Chapter 24: Halloween Feast

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This is a bit of a longer one. Didn't feel the need to split this one up as well. 

When Halloween came around, the Great Hall was decorated with Jack O'Lanterns in place of the floating candles. Lilith and Draco were slightly unimpressed with the way the palace was decorated.

He turns to Lilith, "Why do people even celebrate Halloween?".

She sighs, "I will never understand it. It's not that big of a deal".

Pansy gasps, "What are you two talking about? Have you never celebrated Halloween?".

Draco answers, "Not really. My parents sometimes went to events but I never went and just stayed over at Lia's place".

Lilith nods, "Yeah. You know, there was this one year when Draco wanted to-".

She was interrupted by Professor Quirell running into the Great Hall in a great panic.

"Troll in the dungeon! T-troll in the dungeon! Thought you ought to know".

He passes out on the floor and Dunbledore rises from his seat. The room is silent and then all of a sudden screams start erupting around the room.

Dumbledore yells, "Silence!".

All the screaming dies down and sits back in their seats.

He continues, "Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons".

"Hufflepuff, this way!". "Ravenclaws, follow me!".

As the group stands to follow the Slytherin prefects, Lilith notices that Severus has a look of shock on his face. She follows him with her eyes as he walks through the doorway out of the Great Hall.

She taps Draco's arm and he turns around, "You ok, Lia?".

"Something's up. Daddy looked scared before he left the hall".

He looks towards the door, "I'm sure he's fine. Come on, we should head to the dorms. It will be safer there".

She sighs, "Yeah, you're right. Let's go".

She grabs onto his arm and follows the other Slytherins towards the dungeons. As they were walking, they noticed Harry and Ron separating from their group and running down the corridors.

Draco turns to Lilith, "You saw that, right?".

"Yeah I did. Where on earth is Potter and Weasley going?".

"I don't know, but I don't like it. Should we-".

"Let's follow them".

She grabs Draco's hand and pulls him in the direction of where the two boys were headed. They just see them turn a corner and start running to catch up. Just as they were about to turn the corner, they heard a grunting noise and saw a large shadow on the wall. Draco pulls Lilith back and the two lean their back on the wall.

He turns to her, "You think that was the troll?". 

"Based on the shadow, I would think so. But what is it doing here? I thought it was in the dungeons?".

"Who knows? But why are Potter and Weasley there?".

She shakes her head, "Don't know".

She slowly starts to peak around the corner. She sees the two boys run into what she thinks is the bathrooms, with their wands in their hands.

She turns back to Draco, "Something's happening. Let's go find a professor".

Draco nods and grabs her hand. The two start running around the hallways trying to find a professor or at least an adult. After a few minutes, they manage to find a group of professors, including Severus, Dumbledore and McGonagall, coming out of the stairs leading to the dungeons. Lilith points them out to Draco and runs up to them.

Severus notices them running towards them, "Lilith? Draco? What are you two doing out here? I thought you two were in the dorms".

Lilith runs into his arms, "I'm sorry, daddy. We were on our way, but saw two students running from their group. We followed them and they managed to find the troll".

Severus widens his eyes, "What?! Where is it?".

Draco answers, "The bathrooms".

The group starts to run towards the bathrooms, with Lilith and Draco learning them. Fully turning the corner this time, they enter the bathroom to see Harry, Ron and Hermione standing around a knocked out troll.

McGonagall gasps, 'Oh, my goodness! Explain yourselves, both of you!".

Harry and Ron stutter, "Well, uh, you see...".

"It was my fault, Professor McGonagall".

She turns to Hermione, "Miss Granger?".

"I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. If Harry and Ron hadn't come and found me...I'd probably be dead". 

McGonagall sighs, "Be that as it may was an extremely foolish thing to do". I would have expected more rational behaviour on your part, Miss Granger. Five points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgement". She turns to Harry and Ron, "And as for you two gentlemen I just hope you realise how fortunate you are. Not many students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. Five points..."

Lilith and Draco smirk, ready for more of their points to be taken away.

"...will be awarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck".

Their smirks fall and are replaced with a shocked face. They look at each other, then look back at Severus, who shares their confusion.

Lilith turns to McGonagall, "Professor, you can't be serious".

McGonagall turns to face her, "I assure you I am, Miss Snape. And I'm sure your contributions will not go unrewarded as well".

She turns to leave the bathrooms, Dumbledore following after her. Severus stays behind and places a hand on Lilith and Draco's shoulders.

"Don't worry you two. Let's get back to the common room".

Frustrated, Lilith starts walking off on her own. Severus sighs and starts to lead Draco back, the both of them understanding her anger. 


~ Author's Note ~ 

Would you guys want the different years to be broken up into their own books? Or would you want it to all be kept in this book? I'm personally ok with either. 

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