Chapter 51: Voices in the Wall

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Lilith had quite a bit of trouble sleeping that night. The guilt from having multiple of her close friends get hurt in such a short amount of time weighed on her heavily. She cast a silencing charm on herself and stayed up that night talking with her grandfather through the mirror, who was more than happy to help her out even at such a late hour. 

"It's alright, sweetheart. I understand your frustration at everything".

She sniffles, stopping herself from crying, "I just can't help but feel so guilty for what happened to Daph and even to the boys".  

Tom nods, "I know Lil, but you can't blame yourself for any of that. You couldn't control that the boys got affected by a potion or that Daphne got petrified. There's no way you would be able to predict this would happen".

She nods, "I know, but still. I can't shake the feeling that I'm missing something".

"I get that. What has your father said?".  

"The potion is all out of the boys' system now, and Daph seems stable. He was also telling me and Draco how you told him that the basilisk would most likely be in The Chamber".

"That's right. Based on what we know about Salazar, it would make the most sense that he would want to guard his secret chamber with a basilisk". 

"Do you know a way to get down there?".

He thinks, "You know? I think there is".  

The next morning, Lilith went down to her father's room with Draco and explained the plan that Tom had suggested. That weekend, instead of going to Hogsmede, they were going to go down to The Chamber of Secrets and find the basilisk that is living down there.

A couple days later, Lilith was walking with Crabbe and Goyle towards the Quidditch pitch to watch Draco's afternoon practice match. She was listening to the boys complain about some of the Gryffindors when she heard something that made her abruptly stop in her place.

The boys ask, "Lilith? You ok?".

"Shh. Hold on".  

She strains her ears and picks up something from behind the walls. She slowly walks up and puts her ear closer.

She whispers, "I hear something moving in the walls".

The boys walk up, "What is it?".

"I'm not sure".  

A hiss comes from within the wall, "Young one".

She screams and jumps back, the boys immediately grab her and pull her into a hug. She breathes heavily, staring at the wall, not wanting to move from the hug.

They ask with concern, "What happened?".  

She shakes her head, "I...I don't know. I heard a-a voice". She turns to them, "But it was in parseltongue".

Their eyes widened, "Are you sure?".

She nods, "Very. Alright. I need to find daddy so you two can go and wait for Draco at the practice pitch. I'll try to find you guys after".

Crabbe nods, "We'll meet you in the common room?".

She nods and the three go their respective ways. She makes her way towards the potion lab where she knows Severus was about to finish a class. She seemed quite out of it to people who walked past her. She didn't know exactly what she heard speak to her, but she has a theory.

There aren't many things in the wizarding world that communicate using parseltongue.  

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