Chapter 15: Professor Snape's Daughter

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"Now that the feast is over, it is time for you all to head to your dorms. First years, please follow your house prefects. Hope you guys have enjoyed your first day at Hogwarts!".  

Standing up, Lilith and Draco follow the other first years towards the two Slytherin prefects. Once they were all rounded up, the prefects started directing them towards the direction of the Slytherin common room in the dungeons, which Draco took notice of.

"Um, is there a reason our common room is in the dungeons?".

"Honestly, we have no idea. Maybe Professor Snape knows but we recommend you try not to dwell on it too much".  

The prefects stop in front of a portrait, which Lilith recognised as Salazar Slytherin.

Turning to the students, one of the prefects, Noah, announces, "This is the entrance to our common room. It can only be opened using a special password. It changes every week so make sure to check the notice board inside for the new password every Sunday. No one else from another house can enter so make sure you are the only ones who know the password".

The other prefect, Isla, turns to the portrait, "Pureblood".

Salazar nods and the portrait starts to slowly swing open, revealing the common room. As they start to file in, Salazar smiles at each of them.

"Welcome my young snakes".

As Lilith and Draco pass the portrait, Salazar remarks, "Ah. You must be the famous young Snape. Severus told me you'd be coming. I've been excited to meet you".

Lilith's eyes widened, "Really? It's such an honour to meet you, sir".

"Thank you little one. Now off you go, welcome to Slytherin".

Laughing quietly, her and Draco catch up to the group. Just as they do, a door on the other side of the common room opens. When Lilith sees who walked out, she smiles widely and starts running towards them.


Opening his arms, Severus laughs, "Hello baby".

As they give each other a big hug, the other first years and some of the older students that were already in the common room look shocked at the pair. Especially for the older students, they have never seen their professor smile like that before.

Releasing from the hug, Severus turns and walks towards the first years.

"Good evening. I am Professor Snape. I am the head of Slytherin and the potions professor. As most of you have probably figured out, yes, Lilith here is my daughter. This means I will have a certain bias towards her, so if you have a problem with that, too bad. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to come see me. Just go through the door you saw me come through and it will lead you to my personal quarters. You can always go to one of the prefects and if needed they should know where I am. Now you all should be heading to your dorms. Girls on my left, and boys on my right. Please refrain from crossing dorms. Your names will be on the doors. Have a good night". 

The first years start to disperse and towards their respective sides, as well as the older students there as well. Lilith and Draco decided to stay back a little to talk to Severus. He turns to the two, smiling.

"I'm so glad you two are in Slytherin. I sent a letter to your father, Draco, but I'm certain he'd be very proud of you".

"Thank you Uncle Sev".

"And you can tell your grandfather yourself if you like, Lilith".

"I will, daddy. Um, can I tell you something the sorting hat told me?".

"Of course, baby". 

"It told me that I would fit well in all of the houses, but knew I had a preference".

"That makes sense. The hat does tend to take your choice into consideration. But it is interesting that you'd fit in any of the four".

Draco interjects, "Maybe it has something to do with her immense power. Ollivander did say that she has a pretty strong core".

"That's true. Maybe something else to mention to your grandfather. Now, you two should be heading-".

Severus stops as he feels something moving around in his pocket, followed by a little mew.

"Oh right. That reminds me. Here you go, baby". 

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black cat. Lilith gasps and reaches out for the cat, which Severus carefully hands to her as it seems like the cat was sleeping.

"Thanks so much for looking after him, daddy". She gives the cat a little kiss on the forehead, "Hi Midnight. I missed you bubba".

Draco and Severus smile at the little interaction.

"Come on you two. Time for bed".  

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