Lilith, "Hey, Lilith. I heard there was quite the incident in potions".

She laughs quietly, "Yes there was. One of the Gryffindors didn't follow the instructions properly and melted their cauldron".

Draco adds, "Yeah. And, Merlin, the odour that followed was horrid".

Pansy chimed in, "I also heard from some of the Slytherins that Granger tried to start something with you Lil, but your father stepped in". 

Lilith sighs, "Unfortunately. She just tried to make me sound entitled, but daddy intervened and made the case that mine and Draco's potion was perfect and actually used the time to complete it".

Speaking of Severus, Draco noticed him walking up to the group of friends. He stopped behind his daughter, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She looks up, "Oh. Hi daddy".

He smiles at her, "Hello sweetheart. Did you all have a good first day?".

The group nods and Severus responds, "Wonderful. I just wanted to let you know, Lil, that Dumbledore wants to have a meeting with the other professors tonight, so I may not be back in my quarters until much later".

"Oh, ok. No problem".

He kisses the crown of her head, "Thank you, baby. You all should be heading up to your dorms soon. Don't forget to call your grandfather before you go to bed".

"I won't. Goodnight, Daddy".

"Goodnight Lil. Goodnight Dragon".

Draco smiles, "Goodnight Uncle Sev".

Severus starts walking out of the Great Hall, presumably to prepare for the meeting.

Blaise turns to Draco, smirking, "Dragon?".

Draco hits his arm, "Shut up".

The group laughs and stands to start leaving the Great Hall. Maybe Hogwarts won't be so bad after all. 

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